Slow dancing in a burning room

I fell asleep holding Jax, I woke up with Jackson staring at me. He doesn't have that angry look anymore but he's not talking much with me. He just told me Lucas is waiting for me and left me alone in the room.

The way he treated me today just show me he'll never forgive me, I wish it should be enough to make me stop thinking about him.

A lay Jax in his crib, I smile remembering his attempt to call me earlier, my baby boy is growing up. It doesn't matter how I feel about his father, I just decide I'm not letting anything take me away from him.

"I'll always be here for you, baby. Sleep well, love."

I meet Lucas in the living room.

"I'm ready to leave."

"Good, I was just waiting for you."

I follow Lucas to his car, we both stay silent for a while. After a long moment, I decide to break the awkward situation.

"You got everything you need?"

"Yes, we're too close to get Pierre."


"I think Jackson doesn't trust you."

"You think?"

I glance at Lucas unimpressed.

"He questioned me about our relationship, he thinks it could affect my judgment on this case."

(I can't believe it, that's the reason he was so rude?)

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, this is not his business. You may look like your sister but you're not his wife."

"He's not wrong."

Lucas glances at me then looks back to the road again.

"I mean, we should keep this on hold till the case is done."

"You don't believe I can be professional and know you better at the same time?"

Lucas seems tense, but he's trying to sound casual.

"I trust you but I'm going through a lot right now."

"Yeh, I know. Don't worry"

Thankfully we are in front of my house, I wouldn't know what else should I tell him. I place a hand on his arm.

"Thank you, Lucas."

He leans closer to me and places a kiss on my forehead. I free my seatbelt and leave.


I wake up the next morning and leave early to the office, I need to make sure everything is ready for the meeting with Pierre.

(That bastard gonna pay for trying to steal from me.)

When I arrive at the office Hanna is already waiting, she was never here so early. She doesn't even need to be here actually.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, handsome."

Hanna walks to me with a big smile, she hands me a cup of coffee and sits down on my table very close to me.

"So, how are you going?"

"Have been better."

"I can imagine..."

She starts to stroke my hand, then she takes my hand on hers resting it together on her thigh.

"I always told you Amanda was not good for you."

I take my hand back from her.

"Hanna, this is not the best time to talk about her. I have a lot to do here, I just want to have a quiet day."

"Of course, I'm sorry Jax. I don't want to talk about her either, I'm glad she's finally out of our lives."

Hanna bends over to kiss me, she's a beautiful woman. But right now the last thing I want is to get involved with her.

I grab her shoulders and push her away gently.


"Yeah...It's ok baby, don't worry"

"Hanna, stop."

I keep her away from me. Hanna look at me confused.

"I'm sorry, this is not a good idea."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"This is not the best time."

"Oh, ok... I... I should leave."

I leave her shoulders and Hanna gets away from my office.

I lean down to my chair and take a deep breath.


My mind goes to Candice for some reason, not Amanda but Candice.

I decide to leave the office earlier, I couldn't concentrate all morning. I think about the upcoming meeting with Pierre and the situation with Candice. I don't know why I still think about her.

When I get home I hear Jax's voice, I'm still getting used to hearing my boy trying his first words. Even if his first word was "mom", I'm still happy to see him growing up.

I come to the door and get surprised when I see is not Josie with him, now is not so difficult to recognize Candice since Amanda is pregnant.

I stop by the door, I don't know if I want to talk with her but I don't want to disturb them either. Jax is having a lot of fun.

For a moment I let my mind wonder how would it be if that night instead of Amanda I had met Candice.

I don't want to go there right now, I leave to my bedroom before they can notice me.


In the morning I decided to see Jax, I know Jackson is probably at work. I don't think I'll have any problem if I leave before he comes back.

"I'm so glad you came, Jax can't stop asking for mommy. I bet Jackson is not happy his first words are not for him."

I laugh with Josie, we walk together to Jax's bedroom. He's still sleeping, when I lean down closer to him and run a hand on his cheek, the baby blinks a few times before he fully wakes up.

We spend all the morning together, is so nice to see him growing up so fast.

I could spend all my day like this but unfortunately a want to leave before his father gets back from work.

He's so smart, I'm glad I had the chance to spend some time with him after everything that happened even so I still feel bad for he's not spending this time with his parents.

Later I'm getting ready for the stakeholders' dinner, I'm going with Jackson. The plan is to try to get closer to Pierre again. He stopped talking with Amanda, this will not be easy. This time I need to look more like Amanda than ever.

I look myself in the mirror, it's scary how much I look like her now, I know most people would say we look alike all the time, but to me, there's a lot more.

"I'm ready."

I meet Lucas and Jackson in the living room.

"I have to say again, you're the better version."

I smile at Lucas, then I glance at Jackson. He doesn't say anything, he's just staring at me, maybe he's thinking about Amanda.

"You look..."

"I look like her, I know."

"It was not what I was about to say..."

Jax shook his head, he open his mouth again then shut it.

"Are you ok doing this, Candice?"

Lucas reaches my hand and squeezes it.

"I'll be fine."

I take back my hand from him. Jax clears his throat.

"We should leave now, I don't want to get late."

Jackson has that expression on his face again, I don't know exactly what is this about. But I know what comes next, he'll be rude and cold for no reason.

"Lead the way."

"Call me later."

Lucas shoots me a reassuring smile I just nod to him, I know he cares about me but I don't want to make things worse tonight.

We arrive at the tennis club, the place is already full of people. Jackson takes my hand to help me step out of the car, the contact sends a warm wave all over my body. I put my arm on him and we walk together inside the hall.

We find our table, I still couldn't see Pierre anywhere. Jackson is talking with the other people sitting at our table but I can barely pay attention.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit late."

Her voice makes me wake up from my thoughts, Hanna ignores me, giving a kiss on Jackson's cheek, it could be a harmless greeting if she didn't make it too long and almost grind her breasts on his face.

"What is she doing here?"

"Hanna we don't need a scene here."

"After all she did, I can't believe you still trust her. She's just like her sister."

The other people on the table stay silent, they can't understand what's going on.

"You better watch the way you talk with me."

"Ha! Look around dear, your place is not here..."

"Hana! It's enough!"

Hanna looks at Jackson surprised, but she doesn't answer anymore.

Jackson turns to me and lowers his voice.

"Are you ok?"

"Excuse me, everyone..."

I just stand up and leave, I need to take a break. I have to remember why I'm doing this, why am I helping them if they don't even want me here.


"Hanna this is not the time, see what you did?"

"You can't be serious, that woman..."

I don't want to hear what she has to say I need to find Candice. She's important to the plan we can't afford to lose her now.

I get out from the table and walk around the place looking for Candice, I spot on the bar.

While I cross the room to meet her I can't ignore how beautiful she looks tonight.

She's always naturally beautiful but tonight every man in the room can't stop looking at her.

I see David Knowles approaching Candice, I notice her surprise. She probably won't know the name of one of my golf friends. I need to save her.

"David! I'm glad you came."

When I put my arm around her waist Candice visibly relaxed and smile at the man accepting his handshake.

"Pleasure to see you too, David."

"It's always a pleasure to meet my favorite power couple."

Just the proximity to Candice makes my heart race, I never felt this way about Amanda. I know the touch affects her too, my hand is resting dangerously low on her back while I try to pay attention to David.

"Man, you missed the game last weekend. The day was perfect."

"I've been busy."

David talks non stop but we need to get focused on making sure to get Pierre's attention whenever he arrives.

"It was nice to see you David but you'll have to excuse me, I'm taking my wife to the dance floor."

"Oh sure, have fun. See you next weekend."

I take Candice away, while we walk through the room towards the dance floor the only thing I can think of is I don't want her to be alone with Pierre.



"Move your hand, please."

Candice speaks only to my ears, she's probably still upset about what happened back at the table but for some reason, I can't keep my hands away from her.

We move together to slow music, I move my hand slowly up to her back, we're so close. Every touch, her scent, her eyes, she's making me crazy.

"I guess this is the way we need to act If we want people to believe we're a married couple."

"Everyone here knows you're married to Amanda, there's no need to show off."

"I'm sorry about Hanna..."

Candice doesn't answer, she just looks away. I low my head to speak with her without rise suspicion we're having problems.

"I know you don't want to be here, but I think it will end soon. Just play along."

My lips brush the skin on her neck, her breath gets worked.

"Don't worry, I already know how it works."

She smiles at me but it doesn't touch her eyes, still, her smile takes my breath away. I look down to her lips, it's like I'm dragged to her. When I'm just a few inches from her lips Candice turns around leaving me alone on the dance floor.


I walk around the garden for a while trying to calm down.

"What are you doing here?"

(Great... seems like anyone wants me here.)

I look around to find Pierre standing behind me.

"Where else should I be if not with my husband?"

Pierre scoffs like I said some joke.

"When did you start to care about your husband?"

"Since you betrayed me and left me behind."

"How long before you get bored of him again and come running for me?"

"You only wanted me when you needed me. After everything, I did for you..."

"Everything you did? I had to do all the job, the information you gave me was almost useless."

"Well... then I'll choose the guy with the money and who knows how to treat a woman."

Pierre gets closer to me, he runs a hand through my arm.

"Soon I'll have the money, should I remind you how a woman like you should be treated?"

I feel sick but I can't leave now, I have to let him keep talking.

"You only want me back because you need me again."

"That's not true, I mean... I need your help but that's not all I want from you."

I take a step ahead, that's my chance to make him tell me what's his next move.

"Tell me what do you need."

"There's any chance we talk somewhere more private?"

"Pierre! Good to see you here."

Pierre get away from me, he turn to Jackson behind us like nothing was happening.

"Good to see you too, I just had a chance to talk again with your beautiful wife again."

"Nice, do you mind if I join you?"

"I'm sorry but I was leaving."

Pierre takes my hand and places a kiss on my wrist.

"It was a pleasure to meet you again Mrs. Redgrave."

Pierre leaves us alone in the garden.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

I storm at Jackson, he keeps his impassable gaze.

"I came to look for you, I saw the way he was touching you."

"So what?! That's exactly what I wanted."

"Should I let him take advantage of you?"

"Are you kidding me? It was probably the last chance I had to make him talk, he was about to tell me something before you fücked up everything."

I walk away from Jackson, he follows me and grabs my arm.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home, there's nothing to do here anymore."

I'm not sure where I'm going, I came with Jackson. Maybe I could find a taxi.

"I'm taking you home."

"Don't bother."

"Candice, please. Stop arguing."

I take a moment to consider his offer.


We don't talk all the way back, I'm a bit distracted then I notice we're heading to his place.

"What are we doing here? I said I want to go home."

"I'm sorry I realized I don't know where is your home."

"You could just have asked."

"Anyway, you can stay and leave in the morning."

"No, I'm taking a taxi."


I walk away from the car, trying to keep some distance from Jackson.


I walk inside following Candice, she's mad at me. How can't she understand I was just protecting her?

She sits down and takes her phone, she's probably asking for a taxi or maybe calling Lucas West.

"I told you, you don't need to leave in the middle of the night."

"There's no reason for me to stay here."

I'm trying my best to keep calm but she makes me angry. She always accepts when West offers her help but always refuses when I try.

"What do you want me to do?!"

"Nothing! I want nothing from you.

Do you think I'm enjoying pretending to be someone else?! To put me in danger to help people who despise me?"

My blood is boiling in my veins. She stands up and starts to walk away. I try to stop her, I'm not letting her go, this talk isn't over.

I take her arm, but Candice swings it away from me.

"Don't touch me! Don't dare to touch me!"

I stop, this will not going to work, she looks hurt. I close my eyes for a moment trying to calm down. I try to talk with her again, this time my voice is calm.

"I'm sorry, I know you just want to get this done."

(She's probably doing this only for Lucas, she can't stand being around me anymore. She doesn't even let me touch her.)

"And you don't? You let pretty clear what you think about me."

"Can I make a question?"

She just looks at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You and detective West... are you together?"

Candice scoffs, she laughs but is not from happiness.

"Why do you even care?"

"Just tell me."

Candice doesn't answer, instead, she walks to me pulling me close for a kiss.