
I had about twelve hours to allow all that happened at my engagement party to sink in. Everything that I believed to be true wasn't. the people I thought were my enemies suddenly weren't. Everything was turned upside down.

What was I supposed to believe now?

So maybe my mom wasn't a complete manipulative control freak but... Did Zadia really care about me? Or were they trying to manipulate me again?

I didn't know what to believe anymore. What I needed was time to think.

Which doesn't quite justify why I am currently standing inside the Johnson Global main headquarters.

My mother appeared after I arrived here almost half an hour ago and left me inside the conference room, to do what? I don't know.

According to the file she handed me before she walked out to take a call earlier; Johnson Global was expecting some new investors.

After what she'd done for me only a night ago I agreed to fully come back to the company to help her and to learn. For some reason she believes I am the perfect person to close this contract and it's the first project she's putting me on.

All I have to do is to get this investor to sign the contract. I have no idea why she things I can do it or why she's trusting me with such a high-profile contract on my first time but I guess I just have to do my best.

My eyes glance down at the phone in my hands one more time. I already opened up the messages between Alana and me. We haven't talked since I left her at my mother's house on Sunday. She messaged me twice last night and once this morning but I haven't replied yet. What do I even say to her?

I like her obviously. But there's no way for us to be together now. Not after all that happened. A part of me feels that the longer I delay from messaging her back the longer I have to believe that we might still have a chance.

"I hope I'm not too late", a familiar voice says from behind me.

My chair is facing away from the doors and towards the floor to ceiling windows displaying to city. I know she doesn't recognize me as yet, that's why she's being so formal.

"I don't appreciate tardiness", I try to say sternly as I slowly turn around in my chair to face her.

Her eyes widened a bit when me meet each other gaze. But once she notices it's me she huffs out in frustration and sends a slight scowl my way.

Her lips slowly turn up in a smile after a few fleeting moments.

"Not to be rude but, why are you here Blake. We already finalized our agreement and I made the payment already".

I laughed and rolled my eyes as I stood from my chair and stalked over towards the chair.

Things were making more sense now. This is the real reason why Heather gave me the lead on finalizing this deal.

"Relax Siara, this has nothing to do with the Exit Strategy. I actually work here now".

Her eyes widened in shock or surprise, I'm not sure which but after a few moments a look of understanding dawned on her face.

She nodded as she pulled out one the chairs closest to me and took a seat, "I get it now".

"You do?", I asked unsure. Even I didn't get it. Nevertheless I took my seat and waited for her to explain further.

She only nodded in response before pursing her lips and staring at me pointedly. Just when I think she's about to tell me what she's thinking she smiles, her temperament taking a complete three sixty while effectively giving me a mental whiplash.

Suddenly she's clapping her hands together, "I hear congratulations are in order. You're getting married in three weeks right?".

An involuntary groan slips pass my mouth, "You saw that too huh?".

"Don't be ridiculous Blake", she waves dismissively, "everyone saw it. After Kai and Calder's recent breakup, Zadia Winter and Blake Bennett are the new It couple of the business world".

"What are you getting at Siara?", I'm beginning to feel irritated now with all this mention of Zadia and my relationship.

"Nothing really, I just thought that it would be you and Alana together in the end".

"Yeah well, we can't always have what we want", I mutter dropping my head in my hands.

When Siara doesn't say anything else I eventually look up to see her staring at me completely frozen with wide eyes.

Tilting my head to the side a huff of air passes my lips as I stare back at her, "What?".

She blinks rapidly as if somehow just getting back her senses.

"You're in love with her aren't you?", Her question catches me off guard.

I hastily swallow so as to recompose myself, "We're not here to discuss my personal life Siara. We're here to finalize a deal".

She learns back in her seat and eyes me with amusement. "How about I'll sign this deal you have if you and I come up with a deal of our own?".


It's evening now as I stood outside the door to my dorm. I had missed all my classes today to be at work, but I know somehow that even though I'd avoided Alana and Conner today when I opened this door they were going to be behind it and I was going to have to face them.

My mother's words from an hour ago began to resonate through my train of thoughts.

"You know this is the right thing Blake", she had said "she loves you and I know that you still love her, I saw how you two were the first time you were together and love like that doesn't just go away".

I hated that she had dared to say that to me. Most of all, I hated that she was probably right.

Though I'd given up on us a long time ago, a part of me still loved Zadia and maybe a part of me always will. I had thought that she had betrayed me, that she had worked with my mother against me. So what do I do now when I find out that I've been wrong all this time.

All my feelings that I thought I'd buried are all being rehashed. It's like all these emotions are attacking me at once and I have no defense to support me but to face it all head on.

Taking a deep breath I open the door and walk inside. But unlike I had expected I don't see anyone. There's no sign of Conner or Alana anywhere.

I walk to my room and I begin to pack up some of my stuff. I'll have to come back tomorrow for the rest of my stuff if I'm going to move out and move in with Zadia in her apartment as my mother and her father suggested.

With a heavy heart I begin to make my way down the hall to the elevator. The minute I approach it the doors open and Zadia walks out. The minute she sees me a beautiful smile lights up her face.

"I thought you got lost up here", she teases as her smile stretches into a huge grin and I for some reason find myself chuckling with her.

I had forgotten how her smiles used to make my day and even now it still causes my heart to race.

Do I really still have feelings for Zadia or am I just projecting from what I used to feel for her.

Before I even know what I'm doing I drop my bag on the floor and take a step towards her and place my lips on hers. And my hands are on her hips holding her close.

Maybe if I kiss her then I won't feel anything, that will be enough proof that I don't love her anymore.


I had hoped that would happen but when the familiar tingling sensation runs down my spine I know that I am screwed. So I kiss her harder and she kisses back with such intense and unrivaled fervor.

Someone clearing their throat barely registers in my head but I seem to be in too much of a haze to acknowledge it.

Zadia pulls away first and I find myself pulling my hands from her hips to her cheeks trying to reunite our lips again. That is until she points to someone behind us and I notice Conner standing behind us with an unreadable expression on his face.

That's when the reality of what I had just done crashes down on me.

I kissed Zadia and I enjoyed it!

Before I can revel anymore in the possible consequences of my actions the elevator dings and Alana walks out.