Night-time Escapades (part 2)

She was frantic when she spoke and internally I was already laughing at this ridiculous situation but somehow I externally managed to keep myself in control.

"Babe?", She questioned, "what are you doing here?".

She looked just about ready to throw me out. Well considering that I was not supposed to be here.

Without giving an answer I discarded the black leather jacket I was wearing right away allowing the fitted black T-shirt underneath to effectively draw her complete attention.

"I missed you", I reasoned, pouting slightly, "and I wanted to wish my baby good luck tonight".

Just like that she had that 'awed' look in her eyes, completely forgetting that she was about to argue with me only mere seconds ago for just showing up at her event unannounced.

She smiled, "You could've just called though", she countered absentmindedly as her eyes observed every detail of my body except my eyes.

Slowly, I began stalking over towards where she stood.

"I could've", I admitted from where I stood right in front of her, "but then I couldn't have done this".

My hands reached out firmly gripping her hips, pulling her body flush against mine, eradicating completely any space that was previously between us. Her hands shot up almost instinctively wrapping around my neck bringing our heads closer to each other. Our noses touched and she peered hopelessly into my blue eyes as if she was already lost.

She was breathing raggedly, so when I brushed my lips teasingly against hers one can only imagine how erratic her breathing became.

"You know what", I whispered breathlessly, "I shouldn't have just shown up here, I should probably just go".

Even before I could attempt to separate our bodies from their caress a desperate "No" escaped her lips, "No, don't you dare leave", Selena basically commanded. When I looked down on her, her eyes were basically piercing into mine.

"Stay?". This time she asked or rather whispered.

My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I took in her features, my grip remained firmly on her slender hips the entire time.

So I asked, "Why should I stay?".

Her response was instantaneous, "Because I want you".

I nodded slightly even though our foreheads were pressed against each other.

"Okay", I agreed only now taking notice of the short silky robe she was wearing.

She shook her head, "I don't think you understand babe. I want You".

The look of raw lust and passion said it all in her eyes. She wanted me and I wasn't gonna make her ask twice.

Our lips crashed together in a fervor encompassed with passion and need. My grip on her hips loosened a bit as my hands travelled slowly to her derriere massaging and caressing every ounce of skin until they gripped the back of her thighs lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around my torso.

Her hands roamed through my hair pulling slightly causing me to moan against her mouth. She smiled against my lips and I then became aware that she was wearing nothing underneath that robe she had on.

My mouth left hers but left a trail of hot wet kisses from the corner of her lips to her cheeks, then neck and settled on her shoulder blade. This time, she moaned against my ears. I drew the tip of my nose against her skin before dragging my lips back to hers in a deeper kiss than before.

"Blake", she muttered between kisses, "Clothes. Off. Now".

I pulled my face away from hers long enough to display my signature smirk, "Yes ma'am".


"Christ!", Alana whisper- cursed from up ahead as she stomped towards me.

"What?", I asked defensively. All she did was shake her head at me in that way she does that almost made me feel guilty and ashamed

Keyword: Almost

She raised a brow accusingly at me, "You know we don't get paid extra when you sleep with the targets right?".

If I hadn't smirked at her observation then my name wasn't Blake Bennett, "I know".

Simultaneously she scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes, "Come on Blake", Alana gripped my elbow dragging me alongside her, "let's just get this night over with".

"Listen up Lana", I teased, "you're my best friend, and as such that technically means you should be my wing woman".

She snorted and said, "I'd rather not", I shook my head slightly as she let go of my elbow.

"Pull up your zipper", she reprimanded "and you might wanna do something about your sex hair".

I started laughing as I pulled up my zipper and ran my hand through my hair. That was before I noticed Alana's stare of disdain directed at me. I stopped smiling.

She shook her head and I barely heard when she muttered, "Disappointing".

My eyes narrowed infinitesimally at her as she walked away, "Not as disappointing as your love life", I muttered under my breath. I never meant for her to hear that, but she did and one can only imagine how that worked out.

I followed behind her a moment later, taking a seat beside Alana in the enormous room where the event was taking place. The entire place was decorated with perfection at every last fine detail.

With this type of setting and the countless number of snobby, rich but beautiful people, Lana and I was sure to fit right in.

We took our seats two rows from the runway. Not long after the lights went off and loud music began to play in the back background. The fashion show began and everything was going according to plan.

This was one of the best cases that I've ever been on in a while. I was surrounded by both beautiful and famous people. My eyes were glued onto the half-naked women that made their way down the runway. That's how I, by a stroke of luck made eye contact with a beautiful blonde who apparently, was the star of the show. She was the same girl from the bar and I probably wouldn't have remembered her name if I hadn't overheard people all around me whispering.

"Is that Natasha Valencia".

"It's Natasha the star of the show".

"Oh my God she's gorgeous".

And you get the picture.

From behind me a small voice came beside my right ear. It was one of the designers whose clothing line was on display tonight.

"Mr. Sagal", I whispered, not turning my head to bring any attention to myself.

"Mr. Bennett the room is set up", I nodded slowly, "I assume that things are going as planned?".

"Certainly Sir", I replied, "by the end of tonight you'll be a free man".

"I certainly hope so", his voice a bit concerned. He slipped me a piece of paper which I slid into my pocket. Then he left as subtly as he had come.

"Is everything set up?", Alana whispered from my left.

When I nodded I noticed a ghost of a smile on her face.

Before I could put much thought into it though it was Selena's turn to walk down the runway. Our eyes met for a second before my eyes travelled down her body taking in every inch and curve.

Damn she was hot!

But not hot enough for me to call off tonight's plan.

A slight vibration on my thigh was what brought me out of my reverie. By the time I got my phone out of my jeans Selena was already heading backstage. As soon as I saw what was written on my home screen all the blood drained from my face. Alana must have sensed my impending doom from beside me because she leaned closer to ask what was wrong.

I showed her the screen and she nodded in understanding. I quickly glanced down at my black T-shirt, black leather jacket and black jeans. Mom would definitely not approve... Not to mention I wasn't in my off-campus dorm room where I was supposed to be. Plus it's not like I could've just rejected the call to FaceTime.

Well, that's what I thought but Alana clearly didn't share any such inhibitions because she took the phone from my hands and declined the call.

My eyes widened, not in surprise but in fear, "What did you do that for?", I questioned. "She will know that I rejected the call!-"

"Grow a pair", Alana teased, "you seriously need to stop allowing your parents to push you around".

"I don't let them-" I began to defend but was cut off by her menacing glare. Because we both knew that it was true.

Before she could argue against me further, my phone vibrated in her hands. Once again, I found myself panicking and my heart rate skyrocketing. I shot her a tortured look as she stared down at the phone.

She pursed her lips and bit as she read it leaving me to implode from all the tension knotting in my stomach.

"It's a text from your mom", she looked up at me They're at your dorm room and she's wondering why you're not answering your door".

I was positive in that moment that I was Dead. Doomed. Royally screwed.

In a momentary loss of all my senses, I began to get up from my seat.

"A- Alana I've got to go home now".

She grabbed my sleeve so quickly and pinned me into my seat that I almost got whiplashed.

Her eyes flared as she looked at me, "You are not leaving me here by myself!" She basically demanded, "we came here to do a job and we're not leaving until it's complete.

Yanking my arm from her grip I turned to face her. "Look, you know how my parents are, especially my mother. This job-" I gestured around me with my hands, "it doesn't matter and we can always repay the client if we can't deliver what we promised".

For a second she just stared at me then she quickly cast her gaze to the ground. That's when I knew something was wrong.

Alana was never shy or embarrassed, not ever. She always said what was on her mind.

My eyes observed her current temperament and concluded, "Alana there's something you're not telling me".