Mash and Gudako(Fate/Grand Order)

(Note: I love Fate, no one can stop me, I will publish more fate chapters!!!!!!)

Hunched forward over the bed with a pillow clutched between her thighs and fingers rubbing at her clit, free hand groping one of her ample breasts, Mash was in a very indecent position and felt no shame about that fact. Her glasses were askew on her face, and she took the chance to ride the pillow hard as she had a moment alone, a brief little flash of isolation and intimacy, even if it was just by herself, through which she could enjoy something quiet and alone. She rarely had much time to be quiet anymore. Not with her two masters, Gudao and Gudako, always needing her for gravely important work related to Chaldea. Rarely did she get a sweet moment like this to just relax, and she took eager advantage of it as she finally found herself with a few moments to enjoy quietly.

But there was no chance of enjoying true quiet and calm, and Mash should have known as much. It was when she was deeper into the excitement and twisting delight of riding the pillow and working at herself that her door opened, and before Mash knew what was happening, she realized she was facing toward the doorway and offering up a view to both Gudao and Gudako of her curvy body, eyes widening in panic and worry as she yelped and fell back, thrown completely from the sweet moment she had just been enjoying. "I'm sorry!" she cried out in embarrassment, fumbling about to reach for a blanket and cover herself up.

"Sorry for what?" Gudako asked. "We should be the ones who are sorry for not knocking."

"And nothing about that body is anything to apologize for," Gudao added, smirking as he closed the door behind him. "Are you doing okay, Mash? You seem tense."

"I didn't mean for you to see me like that!" she gasped, shivering nervously as she covered herself up as best she could. But the blankets weren't drawn over the white pillow she had been straddling, and the sticky wet spot from her slick pussy grinding against it was as obvious as it was indecent, making her whine as she reached to try and turn it around and obscure the soaked spot. "I-I won't be mad at you for coming in if you promise not to tell anybody."

Mash's two masters shared a glance at one another for a moment, contemplating what to do without saying anything. The two friends had grown very close in their work together, and both had the exact same thought in mind, rooted in the thoughts they had confessed to one another about Mash, so unbearably cute, and what they wanted to do to her. They didn't need to think about it, starting to advance closer into the room as they set their wicked gaze upon the sweet girl before them.

"We can help you," Gudao said, offering a perverted little smile as he eased in closer. "Let us help you, Mash."

Gudako ran interference a little bit as she put up a hand in warning and tempering of the potential insanity behind this. "What Gudao means is that we don't want you to have to do this yourself. Please, can we help you?"

Mash shivered and squirmed on the edge of the bed, nervous and overwhelmed by the pressure behind the words pressing against her, by the odd excitement she felt gripping her as she opened herself up to this special kind of madness. Her attractive masters were offering to help her, and Mash felt nervous in trying to think about how to answer them. In that confusion, she was absolutely primed and helpless for whatever the duo wanted to do to her. "Okay," she squeaked out, cheeks starting to burn as she realized what she was doing and that she was really offering herself up like this to their touch, to their insanity. There was no telling what she was about to be subjected to.

Mash's masters both descended immediately upon her, an abrupt and forward motion proving more intense than she was ready for as she felt them press her back against the bed, climbing on top of her and each taking one of her breasts in hand. They began to knead and grope at her body, more hands descending in turn upon her pussy, with Gudao sinking a pair of digits into her slick and needy hole while Gudako began to rub at her clit, deftly teasing the sensitive nub as they doubled up on her. In seconds Mash went from her own clumsy hands and a pillow to four hands on her body, hands warm and loving, distinctly other peoples' touch bearing down upon her with an affection unlike anything she could have imagined. The difference was night and day, her body suddenly struck by more pleasure than she had been prepared to handle.

Lips descended onto her body at once, Gudao pressing a kiss against her lips and making out with the needy, blushing girl while Gudako kissed at her neck, their overwhelming swell of affection leaving her dizzy trying to handle it all. So dizzy that she didn't even realize when they switched out and Gudako took her turn at her lips. Not for a moment, at least, shivering under their overwhelming touch. She was amazed by what she felt, by the throbbing, overwhelming pressure that held onto her, and she felt like she had no idea how to handle all of this but she wanted it more than anything, as the interruption of her desperate masturbation routine came hard and hot upon her, driven by something almost more impressive in its fervor, something beautiful and hot. There was nothing that Mash could do but open herself up to it and find out where it all went, as her body trembled and she opened her body to madness. Pure, throbbing, blissful madness.

Beginning to wriggle under their touch and the double-teaming of only their hands, Mash moaned into the back and forth kisses they both gave her. "You two are so--your hands are--I can't believe this is happening." Mash didn't know how to handle all of this, twisting happily under the electrifying touch of both her masters ganging up on her, gifting upon her a kind of affection and heat that made her spin out of control in needy excitement, unable to handle just how much pleasure was washing over her with each passing second. Their treatment of her breasts, the steady pumping of Gudao's fingers, and Gudako's deft treatment of her clitoris all picked up where Mash had left off with her masturbation and overwhelmed her with new heights of excitement and dizzying pleasure. Heat gripped her, and Mash didn't know what to do about any of it, but she knew what awaited her.

With a sudden, startled cry, Mash came without warning or even the realization she was losing herself until it was too late. Her body trembled and shook, before bucking harshly forward under the pressure within her. Her body twisted, and she let out needy, confused noises, not sure whose name to call or what to do about the sensations bubbling up inside of her, but she came hard anyway, head pressing back against the pillows. Just when she didn't think it could get any more embarrassing, Mash squirted, her pussy gushing with a clear squirt of clear, sticky nectar and opening herself to throbbing and delirious glee.

"Thank you," Mash said, voice breathy and needy as she looked up at the two of them. "Mm, Gudao... Gudako.... That was amazing."

"We're not finished yet," they said with growing, wicked smiles, leaning in closer toward her, smiling as they shifted forward and began to undress themselves, moving quickly and efficiently through the process to get into position and to descend upon Mash, with Gudao climbing up to straddle her chest.

"Care to give me a hand, Mash?" he asked as he guided his cock between her breasts, Mash parting them as her cheeks burned and she stared in surprised, nervous awe and excitement up at Gudao. Her eyes were drawn toward the intimidating size of her master's big dick, a sight that made her shiver nervously as her hands gripped at her breasts in clumsy motions and she slowly spread them apart to let him slip in comfortably before she pressed them together, watching as cock proved long enough for his head to push out even through her very ample breasts, cheeks burning as she stared down at it. "Ah, that feels so great, Mash. Thank you." As he began to rock back and forth to thrust into her cleavage, his hands reached forward to push her glasses up her face and straighten them out a bit, giving a soft caress to her cheek for good measure.

Mash whined, staring down at the action as she watched Gudao fuck her tits, his body blocking her from being able to see the motions of Gudako behind him. She was blind to the excited advance of her other master getting between her legs, feeling hands massage and caress her in ways that didn't quite warn her of the shock she was in for until the lips descended upon her mound without warning. With a startled cry, Mash struggled to keep her hips steady as she felt the pressure take her, whining out in surrender and frustration as something primal washed over her, something she was horribly unprepared for. Shivering under this newfound pressure, Mash knew she was in over her head, and the sensations only grew hotter as a tongue worked itself in steady motions back and forth across her mound, slithering with intent and purpose along her most sensitive of places.

As Gudao took hold of her breasts and seized charge of the situation entirely, things only became more intense for poor Mash, who squirmed and whined under the abrupt sensations and pressure that she was laid into with. She was horribly unprepared for any of this, body trembling now under the winding promise of something primal and exciting, something that she felt utterly unprepared to deal with. Back and forth she rocked, a needy mess who found herself struggling to think straight as it all hit her so quickly. "You two planned this didn't you?" she asked, shivering in surprise and heat as she felt Gudao knead and grope at her breasts firmer, toying with her perky, hardened nipples as he had his fun with her. The steadiness of their attention and the way they both descended upon her with a special kind of carelessness proved to be more than poor Mash was ready for, and she was overwhelmed by the pleasure all at once.

"We did," Gudao confessed, smirking brightly as he thrust on a bit quicker, his throbbing cock drooling some pre out that ran down her neck and made her shiver, twisting under the sensations she felt overwhelming her. "Well, kind of. Gudako and I have talked about you before in bed, and yeah, we've both kind of agreed that we would love to have a threesome with you sometime."

"I'm your pillow talk?" Nervous, whimpering panic set in for Mash as she found herself on the receiving end of revelations she was horribly unprepared for, shivering and twisting under the heat and the nervousness of Gudao and Gudako keeping their pressure and attention up upon her bodies. Especially Gudako. Where Gudao was just toying with her nipples while taking some pleasure for himself, Gudako was right there to devour Mash's pussy, face buried between her thighs and reveling in the chance to dig in deep and go wild eating her out, treating her pussy to something ravenous and completely unflinching in its advance. She licked and kissed without a shred of restraint or control, moving on aggressively and laying into Mash with affection deeper than the poor girl seemed to know what to do with, but that was what made it so exciting to her, what helped drive her forward and make her push forward into the excitement and insanity behind her actions.

Mash wasn't sure if she should be embarrassed or delighted by all of this, at once being given unconditional affection and love from her masters, and being told they had talked about her during sex and wanted this. There was little sense or decency in what was happening, and Mash had no idea how to handle any of this, but the pressure was incredible enough that instead of fretting she found herself twisting hotly, moaning under the growing pressure throbbing within her, wanting to feel the excitement and heat that gripped her as the tongue continued to work its loving treatment, overwhelming her with something sweetly indulgent, something that she craved beyond all understanding. She was drawing closer, and the pressure of their affection was getting to her in ways that she felt unable to deal with, but that insanity really only made it more exciting for Mash, gave her something to savour and enjoy as the heat burned up within her and she spun wildly out of control.

Gudao's thrusts picked up, his aggressive playing with her nipples intensifying as he matched the swelling heat and excitement as he pushed on, admiring the sweet pink in her cheeks and the smile she showed him, nervous as it may have been. It was an indication of affection, of something sweet and absolutely enticing that carried him on in his steady motions as he savoured the sound of Gudako perhaps a bit too eager and overly aggressive in how she devoured the sweet pussy before her, getting noisy and way too into it for her own good, but hardly without purpose, as it made Mash moan louder and needier in ways that Gudao just couldn't get enough of.

With all of the sensations reaching their boiling point, Mash found herself lost again, whining and shivering as she stared hotly up toward Gudao, eyes burning with need and affection beyond what she felt ready to handle. She gave herself up completely to the pleasure, body twisting and bucking under the thrills as she came, crying out Gudako's name with absolute confidence this time as she lost herself. Gudao responded to all of her moaning and the sweet expressions on her face by cumming on it, his erupting cock spurting thick, messy shots of seed that even reached up to her glasses as she blushed harder than ever under the heat of her own nervous, shuddering excitement.

"Gudao, you should fuck her now," Gudako said, making Mash whine nervously again, but there was no chance for her to respond to anything as the very abrupt motions all pushed her into place before she could process what was happening, her masters guiding her around and moving her up to sit in Gudao's lap. "And eat me out since I just did all the work," she Gudako added, sitting on her counterpart's face and pushing her slick, dripping pussy down against his lips. Her hands grasped Mash's hips as she settled down, and happily began to guide Mash into place. "Come on, Mash. I know it's big, but you can handle it."

Guided on by the hands urging her down, Mash pushed herself down onto Gudao's cock, gasping as she took him inside of her. His size was an immediate factor, startling her with the pressure of it and making her whine as she reached out to cling to Gudako, shivering and whining under the pressure that hit her so suddenly. "He's really big," she whined, leaning into Gudako and finding herself diving in for the kiss before Gudako had even responded, something excited and hot instead of her taking initiative and acting on the hunger overwhelming her before she had the chance to help her. Not that Gudako exactly minded, leaning into the kiss and purring happily as Mash took the initiative and showed off her sweet desperation to the needy girl who accepted the kiss and the love happily. This was exactly what Gudako was hoping for, and as Mash opened herself up to this pleasure she saw only beautiful potential awaiting her.

Rocking up and down atop Gudao's cock, Mash felt herself opened up not only mentally but also physically, owing to the big cock and the fact that she had to take him down with more than a little stubborn force to make it all work. Her body trembled under the treatment, pleasure hitting her in ways she wasn't remotely prepared to handle, but she was eager to take it on, moaning loudly as she leaned into the tailspin and accepted the idea of letting her masters gang up on her. This time it was Gudao's turn to handle her pleasure, but Gudako took up the slack in the exact same way Gudao had earlier by grabbing and playing with her breasts.

Lying with Gudako riding his tongue and Mash riding his cock, Gudao was in heaven, happily servicing both of them with steady and tireless attention as they in turn rocked atop him. He loved the feeling of the two cute girls happily upon him, a hand on each girl's hip as he worked to eat Gudako out hungrily, picking up the slack for all the greedy pleasure he'd just taken on by titfucking Mash while Gudako ate her out. If eating Gudako out was the cost of getting to titfuck Mash then he really didn't see any downside at all, happily paying for one pleasure with another as he worked greedily at her, all while his hips rocked upward in steady, encouraging motions. He knew Mash was probably not too sure what to do with all of this, and indeed he could feel her moving atop his lap without much sense of control or idea what to do with this all, but he was happy to help encourage her along and set her pace with his hips, guiding her in how to ride his cock confidently.

His focus on Gudako's pussy was a lot more direct and a lot more standard; hardly disappointing, but they had been in this place a million times before and he knew how to make her shiver and squirm easily, his tongue flush against her mound and licking with incessant vigor, focused intently on her clitoris above all else so that every lick could get the maximum effect and Gudako would moan louder into her hot kiss with Mash. He was shameless in getting what he wanted, in treating both girls to the most succinct and firm pleasure he could muster, and it was working miracles on the girls writhing atop him.

Mash could feel the sweet guidance, and she took it on happily, body writhing in eager motions atop Gudao, the feeling of riding up and down a big dick leaving her surprisingly overwhelmed. "This is so much better than my pillow," Mash moaned into Gudako's kiss, blushing feverishly as her hands reached out to caress her body all over, aimless and wandering in contrast to the very firm and direct way that Gudako focused entirely on Mash's breasts. Not that Mash minded, as it seemed that both her masters had a particular interest in her chest, and honestly as they managed to draw out its most sensitive and eager responses she couldn't exactly argue with the idea there was something to that fascination. "Thank you both. This is amazing."

"We're so far from done. Mm, Gudao hasn't even cummed inside yet." Gudako purred happily, pressing against Mash's lips before she could formulate a response to those words, but the startling surprise behind those words, with their lewd intent and the fact that Mash hadn't even thought about or realized that possibility made her shudder and twist, body crashing into a very abrupt and sudden orgasm before she knew how to handle it all. The sudden, crushing excitement hit her as she found herself driven over the edge by the shock and the heat.

Mash came hard, and in the process of being struck and overwhelmed by the sensations, her inner walls clamped down greedily around the big dick just begging for a reason to cum inside of her. Her body trembled, bucking atop Gudao and pleading with him to cum inside of her so hard that she found herself treated to the overwhelming bliss and want that she felt. For it, she was treated to the flood of cum pumping deep into her waiting pussy as with eager, bucking thrusts, Gudao creampied the waiting girl, making her shiver and whine as Gudako in turn came atop Gudao's face, moaning and shivering as she kept up the adoring kisses and licks along Mash's face, getting the cum off of her sweet, cute features.

"There's so much cum," Mash whined, slumping forward against Gudako. "It feels so good. I'm warm."

"Fuck her again," Gudako said, slipping off of Gudao's face and smiling. "Come on, just like we promised."

"Again?" Mash asked, she was yet again dragged into something abrupt and aggressive, with her masters pulling her into something exciting Gudao pressed against her back as they pushed her toward the edge of the bed, Gudako settling down onto her knees in front of them and pushing her tongue forward to start licking Mash's pussy and licking Gudao's cock at the same time while he guided her to ride him again. And she did. Mash was amazed she did, as her breath tightened and her body shivered, but she did exactly as she was guided to do in riding up and down the thick cock buried inside of her, trembling under the surprising want and heat that held onto her. This was a lot to handle, and she found herself deeply enticed by the pressures holding onto her, by the throbbing rush of something primal that held onto her and refused to stop.

Gudako's tongue bearing down upon her 'other lips' really helped enhance the pleasure Mash found herself dealing with, as she rode all hot and high atop the thrill of Gudao's cock some more, treated to the steadily advancing and greedy push of lust and adoration that she had been so utterly startled by. Her hips worked along in steady motions driven by a need for more, and more was precisely what Mash received in the throbbing, hazy pleasure she received. The more that she opened herself up to this, the more that Mash learned to adore every second of this treatment, moaning and shivering as she rode Gudao's lap.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this so much," Gudao groaned, hands off of Mash's hips as she worked at her own desperate pace and he was free to fall back on the old standby of fondling her breasts some more, letting her bounce on with steady and unerring bliss, the desperation catching her and the sheer insanity behind her motions driving Gudao wild with want. He was delighted by the sensations taking hold of them both, by the chance to lay into her with a steady fervor and the chance to enjoy her snug, sweet pussy. "We wanted you to feel good so much."

"I feel amazing!" Mash gasped, pressing tightly back against Gudao as she was pulled up by Gudako, guided off of his cock so that she could bury her tongue up her pussy. All of the cum that had been leaking out of her slick snatch had caught Gudako's taste buds, and now she worked to eat the cum out of her, stroking Gudako's cock for a moment as she slurped the cum out, giving him a few sucks for good measure before she guided him back into her clumsily and urged her to start riding him again. Mash was amazed by all the sensations that followed, by the ease and coordination of Gudako and Gudao ganging up on her, and she had to wonder how much of them walking in on her masturbating was even a 'mistake', but she felt so good that she didn't even have it in her to care. Not now, when she was being so sweetly, delightfully overwhelmed by pleasure.

The steady back and forth of riding Gudao's cock while Gudako went down on them both, broken up by Gudako greedily eating her creampied pussy out with deep, unbearable hunger, made for something more dizzying and satisfying than Mash was prepared to handle. This was pleasure in ways that she had never felt before and had never thought she would ever find herself lucky enough to handle, with every caress and even grope of her body proving sweet and adoring in ways that made her shiver happily, knowing that she was loved and cared for by both of them so much that she didn't have anything to do do but surrender to it all, opening herself up to the bliss and the heat without a moment of worrying about what was happening, just surrendering to being cared for and loved. It was a nice feeling, and in some ways having them let their affections come through in such abruptly physical and intense ways rather than with words and embarrassed, blushing confessions, helped make it easier to swallow.

But the pleasure was catching up with her again, and Mash was still a bit too inexperienced to handle all of the sensations. Gudako's extra efforts only made it harder to hold out and keep herself together as she hit another burning, white hot peak, gasping and shivering in a rush of molten ecstasy as her body trembled and she let herself go. "Gudao!" she cried out, pressing back tight against him as she lost control of herself and her body trembled under the throbbing bliss. Cum pumped deep into her pussy as Gudao hit his peak too, once more beckoned on by the sweet embrace of her tight, slick pussy begging for his touch, and together they crashed into ecstasy together, shameless about enjoying every second of surrender together.

"So good," Mash whined, slumping back weakly against Gudao, as he held softly onto her, guiding her once more to slip off of his cock, allowing Gudako to shove forward and begin to suck the cum out of her again. She wriggled and twisted happily on top of him, moaning as their love burned hotter within her. "P-please stay with me all night, together," she whined. "I never want this to stop! It feels so good, and I love you both so much."

"We love you too," Gudao promised, "And we're going to stay here. Hopefully, more than just tonight." He pulled Mash into a soft, sweet kiss, and she was happy to oblige.