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"Rissa! Duck!"

Sonya immediately killed the Souwling that had just been about to take Rissa's head with a swing of it's sword. Rissa was not thinking straight at this moment and if Sonya had not been here today Rissa would have been dead.

Rissa was of course a good fighter but she was so distracted by her rage and hate towards Henry today that she was not fighting with her head but her emotions.

Sonya also had her own hand full with fighting the Souwlings on her side of the ally that she was using all the supernatural speed she had just to keep Rissa safe and to also fight her own. She didn't want the Souwlings Rissa was fighting to mix with the ones she was fighting because then they would both be outnumbered.

In a few moments she was done with the Souwlings on her side and went to assist Rissa. With them working together they quickly finished off the demons.

However, Rissa was not satisfied. She looked up towards the sky and started doing something so stupid and daring that not even Sonya, who was the daredevil of the group would do. She started taunting the one who had sent the demons to this ally. She started taunting Ashananinka, the mother of all evils.

"Is this all you got! I heard you had more guts than this but I guess those are all just lies ha!"

It was a surprise that the cops had not come yet cos Rissa's shouting was louder than the fight that just took place between them and the demons.

"Rissa, calm down."

Rissa did not listen. "If you can't come yourself and kill me why don't you send someone stronger than these useless creatures!"

Sonya was about to tell her to not jinx herself like that when someone else beat her to it. "Be careful what you wish for, it might just happen."

They both looked deeper into the ally where there was no light whatsoever. They could not see the being there well but they could only see the outline of this person. he was definitely male.

His voice had been deep yet a tad bit sweet that Rissa was silent for a bit hoping he would speak again but she then remembered why they where in this current predicament and her sight was once again red in rage.

"Who are you?"

"I am Jax Khan."

Both girls laughed at the name, it was not weird but there was just something off about that name. The stranger finally stepped out of the shadows. And they both stopped laughing instantly.

He was handsome. Like Aden, he had the face of a model and the body of a boxer.

Sonya was not that attracted to him because that asshole Christopher had already stolen her heart without even realizing it. That was why she was always at the club. She did not want him to get taken by any other woman cos he was hers and she would kill any other person who tried to take him away from her.

Rissa on the other hand was completely surprised at his handsomeness. She did not think she would want anyone else after what Henry just did to her but she somehow found herself wanting this one.

But before her thoughts could run wild an image of Henry with that whore once again invaded her mind and she was angry yet again. Sonya looked him over for a few seconds and finally came to a conclusion.

"You are human."

He gave a slight bow that was probably meant to annoy them. "Yes mam."

"And you really think you can kill us?"

"I know I just found out about all this supernatural mambo jumbo a few hours ago but you have to give me a little credit right. I still haven't cracked down under pressure."

Rissa took her battle position with her Damascus katanas and looked dead straight at him. "You are about to crack down under something else that's for sure."

He smiled. "You promise."

Before Rissa could attack Sonya shot her arm out and stopped her.

"We can't kill him remember."

Rissa groaned at that. As they had joined the Ghost rank of the Wild Hunt they could not kill or harm humans unless the human in question had attacked them first.

As if he knew what they where thinking Jax threw a small blade that Sonya caught before it could gouge out her eyes. "Does that count as attacking first?"


Jax had made sure to get as much information about his targets before g\taking on this assignment. Normally he would only need a location and method in which he was required to take out his victims but after finding out that he was going after a family of super naturals he had demanded Chan to give him everything he had on them.

"Do you really think you can take us?"

"I don't know. Do you really think you can take me on in a fair fight?"

Sonya was about to cover Rissa's lips before she could fall into the strangers trap but Rissa was already far ahead down that path. " You are on."

Sonya cursed in her mind. Because they where members of the Wild Hunt they all followed a sort of honor code that temporarily took their powers away if they say it in order to do battle. By agreeing to his terms, Rissa just took both their powers away.

Not that they needed them because Sonya was confident they could take down the human but she had wanted them in order to incapacitate him but now they had no choice but to kill him.

Sonya and Rissa both took their battle positions and the stranger just unsheathed his green blade. It was beautiful and had weird symbols.

Rissa suddenly attacked without indication and Sonya had no choice but to fall in behind her.

Jax ducked and tripped the red head and blocked a strike from the other girl. The three of them fought for a few minutes and it seemed like the girls where getting the upper hand but Jax was actually using that time to study them.

They where both good fighters and under any other conditions he would have befriended them but he had a mission to complete. The red head was good but she was fighting with anger and he did not know what had caused it but he knew that it was going to cost her.

The girl with the jet black hair was fighting with a sword but she was talented and direct. If not for trying to protect the red head she would have been a noticeable opponent. Overall he had to applaud them for their team work but even then he knew something was missing but he just could not figure out what it was.

After evaluating them he decided to retake the upper hand again.

He caught the wrist of the one with black hair and used her sword to block the red heads swing then he stabbed her in the throat. He watched as she went tumbling down to the ground. The red head came at him with both her swords but Jax used the speed that had taken years to acquire and moved to the right, caught her hand then slashed her wrist. She winced then her finished her off by deeply slashing at her gut. She fell to the ground.

Jax took a deep breath to steady his body and bring it back to normal but then stooped before he could fully relax. When he heard that sound behind him he realized what had been missing from their attacks. It had been a third person.

He turned and caught the throwing knife inches from his left eye.

A girl stepped out from the shadows with sword in hand. Hers was thinner and probably lighter than the dead girl's had been. He recognized her from the file Chan had given him. "Took you long enough."

He saw the girls he had just killed stand up and move to stand beside the third one.

"And that is not all, I brought help."

Before he could attack them he heard another sound from behind him. This time he had no time to turn, he immediately dived and barely got out of the way before the position he had been standing on was struck by a ball of fire. He looked into the shadows and saw another ball of fire floating. Some one stepped out of those shadows and Jax was shocked to his core. The person with a ball of fire floating over their wrist, with a huge sword in their right hand was the only person that could actually match him in battle and that was before he went and got these powers from hell knows where.

The person in front of him was Aden, his one true foe.

"Long time no see, Jax."