Before the storm

I'm sitting on the bed thinking about Amanda. I can't even imagine how she's coping with the loss of her baby.

I got a message from Papa Danny earlier this morning, I think I should come to see him. Maybe he can convince Amanda to stay with him for a while, she needs someone.

Would be also a nice opportunity to introduce him to Jackson. I feel anxious about the idea but I can't hide our relationship forever.

I decide to surprise Jackson at his office for lunch. I want to know if he wants to go with me to visit my grandfather.

I get to his office, I couldn't make it earlier. I'm afraid he already had lunch but I'll pass just to say hi anyway.

I find Matt coming back from his lunch break.


I smile at him.

"How do you know?"

"Amanda wouldn't greet me with such a warm smile."

"Nice point..."

He gives me a short hug.

"Looking for Jax?"

"Yes, he already came back from lunch?"

"Hmm... I think he didn't leave."

"Oh, but it's very late."

"Yeh, when I left he was not very happy."

"I know nothing about it, he was ok the last time I saw him."

I'm not sure if Matt knows we're together, but I prefer to keep things low at Jackson's work.

"He got a long meeting than I heard him shouting on a phone call, but I don't know either."

"Then I shouldn't disturb him."

"I don't know, maybe you're what he need now."

"Are you sure it's a good idea?"

"There's only one way to know."

Matt points to Jackson's door.

"It was nice to see you again Candice."

"You too, Matt."

I knock on the door before I open it carefully.

Jackson rise his eyes to me, his gaze is hard. He looks tired, I think he's not sure who I am, I have to admit it's a bit funny.

"Matt told me you had a tough morning."

I think Jackson is finally sure it's me. His gaze softens and he opens his arms to me.

I walk around his table to hug him, he hides his face on my chest.

"Hey! Happy to see me?"


Jackson just murmurs burying his face deeper on my chest.

"Jax... are you sure this is the best place for this?"

He raises his face to me still holding me on his lap.

"I'm the boss here, I can't see no problem."

"Fair point... but I'm not comfortable with this."

"Then why did you come?"

The words are harsh but his eyes are sad.

"I wanted to surprise for lunch, but I think I got too late."

"I'm not hungry, not of food."

Jax pulls me down to his lap making me feel his hardness.

"Very tempting... but what happened to you this morning? You looked fine when you left home."

He leans back on the huge chair resting his hands on my hips.

Jackson speaks still staring at the ceiling.

"I had a meeting with a lawyer today."

His grip on my hips gets stronger, he's instantly tense again.

"Amanda wants Jax sole custody."

"What? But she never wanted to take care of him."

"Yes, she's only doing this to affect me."

"She went too far."

"I must have known she was talking about this."

"When did you talk with her?"

(I know this will not make things better between us.)

"She went to your house this morning."

His hands drop from my hips.

(Oh no...)

"What did she want?"

"Probably to talk with you."

"I have nothing to talk about with her. I don't want Amanda anywhere near you or our son."

("Our son"? He means his and Amanda's, right?)

"I told her you were not there and I wouldn't talk about your business. She was not happy but eventually left."

"Did she see Jax?"

"No, she didn't even mention him."

Jackson scoffs.

"Of course not, she doesn't care about him, she only wants to take him away from me."

"Also, she lost the baby she was carrying."

He's silent looking at me, probably trying to see how I feel about this.

"I feel sorry for her, but I won't let Amanda take Jax away from me."

"I was planning to cheer you up but I think I'm just making it worse."

"No, I'm sorry. This is not your fault."

"Are you sure you don't want to have lunch with me?"

He runs his hand on my face.

"I don't think I'd be a good company today."

I pout playfully, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh no... don't make this face to me."

I pretend I'm leaving him, but he holds me tight making me drop on his lap again.

"You don't want to have lunch with me, then let me go."

Jackson starts to place kisses all around my neck giving me tickles.

"Jax, stop..."

I try to keep my voice low when a knock on the door makes me jump, but I can't stand up because Jax is holding me down on his lap.

After a second knock, Matt opens the door.

"Excuse me... I'm sorry I didn't want to interrupt..."

"Are you for real? What could so important Matt?"

I'm blushing hard, I'd love to hide under this table but Jax is still holding me while he talks with Matt.

"I said I'm sorry, ok! You were so angry when I left for lunch, I didn't have the chance to talk with you..."

"You're babbling Matt..."

"... I thought would be easier to talk with you now that Candice is here.

Less chance you kill me in front of her."

"Hey! Are you using me?"

I pretend to be insulted.

"Can you blame me? You have some effect on him."

"He's right..."

Jackson agrees and I can't help but giggle a little. I almost forgot I'm still on his lap.

"Go on, tell me."

"The last reports are ready, I sent to you."

"I see... Thanks."

"You saw that?"

Matt speaks pointing to Jax.

"He's not shouting, not throwing anything... you should visit every day."

"Don't push your luck, Matt..."

"Ok ok... I got it. I'm leaving."

When Matt leaves, Jax turns my face to him.

"So... where were we?"