Chapter 12: A new pet

After getting through most of the guides it was about 11:00 p.m. I didn't really feel like sleeping much but I had school tomorrow, so I went to sleep. I dreamed about my classmates applauding me as a reached 1st on the leaderboard. Even the teachers were happy and congratulating me, and then there was her... The girl of my dreams feels too good to be true, as she should it is a dream. But one day, some day I will meet someone like her and fall in love with her.

I finally awoke from that beautiful dream to remember that today was the beginning of a new semester. I could finally get out of my crappy classes and meet someone new. Let's see... I pulled out my phone and checked to see what my new schedule was. It says on here that my first period is history, second is engineering again. See here's the thing I don't hate engineering but I just don't have the passion for it. I mean it's fine I guess because me and the teacher are basically homies.

Okay moving onto third period, looks like I have business. The timing couldn't be better, I needed business advice for the future. You know I will have to invest the money I obtain after hours of grinding on the game. The last period was a class that I didn't give a shit about because it didn't matter. I chose to skip that class. I ate some breakfast, the usual some eggs and a bagel with cream cheese. Man it felt so good to eat this kind of food again.

Right after eating breakfast I packed up all my belongings and off I was to school yet again. But this time I asked my mom to drive me because I wasn't confident that I could hold myself back. I'm telling you, these kids on the damn bus are like kindergarteners on crack. They screamed all the time and really annoyed the hell out of me, you know about the time I beat that kid up. We finally arrived at the school building once again.

I had to go to the office to check in with them about my suspension, they hollered about how it wasn't good to do what I did. Honestly I could care less, I nodded and left after the long conversation. As soon as I stepped into first period everyone was staring at me. I didn't really care much and sat down at my usual seat. As I sat down and got a little comfortable they all mobbed me with questions. I told them to calm down and back off for a second, apparently they didn't expect me to fight someone.

They all asked about who started it and if I got hurt at all. The only person who couldn't approach me at the time was that girl... Remember the girl I tried to defend and talked to a lot. She was sitting at her seat with hear head on her desk, she looked kinda sad. One kid whispered something in my ear but I couldn't tell who it was. He said, "Do you like her or something?" "You know that her boyfriend cheated on her not too long ago?" I looked around for the person who said that, but I couldn't find them. It was as if he-- disappeared...

I guess we've both had our fair share of bad luck these past few days. I just couldn't face her right now, I will eventually confess to her but right now- now is not the right time. BUT mark my words I will make that bastard pay for making her like that. Throughout the rest of my school day all I could think about was that girl... Oh yeah by the way her name is Emilia.

The day was finally over, the final bell rung and it was time to ride on that bus again. I guess it's fine now because I have other plans waiting for me after school. I'll probably just ignore those kids and look up the chances for this mysterious egg. Usually, when people obtain something like this they share information on it. So hopefully there is something in the rates that could be very useful for the near future.

It took me quite a while to find something on it, but the chances weren't too bad. From what I can tell normal pets are the highest chance while a mythical beast is 1%. It would be really cool to get a mythical beast as a pet but its alright if I get even an epic. I'm not that kind of greedy person who wants the best out of everything. In life you don't get everything you want even if you have the craziest luck.

Either way my stop was next, I had to grab my bag or else I'd leave it there. I thanked the bus driver as usual and walked the rest of the way back home. I'm pretty sure that my mom told me she wouldn't be home until 8 P.M. today. This meant that I had about four hours to do the trade in game. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and emailed the guy to meet me back at the guild hall. Of course I had to go in disguise because people might start trying to kill me.

When I got home I hopped right on to the game, and just like before I was teleported into it. The game transported me to the guild hall conveniently and I waited for this mysterious person to show up. About 30 minutes passed and then finally I saw somebody looking around for someone. I walked up to them and asked them if they were looking for someone. They responded with, "yeah I set up a trade with someone today, I forgot to ask about how their avatar looked." This voice... It sounded so familiar to me, it had been so long since I heard this soft and gentle voice...