Dragon Lords

"As a dragon lord I am effectively everything a dragon is... But heightened." I explained before chuckling and exhaling light, the area just beyond my mouth beginning to glow quite brilliantly. At the same time, my hands began to glow with foul necromantic energy.

"In my case, I am an eightfold dragon lord with the raw power of a mythic wyrm aspect. That means that I am attuned to all eight types of draconic elements, fire, water, earth, air, poison, storm, light, and darkness." I revealed while smiling as I studied my hand. The necromantic aura that it exuded was due to my dual attunement to the elements of darkness and poison.

While my hand was wrapped in the potent necromantic aura which surrounded it I was able to deal truly massive damage to creatures or things that ignored conventional defenses, even if I utilized this power while wielding a gun or some other ranged weapon so long as I was stronger than whatever I was attacking. Archdemons possessed a similar ability but one that was powered by hellfire instead and was also less capable of cutting through absolutely any defense though it tended to be more useful for cutting down regular things since hellfire could spread.

"The raw, invincible power of a dragon lord at their peak is mine. I admit that their powers aren't quite as wholly diverse as the powers of a god, or a sanguinarch, but their scale is... breathtaking." I explained, with a bright and joyous smile on my face.

The fact of the matter was that while a dragon lord didn't have the creative powers of a sanguinarch, in a one-on-one fight between a sanguinarch and a dragon lord of relatively even I'd often bet on the dragon lord coming out on top. Fortunately, as a manifold ascendant being, I didn't need to pick one powerset or the other.

"I could change the weather on the other side of the planet, and even roar so tremendously that it defied the laws of physics and is heard around the planet or even in other worlds in the same galaxy I roared in!" I exclaimed as I envisioned unleashing a sonic attack on the scale of multiple worlds. This caused the eyes of the women I had as my companions to widen. Despite learning about the phenomenal scale of my powers for the first time, Rebeza was able to swiftly recover and ask me about another important topic.

"So wait... How do dragon lords increase in power?" She asked me, wanting to learn more about one of the two kinds of ascendant beings I was that she wasn't, since as a "Dark Bride" she could be considered a sort of mini-sanguinarch.

"Well there are numerous ways, but a dragon lord's greatest font of power is their hoard. We can grow in power by taking time to build up vast hoards, filling them with treasure and artifacts, and by storing them in ornate vaults." I explained, even as I felt the power of my hoard surging into me. Ever since I had become a dragon lord I had quietly felt my immense wealth sending a steady trickle of power into me.

"Artifacts and treasure are the two most plentiful fonts of power a dragon lord could possess, while vaults are both a mighty amplifier of the potent power treasures and artifacts transmit to us as well as themselves a font of power. I plan to acquire countless vaults in the near future and use them to amplify my draconic might even further." I revealed while utilizing my powers to create clones of Manuel, "The Merchant", in other countries and ordering them to see to it that I become the owner of various mines which I could transform into vaults to hoard wealth.

"Artifacts and treasure amplifying your might mean you'd make a powerful archdemon of greed as well." Titania exclaimed, with a bright smile on her face. I nodded at her, and smiled, as we drew closer and closer to my next destination. Off in the distance, I began to become able to see it, an older prison not far from the part of the city on the other end of where the nunnery was located. This time I planned to have a bit more fun spreading my nefarious influence, even while my clone in the nunnery continued to do the work needed to develop a benevolent cult.


The ascensions that I had undergone last night were only four of the five possible ascensions for me to undergo. While I didn't intend to explain this to my servants and worshipers when I had attempted to become a transynth, the rarest of the ascended beings, I was informed that I was lacking a prerequisite to be able to do that; the "Almighty Sciences" mode of transcendence. That was disappointing, to be sure, but it also filled me with a bit of excitement. Knowing that there were heights that remained beyond me motivated me to continue to focus on my growth.

Transynths were mechanical or digital beings who had ascended past the mundane limits faced by machinery and technology. I planned to become one in time, even though I didn't have the faintest idea of how to go about acquiring that particular method of transcendence. It was one of the stranger ones, like "The One", that was going to require me to conduct research that was simply not available on Earth.

One day I was going to gain their potent abilities as readily as I had gained the incredible powers of the four other kinds of ascendant beings. I was determined to become even greater than I was at the moment and to become the first true manifold ascendant being in this multiverse, if not the entire omniverse.

Nevertheless, for now, I was determined to continue to steadily extend my influence across the world. And in order to do that in the way that I wanted to, I was going to be subtle and stealthy. So even as the car I was in sped across my home city, I steadily utilized my powers to potent effect.


My abilities, almost invariably, had range limitations that were so vast that they allowed me to target people in other universes if I had truly wanted to do so. Thankfully, for now anyway, my focus was on extending my powers and my influence to areas in the western hemisphere and now extending my shadowy tendrils into foreign empires.

While the car continued its journey to one of the oldest prisons in the area, my mind journeyed in a way that was both inward and outward. My senses ceased to be focused on the purely physical stimuli around me and began to focus on more esoteric things, like thought and magical energy. Doing this allowed me to focus on the vast litany of abilities I possessed, several of which were various incredibly potent psychic abilities.

I activated one such power, the power known as "Multisense", and by doing so created astral bodies which began to dash away from my physical body. I did this so that I could extend my senses across the entirety of the Americas, and bestow upon myself a sort of omnipresence that I'd only otherwise be able to gain if I utilized one of my vastly potent Living God powers known as "Presence".

By using "Presence" I could directly take control of an entire galaxy at once with supreme ease. It was an incredibly potent but also eerie power that I wasn't sure how I felt about just yet. With it, I'd gain the power to fully possess someone and indeed could possess a truly vast number of people and objects utterly. That wasn't what I wanted to do at the moment. Rather than doing that I only wanted to extend my senses across the Americas, from Greenland all the way down to Argentina and Chile.

I felt my mind's capacity to receive and process sensory stimuli increasing as the thousands of astral bodies I had created raced out of me in every direction. This was causing a forced, potent evolution of my mind and as my mind expanded I felt my own intellect expanding to match it as well. The mental "theaters" in my mind's eye began to explode in number as each of the astral bodies I was projected raced at the speed of light out of my body and into the various destinations they were tasked with observing.

This remarkable process filled me with a vast appreciation of some of my other powers, such as "Eternal Ascension" which was the power that enabled my mind to adapt so thoroughly to my powers. Thanks to my nature as an eternally improving and evolving being I was able to refuse to be overwhelmed and speedily power through evolutionary processes which strengthened my mind and my soul and allowed me to maximize the potent powers at my disposal.

I hadn't spent the time I had possessed "Power Architect" to be filled with me solely gaining ascendant powers, instead I had been giving myself powers from a number of sources. Several of the powers I had given myself were psychic abilities such as "Multisense" and other world-scale psychic abilities which I was now going to be able to use on truly vast scales. The time was rapidly coming for me to actually fully unleash my powers, especially since I was doing things that I knew would allow me to begin to claim more and more of Earth as my territory.

Mere seconds after more and more of my astral bodies reached their destinations and I began to see be able to see the hundreds of millions of humans who lived throughout the Americas I utilized my vastly powerful psychometry to be able to learn about the histories of those I could see. In doing that I unintentionally created millions of more mental theaters for me to peer into which showed me the lives of those I was observing, from their births to their most recent moments. I was spared no detail as far as learning about the humans I was watching went.

I learned their every thought, every memory no matter how secretive or repressed, their every secret, their every skill and ability. It didn't matter if they were secretive archmages living in small communities they secretly lorded over, or if they were billionaires who paid for every security measure known to man. No thought, no matter how minute, and no action, no matter how minor, escaped the notice of my all-encompassing psychometric powers.

I was able to use these power to swiftly learn life's stories of the people on whom I was spying better than they themselves knew them. These were incredibly handy powers since I wasn't fond of using my darker powers on innocent people, but there were plenty of non-innocent people for whom I felt little to no sympathy and with my powers I was able to determine who was who and which people deserved to be protected versus which people deserved to feel the full and keen sting of my powers.

I did not touch innocent people with my darker powers but those who committed egregious crimes against their fellows were not so lucky. For the sake of beginning to exert my influence at a somewhat decent pace, I reached out from cities, states, countries, and even continents away and touched various evil-doers and ne'er-do-wells with the same powers that I used to touch and transform Rachel and Montgomery into my devoted cultists.

I touched a litany of lawbreakers, such as potent business people and drug kingpins, and utilized my power to dominate people on them. As I did I felt the amount of essence that I possessed begin to surge, since dominated people pledge everything to me and thus provide me with vast quantities of essence and none of them possessed the divine willpower and intellect they'd have needed to resist my powers. While doing that I transformed the majority of them into thralls, thus granting them immortality and turning them into ideal food sources for the vampires I was going to create.

I also melded the minds of the various worshipers I had rather forcefully created, creating one potent supermind that incorporated the thoughts of dozens of serial killers, vicious entrepreneurs who were willing to break laws, and even wicked dictators into one sort of ultra consciousness. I felt the supermind begin to wonder how to serve me and chuckled darkly. They were going to be fascinating servants of mine in the days to come since part of their purpose was to be an all-you-can-eat buffet for my vampiric servants, in exchange for their immortality.

Creating vampires was much more difficult for me to do than deciding who to dominate and turn into thralls had been. In order for me to select who to transform into vampires, and vampires were essential if I sought to expand my territory and turn parts of Earth into my dominion, I needed to peer into the future utilizing "Casualty". As I did that even more mental theaters opened up in my mind's eye allowing me to shift through the futures I'd be creating by transforming anyone from the victims of my new thralls to their spouses into vampires for the sake of essence extraction.

As I studied the futures I'd be creating by opting to transform strangers partway across the world into my vampiric spawn I began to smile widely. The futures were all filled with exciting adventures for me, no matter what I chose to do.

As the car I was in reached the prison I was heading towards I began to transform strangers in various parts of the Americas into my vampiric spawn. Over the course of a few seconds thousands of people were transformed into unbelievably powerful vampires, and were blessed with knowledge regarding my identity, as well as their first orders. And in doing this I was setting in motion events that would forever change Earth's history, by effectively taking out thousands of vicious criminals of all sorts, including people who had previously been destined to never be caught by law enforcement.