An ex- fiancée

My mother and I had always gotten along just fine. That is, up until two years ago when I graduated high school and she found out I didn't want to take over the family company but instead, become an artist.

Long story short she cut me off financially and basically disowned me. This was her tactic to convince me to change my mind but when I didn't, we ended up not talking for nearly eighteen months.

That was up until a few months ago. Occasionally she'll show up in my life out of the blue and try to persuade me to go to meetings with her in hopes of luring me back under her thumbs.

Just like she had tried the other day, coming to my dorm and all.

But I saw through her little act. And though she didn't actually ask me to go to her meeting with her I knew she wanted me to come.

I remember the first time I told her that some of my art pieces were going to be in an exhibition. She told me that my little pathetic career was going to crash and burn and I'd have no choice but to run back to her.

Her prediction didn't come through though.

"Who are you looking at?", Natasha asked from behind as she looped her arm around my elbow.

Before I could answer or even think of answering, Heather was already standing right in front of me and she was with her.

"So you went through with it after all", Heather sneered, but the small polite smile on her face could fool anyone into thinking she didn't despise me for doing this exhibition.

"That's what people usually do when they make plans mother", I replied coyly, "they follow through".

She glared at me and I could see her visibly biting her lips to hold back her contemptuous words. This was neither the time nor place.

"What are you doing here?", finally I ask the question that has been plaguing me ever since I first saw her walk into the room".

She merely waved a dismissive hand at me, "Zadia and I were invited here don't you remember?".

Gritting my teeth I turned to Natasha who had been standing beside me confidently yet silently in all her super model glory.

Basking in the confidence that radiated off of her I lifted my chin defiantly, "Oh where are my manners, this is Natasha she's my date tonight, Natasha this is my mother".

"Hello, nice to meet you..." Her accent sounded thicker than normal and yet oh so much sexier.

"Heather", my mother quipped as she shook Natasha's outstretched hand. "and this is Zadia. Say Natasha, why don't you and I take a look around and give these two a chance to talk".

My reaction was immediate. I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to my side.

Tilting my head, I glared at my mother with disdain, "Believe me, that won't be necessary".

Mother glared back at me tenfold. Her ice-cold orbs cold enough to freeze lava. The tension around us only kept increasing as we emerged into an impenitent silence.

Or so it was until Natasha chose to speak. "Uh, how about we take that look around you mentioned before Heather".

As if God himself had appeared to her and told her that the stock of Johnson Global would increase by a hundred percent, an accomplished smile appeared on her face.

"Yes, come let's go", mom nodded eagerly as she practically dragged Natasha away.

My eyes followed their movements until they were out of sight. It was the sound of Zadia clearing her throat that made me turn around to face her.

She was smiling innocently at me but it faltered the moment she noticed my withering glare directed directly at her.

She chuckled nervously as she muttered, "Hi Blake what's up".

Scoffing I narrowed my eyes at her, "My standards", I spat out as I eyed her with contempt before rolling my eyes and rudely saying, "bye".

Her hand gripped my arm as I turned to leave, forcing me to stand still.

"Blake wait! you can't treat me like this, I am your fiancée".

I couldn't help but to snort as I freed my arm from her grip.

I took an intimidating step toward her and watched in satisfaction as she visibly gulped.

"Oh Zadia", I tutted shaking my head to show my utter disappointment, "do you know what I call a fiancée that's always trying to control what I do and when I do it and not only that but lies to me on top of it all?"

The question was meant to be rhetorical.

She cocked a perfectly arched eyebrow at me, tilting her head slightly.

"An ex fiancée", I answered wryly.

She gasped as if my words had genuinely shocked her.

I couldn't help but to notice her finger where the engagement ring I once gave her had rested but was now replaced by a huge diamond ring I recognized too well an heirloom handed down to her. It sparkled under the bright fluorescent lights as if to spite me.

I don't know why it bothered me so much, knowing that only months ago that's where my ring was. I was almost positive I didn't have feelings for her anymore.

She followed my gaze to her hand and a smirk appears on her face instantly as she eyed me coolly.

"You can't avoid me forever Blake", she grinned as if she had just noticed something I didn't "We're at the same University now, so you'll be seeing a lot more of me around... Whether you want to or not".

It had always been the plan that she would transfer to the same university I attended but somehow I thought she'd change her mind especially considering how things turned out between us.

She walked away from me with a triumphant look on her face, one that I cannot unsee but one I will soon remove.