When fiancées and exes meet

The three of them looked at me expectantly. And not only that, but we were beginning to draw attention to ourselves since the other customers at their tables had begun to watch the scene unfolding before them.

I was in deep, deep shi- trouble.

Think! I urged myself. What I could really use now was a distraction. I think I even muttered a short prayer to God that he'd get me out of this conundrum.

"Uh", I tried to say as nonchalantly as possible, "This is Natasha and Natasha these are Zadia and Dexter Winter".

I avoided using any titles and luckily no one questioned it. So I just sighed in relief and began to thank my lucky stars as pleasantries were muttered and glares were subtly being directed at me. Fortunately, none were from Mr. Winter.

I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Zadia spoke up, "My fiancé and I were just meeting with my dad for breakfast". Her tone suggesting that Natasha was intruding.

In that moment I wanted to rip Zadia's hands off my body but couldn't not with her dad here.

When Natasha's eyes met mine I could see it. The hurt that was there only because of me. Though we were never exclusive I really liked her and I knew she liked me else she wouldn't have this look on her face now, the one that's slowly breaking my heart.

Her eyes pleaded with mine as if begging me to say that none of this was true, but my mouth was screwed shut with guilt.

I never meant to hurt her and now it seems like I've destroyed the only real relationship I've had with a girl in years.

"Anyway, I have to go", Natasha somehow managed to mask her expression and smiled sweetly at Za and I felt her grip on my arm tighten, "wouldn't want to miss my plane".

Wait, she was leaving?

"It was nice meeting you Natasha", Dexter said before I could find my own words.

She was out of the restaurant before I could do anything else.

My first instinct was to go after her but I couldn't, not while Dexter was here. So instead I put on a smile and pulled Zadia's chair out like the gentleman I usually pretended to be around her father and we all had a lovely breakfast.

While a piece of my heart just flew back to France.

Thankfully no more questions about Nat came up at breakfast since all we talked about was planning an engagement party and when Dexter could take a look at my paintings.

I literally felt like crying the entire time.

I was glad to leave and go back home, but apparently Dexter had to go to the office and I had to take Zadia back to her apartment. As we left the restaurant Zadia went straight for my car and let herself in.


But before I could join her Mr. Winter held unto my arm and when my eyes met his I saw the crack through his facade.

"You think you're so smart don't you Blake?", he snarled in my ear "but I've got eyes on you. And I know what you've been up to with that Natasha girl!".

His grip on me tightened. I gulped, hard. But I wasn't surprised. My face hardened as I ripped my arm out of his grip.

This was the real Dexter that I knew. Not the perfect father that he pretended to be around his daughter.

He cocked his head at me, his face remaining unreadable, "Don't forget what I am capable of Blake. Zadia is the only woman you'll ever need. If I ever find out that you've hurt my daughter again.." His words trailed off but the warning undertone was all too apparent.

My eyes narrowed at him. I knew Dexter Winter was a dangerous man. Not the kind of person you want to be on their bad side.

"I won't", I gritted out through clenched teeth.

"Good, I hope we're understood. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you Blake, Zadia would be devastated". His voice was cold and menacing and I understood his threat all too well.

I nodded but my serious expression never faltered.

He took an intimidating step towards me and boy did it achieve its purpose as I involuntarily took a step back, "I hope you haven't forgotten about the deal we made Blake. Because if I ever try to contact you again and you intentionally try to avoid me..", he chucked humorously, "let's just say that the consequences would be- extreme".

I swallowed hard. My entire body was stiff now and yet somehow trembling with unhinged anger or fear?

He took a step back and clamped a hand on my shoulder smiling broadly as if I'd just given him the greatest joke of all time. When I turned around I realized that Za was watching us. Which accounted for his impromptu change in attitude.

Forcing out a smile I looked back at Mr. Winter, "You've got nothing to worry about sir, I'll take care of your daughter".

He nodded and an unsaid understanding passed between us two.

Truthfully though I had been anticipating this conversation with Mr. Winter since I realized he intended for me to get back with Zadia.

Walking back to the car I got in and started up the engine. How did I manage to find myself in the same exact position as a year ago?

"What's wrong?", Zadia inquired when I was nearly at her apartment, "did my dad say something to you?".

It took all the energy I had left to put on a convincing smile for her, "Nothing's wrong Za everything is just peachy".

She nodded unsurely but didn't ask any more questions as I dropped her off.


We were on campus I had just come from my Art class when Conner and Alana came up to me.

"Hey Lana", I greeted placing a hand around her shoulder, "what's up?".

She gave me a dazzling smile that instantly relieved my bad mood, and I pulled her closer into my side. I hadn't really realized how much I've missed my best friend with all that's been going on. We haven't even spent that much time together lately, and I've been meaning to ask her about her financial situation ever since that last case we were on at the fashion show. Now obviously wasn't the time though.

"Better now that you're here", she smiles and I can't help but to smile even broader at her reply.

"I'm a person too", Conner interjected the way that he usually does, "and I'm also doing okay not that anybody bothered to ask".

"And no one will ask", I mocked him but he only rolled his eyes and chuckled obviously not affected by my teasing.

"Anyways", Conner sounded more seriously this time, "we're ending the McKnight case tonight, I have it all planned out".

For some reason I couldn't help but to think about the other night on the yacht, how Calder had helped me forget about my 'bad day'. He really didn't seem like that much of a douche as I initially thought when I met him at the gym.

Anyways, he's not the one paying us and it's important to never get attached to our targets.

"So phrase three then?", I asked Conner with a smirk.

He nodded, his smirk also matching mine, "Phase three".

"Thank god", Alana muttered slipping her arms around my waist and leaning against my chest "I can't wait to get this case over and done with".

"I'm gonna miss seeing Siara everyday though", Conner said out loud. Though I doubt that he cared.

Alana and I shared a look before she turned back to him and asked, "Conner you do know that she is gay right?".

He shrugged as if that mere point didn't matter at all.

We both began to snicker at him. Which explained why we didn't hear the person approaching us until slender fingers wrapped around my arm tugging my body away from Alana. I lost my footing for a second but regained my balance to see Zadia standing beside me her hand still wrapped around my arm.

"Hey babe", she greeted completely ignoring my friends.


"Za, what's up", I asked instead, causing a brilliant smile to take over her features. For a second I got entranced by her beauty and I remembered a time when it would make my day just to get her to smile like that, and that thought scared me, luckily Alana interrupted us.

"If it isn't the snake herself", Alana's words caught me off guard. She was only this mean to people she absolutely detested, which when I think about it, Za would qualify as one of those people.

Zadia wrapped her arms around my waist leaning her small frame against my front taking over Lana's previous position.

"Back off Alana, Blake is mine".

Conner and I shared a panicked look.

"Well he's my best friend", Alana replied cockily folding her arms across her chest, "You will never have what we have".

By now I thought it was time I intervened.

"Blake is right here and Blake doesn't belong to anyone, I'm not a shiny purse for anyone to lay claim on".

Za scoffed while Lana smirked at her triumphantly.

"Okay I'm gonna go-", Conner's words died in his mouth when I glared at him daring him to leave me here alone with these two.

"I was thinking we could go out for dinner later Blake", Zadia said ignoring the tension trying to swallow us all whole.

My eyes widened and so did Conner and Alana's. We needed to discuss our plans for the case later.

Dexter's threat from this morning rang in my ears. I couldn't exactly tell her no, she was such a daddy's girl that she'd probably end up telling him everything and I couldn't risk that.

I needed an excuse fast.

"We already made plans together for dinner back at my apartment", Conner said quickly.

I was so glad for the excuse that I ignored the fact that he referred to my apartment as his.

The plan was basically foolproof. Conner's smirk agreed as well until, "That's even better, I can just come by and hang out with you guys".

I felt Alana stiffen beside me and I had to glare at her to keep her from responding to Za.

Then I glared at Conner because apparently his plan was not as foolproof as either of us thought it was.

Both Lana and Conner stared at me wondering what the hell was going on or why I hadn't told Zadia to get lost yet. But with all that's been going on I haven't had a chance to update my friends about Zadia and I but if it wasn't obvious before then they definitely knew we were 'back together now'.

Either way, I knew right then that I was in for one hell of a night!