Power (Chainsaw man)


On a summer afternoon in Japan, Power makes a trip out to her local pet store to buy food for Nyako without any money to actually pay for it.

Too arrogant to simply bum money off of her co-workers, she offers the child-sized shopkeeper of the mom-and-pop establishment a series of sexual favors in return for like 2 dollars worth of catfood.

To say that the streets of Tokyo are a safer place as a result of Devil Hunters is arguable at best and laughably off-base at worst. Although vital in staving off the extinction of the human race by Devils and maintaining the tolerable 'equilibrium' achieved since their advent, their presence invites a different (and equally unpredictable) form of danger into the streets each time one of their squads sets out on patrol.

This is the danger of collateral damage. A Devil, no matter how malevolent or depraved, measures its accosting of the human race by the extent of its hunger, and to a lesser extent, their 'make' as Devils. Comparatively, Devil Hunters are prone to causing unwieldy amounts of collateral damage in pursuit of the destruction of even a single Devil.

It is as a result of their long-standing reputation that the average citizen of Tokyo steers clear of those that openly identify themselves as belonging to their various organizations. Besides the ever-present threat of actual Devils, avoiding the bedlam concerned with their extermination represents a simple and effective approach for prolonging one's life–provided one is in the know with regards to the world that they live in, of course.

Prudent though it may seem, the citizens of Tokyo are not a monolith. Whereas some are indifferent to Devil Hunters and their influence over the modern world, others–namely the elderly and children–are so ignorant as to Devils and their Hunters that they effectively don't exist to them.

While harmless in the majority of cases, this ignorance sometimes catalyzes events that may never have come about in the absence of it…

A meeting between a Devil and a human within a pet store– to name an example.

"...How irritating. Why should I, Power, be tasked with finding food for Nyako? Work like this is better suited for Denji and they know it!"

"...I-It's not as though I'm incapable of doing it. I-I can locate those cans Nyako eats from with ease!"

"Grrrr….I'll make them pay for underestimating me! Nhahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Monologuing to herself at the top of her lungs, Power marked her first step into the confines of a local pet store with a declaration of intent that resounded through the entirety of its cramped interior. Doing so set a number of caged animals into fits of barking, hissing, and squealing, which in turn made her presence that much more obvious to the customers that had entered the store before her.

One glance at her triggered a not-so-subtle evacuation of the store's interior. Each knowledgeable enough to connect her appearance and unhinged behavior with the public safety division, the other customers made hurried progressions up to the mouth of the store before squeezing past Power one by one.

As detached as ever, the role that she had played in clearing the area went completely over Power's head. Preoccupied with her cackling throughout it (and the task she had set out to complete directly afterwards), her world remained wholly separated from the embarrassment and self-awareness that a more 'grounded' individual might've experienced.

Per usual, this left those around her with the task of 'enduring' these things second-hand. Posted on the opposite side of the store's lone checkout counter, a young man short enough to be confused with a boy–if one were to assume that he wasn't one–stood in complete disbelief as to what he had witnessed.

Some seconds later, his assessment of her identity warped his disbelief into anger.

"What the hell? Are you retarded or something?" he exhaled, tone more annoyed than genuinely incensed. "Most of those people were regulars–regulars that actually buy stuff. Losing them for the day is pretty bad for us, so if you're not buying' anything, can you leave?"

"There are tons of weirdos that come around here as it is. I don't really wanna deal with another one."

Power's ears failed to register any of the chastisement embedded within the boy's voice. Content to process the simple fact that she had been addressed, her arrogance led her to don a smirk on her way through a firm stride right up to the front counter.

At it, another display of stupidity from her followed in short order.

"N'hahaha! Are you awed by me as well, human boy? I have come to your shop seeking nutrients for Nyako!" shouted Power. "Do not test my patience! Give it for me so that I may resume my attempts at making all those within this city bow to my strength!"

This time, the boy wasted no time in awe of Power's behavior. To his eye, the blonde woman ahead of him was one of an innumerable number of self-obsessed teenagers that called Tokyo home.

Opposite these individuals, he knew better than to flinch.

"...What?" he replied, listlessly. "Nyako…is that a cat? If you want cat food, it's on the shelf in the aisle. I'm not going to get it for you, so just pick what you want, pay for it, then leave."

To this, Power responded with a confident bracing of both of her hands on the fringes of her hips.

"I have no money! One as powerful as I am has no need for such things!" she chirped.

"Then leave. Things in stores cost money, y'know." the boy retorted.


Deflated by the boy's rigidity, the consequences of failure wormed their way into the back of Power's head at long last.

"I-I cannot return without food for Nyako! Denji, he—e-everyone will tease me if I fail to do something so simple on my own…" now whining, the booming imposition of her voice was subverted by a stammering girlishness typical of someone far younger than she appeared to be. "Y-You must assist me in this, human boy! This body may appear similar to your own, but I am actually a powerful Devil!"

"A-Aid me and I shall be in your debt! Surely your tiny child mind must be able to grasp the value of my favor?"

What ultimately moved the boy out from behind the counter was not entirely apparent to him.

Part of it was, of course; an older girl making the face that Power had whilst stammering her way through what amounted to a mild tantrum resonated with him. He had seen girls within his apparent age group default to this before, and like his peers, the display dug into him in a way that he couldn't reject.

That which he failed to grasp were matters of instinct. As a result of her being 'off-duty' and her vapid disinterest in adhering to human conventions, Power had set out from her shared residence in an outfit that only the most openly whorish subsection of her peer group was liable to accept. The garments themselves were not to blame. A soft pink, single-shoulder t-shirt that exposed the midriff was hardly abnormal for a young woman on a shopping outing in the middle of summer. The same could be said of faux denim shorts set at a depth that exposed taut, perfectly cut hip curvature.

Through in through, it was Power's body that was to blame. Despite appearing petite and waifish even by Tokyo's lofty standards, the feminine assets that defined her were one of cut, padded, or sculpted in a way that made her clothing seem perverse. At her chest, oblong pear-sacs of fat-infused breast flesh swelled the front of her t-shirt such that it seemed as though a mushy shelf of flesh had been mounted to the front of her torso.

Below their pear-like obscenity, a believably narrow midsection devoid of excess fat cut into hip curvature that begged to be spread further by impregnation. Despite maintaining a width that maintained Power's overall smallness, the flares of her hips presented a supple layer of fat that accentuated their shape on their way to the cuts leading into her groin. Despite being covered by her shorts below a certain point, high-waist panties with an extremely narrow inward cut bit into these exposed flesh stretches in a way that made their plush irresistible.

Molded by unhealthy amounts of time spent consuming 'content' and 'cartoons' focused on buxom young women, the appreciation that these sights generated within the boy's mind led him to contradict himself.

With a roll of his eyes and an exhalation of discontentment, he hopped off of his stool and circled around the counter into the store.

Partway into one of the pet food aisles, he turned back towards Power with only part of his usual indifference.

"Well? Come on–let's get you what you came here for so you can leave."

Like a child shown submission by an adult, the boy's concession returned Power to her usual self. Donning another confident smirk, she turned her nose up to the air and trotted up to a safe following distance behind her 'servant' just as she had been instructed.

From this point onward, she busied herself with gloating and following.

"A wise decision, human boy! Devils as awesome and powerful as I am are not common in this world. Your future self will surely thank you for this someday!"

Equally exasperated and aroused, the boy muted Power's voice to his ear by following through with the task at hand. Leading the way through the aisle, he located the cheapest brand of cat food in stock and pinched a pair of cans off of the shelf. Turning back towards Power with them in hand, he held them up to her middle as if beckoning for her to take them.

The moment she reached out for them, he snapped the cans right back towards his chest.

"Nope. I'm stupid, but not that stupid. If you need this cat food that badly, you have to pay." said the boy, coolly. "Don't say that you have no money again, I don't care. Now that you've seen it and stuff, just leave and get some money from that Denji guy you mentioned,"

"I really will call the cops if you try to come back in here with no money, though."

At a juncture where Power's emotions should have flip-flopped for the umpteenth time, she produced her best display of 'stability' yet. Unfettered by the boy's insistence on payment, she assumed yet another confident stance and pointed down at his chest with a smile on her face.

Incidentally, this juncture was the first wherein the boy noticed the jagged fangs that she had in place of teeth.

"Goopy, slimy vacuum blowjob with a side of sweaty twerking!" Power exclaimed.


"Your payment, human boy. Since you are so insistent on recompense, I will provide you with some of the alternative payment methods that I have provided Denji in the past. The acts are meaningless to me, but I have learned that human males consider them to be of the highest value,"

"These two acts together is a more than even trade for two cans of food, aren't they?"

To say that the boy was taken aback by the Devil Hunter's declaration was arguable at best, and laughably off base at worst. Painfully familiar with both of the acts that Power had described, the boy was left in a wordless, dumbstruck state that briefly reduced him to the position he ought've had opposite Power all along:

The position of a potential 'victim' of the collateral damage caused by Devil Hunters.



Much to the chagrin of her male peers in the bureau, Power's lack of conventional human shame and morals and the buxom human corpse she had opted to possess provided her with a sex appeal that very few healthy men were capable of refusing. Initially too detached from her femininity to make proper use of it, persistent contact with Denji and his unbridled perversion incrementally exposed her (both directly and indirectly) to sex acts that she was physically made for.

Upon learning just how much value these acts held for human men, a rare display of prudence on her part saw her stuff the option into her back pocket for an occasion where neither Denji nor Aki could be used as her wallets–

Namely buying two cans of cat food from the pet store.

"...Now, even though I have mastered this technique and everything to do with it, I have learned that human men and their strange, squid-flavored perversions get satisfaction from very weird, pointless things, so you'll simply have to command me to perform in a certain way if that's what you want,"

"Until then, I, Power, shall–"

"Ok, shut up then. If you're so good at sucking dick that you want to use it as money, then show me,"

"Finger your throat and start slurping on my dick or something. I dunno."

No less prone to rambling about her qualities as a Devil for the fact that she had taken up a position squatted ahead of the naked crotch of a child, a callous order from the boy that she would be servicing was required to set Power's thoughts back onto the task at hand.

Fairly stated, the preceding few minutes had seen several distractions thrust at her one after another. After the engorgement of her ego by the boy's acceptance of her terms, hurried guidance on his part replaced the confines of the pet store with the interior of its backroom. In it, the boy abandoned his pants and seated himself at the lip of a couch whose height was eerily ideal for the 'payment' that she had promised.

Behind all of these things came an even more significant surprise. In defiance of her assumptions about human frames, the spire of arousal-greased cockflesh rooted at his crotch was a genuine cudgel (as opposed to a finger-length noodle). Happily without an understanding of a measurement system that might've quantified it, her eyes and innards judged it to be a step larger the arousal-greased members maintained by her work peers– a healthy 9--inches of pent, visibly vascular cockflesh if one were to be more specific.

Presentation with it and the healthy scent of semen that wafted from it naturally pulled her thoughts onto the subject of its satiation. Were her personality less self-absorbed, this would have bled into an immediate attempt at providing the payment that she had offered as well.

Instead, this effort came after the boy's 'request' pushed a fanged smirk across her face.

"You're very grumpy all of a sudden, human boy,"

"I guess you're a normal child in some ways after all ♥ ."

Knowing better than to waste time providing insight on her meaning, Power instead began her payment. Snapping her right hand up to the nose of the boy's drooling erection, she deftly folded the smooth warmth of her palm around the reddened flesh of his glans and a portion of the throbbing trunkflesh directly below it. Set, she pushed the makeshift sleeve downwards until his glans (and only his glans) was pressed out through the peak of her glans.

This simple gesture made the completion of her actual task that much more appealing. As soon as her brace was set, Power raised her left hand up to her mouth and slanted her skull to one side to create a more tantalizing view of her profile. Next came a parting of her lips, and after this an unfurling of her tongue's drool-lathered flesh out into an edge-focused slant at the corner of her mouth.

Eyes focused up the boy ahead of her all the while, Power waited until the length and girth of her oozing tongue evoked an expression of awe on his face before driving her index and middle fingers straight down her throat.

Here, the human frame that she inhabited and her nature as a Devil produced something far more perverse than her juvenile suitor had asked for. By virtue of the clawed nails affixed to her fingers, swallowing her fingers down to their knuckles allowed for her to find her body's natural gag reflex with ease. Immune, or perhaps simply indifferent to its function, she ignored the sensation that this pushed through her innards and immediately set about prodding this deep-set region as actively as she could. 'Fingering' herself just as she had been told to, measured outward flicks popped a fraction of her digits out of her mouth, and curled drives of her hand plugged them straight back down to where they belonged.


Unhindered by the retching and spluttering that a human woman might've been reduced to, Power's rapid-fire effort was supplemented by slimy squelching from her gullet and vocalized gulping noises that she produced by reflex. Although she did not know it, these perfectly simulated the perverse 'throating' noises so often produced by young women in the midst of "performances".

Comically, several seconds of their outflow heralded complete subversion for these noises. Just as would have been the case for any other woman, the throat slop and spittle churned to fruition by Power's fingers began streaming out of the edges of her mouth in excess.

They did not descend just anywhere, however. Via a slight tilting of her right hand and an ingress of her slanted skull, Power ensured that the overflows of murky mire that she gutted from herself descended into perverse cascades across the trapped nose of the boy's glans.

It was almost unfair. As the volume of slurry that she fucked from her throat increased for every second that she persisted with her fingering, these gestures resulted in a sustained drizzle of balmy lubrication down onto the boy's exposed glans right through to a gunking of her fingers' creases.

If this was all that the youth was made to contend with, clenching a fist and steadying his breathing may well have allowed him to endure it in silence.

More came to him before he could attempt such a brace. While Power worked, her gutting of herself drew outflows of mucus from her nose that added something vibrant and whorish to her pristine profile. Not long after these transparent streams began their descent, she tightened the grasp she had applied with her right hand and began violently pumping her palm sleeve up and down along his glans. Wadding the vast majority of her throatslop up into its interior (this whilst spreading the mire mucking the creases of her fingers across the very same region), the pumping that she applied simulated a localized milking of his cocktip within an orifice as sloppy as it was taut.

Where these actions were concerned, the boy's sole saving grace was his disposition. Though his hips and crotch were reduced to trembling–as would've been the case for any other ostensible child placed in his position–groans of stimulation never made it onto his list of coping mechanisms.

In place of them, he fought to maintain a degree of control over proceedings with his voice.

"...Y-You're gross, jeez. All I asked was for you to finger your throat so that I could see if you were actually used to milking dick with it. No one told you to start…fucking gross stuff out of y-yourself like this." speaking out after several minutes of stunned observation, the boy's first words offered only half of the biting indifference he had displayed within the shop.

Fortunately, Power was only barely astute enough to recognize the implications of this. Having already derived a degree of satisfaction from the flush that rose to his cheeks as she worked, the labored quality of his voice struck her as further proof of her own prowess (and nothing more).

Buoyed by it, she pushed her 'payment' further still–

Without warning, she halted the hooked molestation of her throat and unholstered her slime-drenched digits in a single smooth motion.


"Pppah–ahahaha! Amazed, aren't you? Devils of my caliber don't need to be told how to make their work more potent!" Power teased, words gilded by spittle.

"I have promised you disgusting vacuum fellatio and this is precisely what I will provide,"

"Tremble before my awesome might and spill out all of the sea-creature sludge you have stockpiled inside your balls, human boy ♥ !"

By itself, Power's declaration should have been more annoying than anything else. Directly prior to it, though, she capped off the removal of her fingers from her mouth by dipping her head downwards to allow all of the excess slop inside of it to splatter out onto her hand. Straight after this, she reapplied her left hand in a worrying display of 'skinship' that left her slop-greased fingers pressed into the surface of the boy's right inner thigh.

These things made the beginnings of her declaration strangely tolerable to him. More than this, they distracted him just long enough for Power to 'obscure' the back half of her outburst with action.

As promised, she dumped her slime-greased maw straight down towards the trapped meat of his shaft. Halting her stroking motions inches below the crown of his length again, she exposed the slime-lathered meat of his crown for a split second before plugging these inches straight between her lips' plush.

What followed was every bit as slovenly as Power had promised.

If necessary, driving the full length of his shaft into her throat and esophagus and draining it with the confines of her gullet would have been child's play for her. Wary of the difference between this and what she had promised, she focused in on the drooling beginnings of the boy's shaft with both her right hand and the confines of her mouth in hopes of simulating 'real work'.

The shape and consistency of her ministrations suggested that they were practiced. Beginning by sucking in against the cockflesh inside her mouth–this without going as far as to hollow out her cheeks–the creation of a vacuum seal within her mouth saw her peel her skull backwards to a position that left only the absolute tip of the boy's shaft within her mouth. Throughout her ascent, she 'followed' the rise of her skull with a tight upward stroke from her palm that carried a mixed handful of slop up across a portion of his glans.

In the blink of an eye, she turned ascent into descent. Long since aware of the 'length' that her suckjob required, she plunged from her stopping point straight down to a depth that slotted the entirety of the boy's glans within her mouth (this whilst pressing her grasp on his shaft downward in tandem).

These motions were not as measured as their predecessors, however. Ravenous and mechanical, she punctuated her drive with a persistent *schllll~ppp* noise that made it seem as though she was threading a delicious nectar through his length spurt by agonizing spurt. Succinctly, she presented as though her noisy slurping was for herself–this whilst complementary fluids drained from both the edges of her lips and nostrils.

Self-centered as her efforts may've seemed, the fact remained that every move she made was selected for her metronome's sake. From her second descent onward, she stroked and slurped in tandem at a pace guided by the debilitated squirming of the boy ahead of her. Better (or perhaps worse) still, she made no attempts at curtailing any of the salivation that spilled from her as she worked. Naturally, this bottomed out in the creation of more lubrication for her tick-speed palm-pumping, and an even more 'slogged' tone for the slurping noises produced as her lips' suction squeezed in against the nerve endings of the boy's glans.

With all of these things together, there could be no denying that Power was attempting to render a 'service' in exchange for the dollar-value cat food she wished to purchase. Her face provided no insight as to the oozing state of her crotch, and her ministrations remained firmly separated from the awakened yearning of her innards–

She simply worked: effortlessly and violently.



Inside the abyss of stimulation that the boy had been trapped in, the noises made by Power's cock service were the only things that he could hear. Even after a pair of minutes spent 'enduring' the motions, the draining sensation that her efforts funneled through his crotch and the semen that they stockpiled within his innards remained potent enough to make his usual flatness impossible.

Impressively, drooling out of the corner of his mouth was all of the 'stupidity' that the boy allowed himself. Beyond a certain point, he grit his teeth and pushed a hand down into contact with the blonde hair atop Power's skull in an attempt at exerting himself.

Power's unaffected efficiency–and condescending stare–continued all throughout.

"C-Cool. So you can suck d-dick. Gr–eat." the boy exhaled, lips drawn into a jagged smirk. "You've got the disgusting part down, b-but you're supposed to be trying to make me cum, remember?"

"S-So figure it out. Stop slobbering on a bit of m-my…a bit of my cock like a gross moron and just…"

The moment she felt warm cockflesh squirming atop her tongue, she began to suck. Not as a possessed corpse mimicking a pantomime, but as a young woman wholly dedicated to a single whorish purpose.

'Admirable' was the only way to describe the boy's attempt at guiding proceedings along. Despite his coherence and firmness, addressing Power directly meant directly influencing the 'path of progression' she had decided on for her payment.

Unbeknownst to him, he did not change much in practice. Up until the point where Power chose to attend to him, the intensification of the pressure built at the root of his shaft (and the engorgement his shaft's blood vessels had received as a result) had allowed Power to visualize an 'end' for her work. When his strained 'demands' were added to the list of motivations she had been provided, where she stood with her suckjob became perfectly clear.

For her, knowledge was intoxicating:

Enough so to warrant the application of precious mental resources to a brief stint of gloating.

"What a hopeless human. To think he would become so invested in such simple movements as well! I truly am peerless as a Devil when it comes to these things, aren't I?" she thought to herself. "Fear not, human boy. You have shown me favor by providing food for Nyako, so I shall do the same,"

"Prepare to regurgitate all of the reeking child muck inside your balls into my mouth pussy ♥ !"

Once again, Power's internal declaration of intent generated another significant shift in proceedings. 'Adjusting' her ministrations as if taking the boy's advice into account, she abandoned her short-ranged suckling to his shaft's beginnings entirely. Popping her spittle-edged lips off of his cocktip, she 'replaced' her metronome by sliding the embrace of her slop-gunked palm back up into a firm compression of his glans.

'Familiarity' could be seen in these acts as well. As soon as her palm was in place, she resumed her focused stroking of his shaft with no remorse. Tapping into a tiny fraction of her body's abnormal strength, she manipulated her wrist as a piston to grind the sodden flesh of her palm up and down the worn meat of the boy's shaft with a vigorous consistency.

Initially, she appeared nonplussed about this as well. No matter the convulsions that rippled through the boy's length or the explusions of precum blurted into her palm, she kept her ministrations consistent.

Before long, the 'freedom' that she had acquired for her mouth tempted her into making her display more personal.

Settling her lips just out of contact with the boy's trapped glans, she parted them to flutter the drool-caked length of her tongue for a second time.

"Go ahead. Spray–you ordered me to make you cum, so don't let my prowess go to waste," speaking out breathily after a huffing display from her tongue, Power 'enhanced' the efforts with words as well. "Cake the inside of my mouth with cockjuice so that I can devour the rest myself. You won't have to twitch and squirm to restrain yourself that way–"

"The only thing you'll have to worry about is blasting everything out onto my tongue."

Success for Power's endeavors was guaranteed right from the moment she shifted gears in her stroking. Nevertheless, her decision to speak out when she did played a much larger role in the 'shape' of this success than she might've imagined originally.

Understandably 'unused' to attention of this sort from the opposite sex, Power's voice and stroking combined to force a 'knee-jerk' response from her suitor. Over the course of several key seconds of stroking, the throbbing of his shaft became unbearable, and his lower body succumbed to the trembling that had infected it moments prior.

With the encroachment of these things came the expulsion of their 'cause'. Out of nowhere, the wadded slime stockpiled at the root of the boy's length was squeezed up through his urethra as a heated filament until a massive, rope-shaped flourish of the substance burst out of the nose of his length.

When it did, Power was ready for it. 'Plugged in' to the goings-on within his length just as any other young woman would've been, she dropped the choke-point for her palm back down to the base of his glans and parted her lips just in time for his first burst of congealed seed to explode out across her tongue.

As it turned out, she had a plan for this event too. Within three encouraging strokes at the peak of his cocktrunk–each assisting a fraction of his nut's discharge into a clotted layering atop her tongue, Power stabbed her skull forward before even another drop of his seed could burble out of the tip of his length.

Plugging her lips with his spraying glans, she smoothly squeezed the full length of his shaft down into the shared embrace of her throat and esophagus without stuttering an inch. Throughout the split-second drive, she guided her descent with the embrace of her palm before finally repositioning it against the surface of his inner thigh. Then, upon establishing contact between her lips and his crotch, she nuzzled inwards to ensure that her features were pressed into his crotch as tightly as possible.

Consequences followed. So as to keep her esophagus from being clogged by the inches-long flourishes of gluey cockjuice that flowed from the boy's length, Power supplemented her nuzzling with timed gulps against the full length of his shaft.

Understandably, this represented a 'breaking point' for the youth that she was servicing. Between the audible *GLRPS…* that rumbled out of her as her esophagus squeezed semen into her stomach and the sensation of his shaft being drained by the contractions themselves, the boy's innards became convinced that too much pleasure was, in fact, a 'bad thing'.

Power disagreed. At her first glance at the attempt his lower body made at closing off his crotch and worming out of position, she stamped her right hand flat against the face of the boy's right inner thigh to ensure that his crotch remained available. Somehow aware of what her use of force might evoke within him, she wormed her left hand up to an 'affectionate' cupping of his seizing testicles directly in time with this.

To her, this constituted a compromise. Whilst mandating the availability of the boy's crotch and the pulsing erection attached to it, she provided physical encouragement meant to coax the remainder of his orgasm out of his shaft.

To the boy, all of these things were more of the same. His mind could not be bothered to think about why or how Power's waifish forearm had produced so much strength, or even why such a starved consumption of his semen was so important to her. Then and there, he was limited to processing the borderline debilitating stimulation that attacked his crotch throughout the ordeal, and the reproductive bliss associated with emptying his balls.

The domination of his psyche by these things was no accident. In keeping with the 'standards' set by the above-average length and girth of his shaft, the quality of the seed wadded at the root of his crotch was 'muddied' in a way that was almost abnormal for a growing boy. More akin to melted, sharp-white plaster than the opaque goo that another youth might've generated, the substance's discharge through his length created pleasurable engorgements of the sections of urethra that it pushed through. In turn, these instances 'clearance' commandeered his attention as few things could.

Comparatively, Power did not think much of her innards' basting with warm seed at all. Though male reproductive fluid was far from her favorite meal, she remained perfectly willing to gorge herself on it in the same way that she'd have managed any other meal. For every gulp that she produced, a controlled flush of mire was spewed out towards the pit of her stomach until flesh-obscuring smears took shape. Eventually made to coalesce by the unstretched volume of her gut, the sensation of a warm pool of sperm cells squirming against her gut soon spread within her middle as fluid through a dry rag.

Indifference to these sensations did not equate to immunity to them. Over time, pulling semen through her esophagus and 'entertaining' its weight at the pit of her stomach reduced her barely covered lower lips to a bestial salivation that put her mouth to shame. Neither the soaking of her undergarments nor the creation of a clear puddle of squirt on the floor space underneath her was concerning for her; by this point, her mind had come to regard them as 'part and parcel' with the act.

If anything, the 'onset' of these symptoms was exciting for her. 'Coincidentally' beset right as the jetting of semen through the boy's length began to ebb, Power in the end compartmentalized them as a 'cue' for even more slovenly behavior.

Without being asked, she began to ascend. Keeping the pressure applied by her right hand, she slowly peeled her lips up along the vein-studded exterior of the boy's length as if attempting to clear the dregs of a dense milkshake through a narrow straw.

In this, she was thorough. Rather than wrenching her mouth of his shaft in a single stroke, every two inches of ascent that she managed was 'followed up' by a single inch of descent. Sucking actively throughout (this with enough pressure to hollow her cheeks at long last), she in doing so fashioned draining strokes against the boy's length with only the sex-slopped confines of her mouth.

In return, she received affirmation that she did not even need. Evidently 'clogged' with far more seed than even he had realized, the boy's length parted with a final few dollops of seed backed with enough pressure to create a grotesque 'caking' at the back of her throat. When at last her labored skull pumping popped the nose of his length from between her lips, pinky-width outflows of semen could be seen drooling from both of her nostrils as 'proof' of all that she had accomplished.

In the seconds that she devoted to this work (and truthfully several of those that immediately followed it), what few thoughts the boy dedicated to 'responding' to Power's efforts amounted to nothing.

The nature of the experience was not lost on him. With the ever-changing world of online sexual content as his teacher, this would not have been the case regardless of the approach that Power took. All the same, the emptiness that she had created within him left him with no other choice but to consider the reality of an irreplaceable portion of his psyche being sucked out of him.

Fortunately, Power's ascent out of her squat provided him with far more 'realistic' matters to dwell on. Mere moments after considering himself dead to the world, the flip side of his youthful disposition showed itself without shame or restraint–

Opposite the rounded bubble of pale buttocks flesh bitten by Power's panties, it had no other choice but to.

"...Ohhh, impressive. You almost passed out, human boy. It would have been expected under the pressures of aura and strength, but I'd have stolen the rest of your payment if you had."

"However! I am in a very giving mood at the moment and I do not know why–Perhaps it is the scent of your juvenile semen inside my nose, nhahahaha!!"

"As such, I will confer the second service I promised to you…"

"But only if you demand it ♥ ."

Moments before her latest outburst, another stroke of ignorant genius from Power ensured that all of its 'contents' would reach their destination. Unaffected by the miniature orgasms she had endured, she stood upright to present the sweat-glazed state of her midsection and the syrup-glutted state of her crotch and inner thighs. But, before either could probably sink into her suitor's line of sight, she turned on her heels to replace them with the doughy, shelf-like protrusion of her buttocks.

Like her breasts, both of her cheeks were padded with volumes of fat that accentuated the relative narrowness of her waist. Sprinkled with portly teardrops of perspiration wrought from her heightened body temperature and exertion (yet otherwise pristine to the eye), the boulder dumplings' attachment to her rear was unfair in a way: reasonable relative to Power's other assets, but extremely advantageous for the point in time that she found herself in.

Predictably, the sight of the naturally shaped peach halves pressed fresh influxes of blood into the boy's length immediately. As a result, his mind was made to 'focus' on their owner as a matter of course.

With this focus came a vested interest in the continuation of her payment plan, and a painfully clear understanding of the role that he was to play in it.

To his ear, Power's words were not a description of terms, but a challenge that he was expected to overcome–

One that did not require anything of him that he did not already have.

"Y'know, w-when…when someone's in debt, they don't ask the person they owe money to if they can finish paying it back." fighting to normalize his breathing and vocalizations, the boy met Power's suggestion by aligning his gaze with her own. "Y-You already know what you're doing, so I d-don't need to tell you anything,"

"Just shut the fuck up and use that sweaty meat you call an ass for something instead of just blabbing about it…|

Power's usual aversion to orders from others was nowhere to be seen in the wake of the boy's insults. Buoyed by the manner in which he stated these 'demands' and the fact that they aligned with what she wished to do in the first place, the aggression that he spewed at her instead drew a fanged smirk across her pube-edged lips for the umpteenth time.

Had she opted to maintain it for even a second longer, its effect on the boy's psyche would have been destructive. Thankfully–both for the boy and most every other man fortunate enough to benefit from her stupidity–Power was herself.

For better, or for worse.

"...In that case, I shall hold nothing back from you! If you are not prepared, you will be obliterated by my prowess and the same smelly boyjuice you have spewed inside my stomach will be smeared against my backside before you perish!"

"Dying like that would certainly suit a greedy brat like you, wouldn't it? Nhahahahaha!!"

Investment in the 'threat' that she had placed as the reality of her coupling with the boy changed little with regard to Power's actual actions. The moment she finished speaking, she directly contradicted her own words by seating the moistened plush of her rear down face-first against the boy's crotch. Taking advantage of the semi-erect state of his manhood and the disgusting mess of slop greasing its flesh (and the expanse of crotch surrounding it), she planted her cheeks such that the lubricated regions would be one of smothered or swallowed into the meat of her cheeks.

Though the boy's crotch was visually overwhelmed by the 'gifted' scale of Power's buttocks, the final product of her descent was a perfect fit. Whereas his crotch offered a perfect 'platter' for her to mount the fact of her cheeks against, the actual meat of his erection was all too willing to be swallowed into the sweat-moistened 'pocket' between them. Upon recognizing these things, a light bracing of her palms to the front face of the boy's thighs completed her stabilization and allowed her to slant her gaze back behind her as any other 'attentive partner' would have.

Everything that she had promised flowed from her descent. Taking advantage of her seated position and the lust-drenched greasing of her rear, Power began swirling her hips in the shape of modestly-sized circles to scrub and stir the pillowy embrace of her asscheeks against the boy's crotch. Comically adept at this as well, a single sharp swirl bled into a near-automatic chain of grinding that choked the air with *SPLRT* noises akin to those produced by her palm stroking.

Their sources–and truth be told, the source of the motions' impact–stemmed from her sopping wet cunt and perspiration-glazed rear. For every mopping swirl of assfat that Power drove into the boy's crotch, the pressure that her rear exerted was spread across the surface beneath it with a mixture of sweat and throatslop as a 'buffer'.

Where his crotch was concerned, this amounted to warm, unyielding encouragement to spew another load out of his length. Conversely, the meat of his actual erection was kneaded and stirred within an orifice constituted by sloppy buttocks flesh. Per swirl, the sheer amount of dumpy fat that both cheeks contained combined to hug in against the girth of his length with a tightness that very nearly mirrored the grasp of Power's palm. However, whereas this had been localized near the spire's peak, Power's new motions treated the full length of his shaft to grinding pressure.

After the pleasure that they created, the next most significant consequence of the motions was noise. The state of Power's rear prior to her starting was to blame for most of it, but truth be told, the expanse of the boy's crotch and the separating presence of his erection had offered her cheeks a 'stage' atop which they might perform at their utmost.

That they would end up doing so in such a gaudy, noisy manner was simply a fortunate coincidence.


"Well? How's that, human boy? It should feel as though I'm devouring you whole, shouldn't it?" somehow aware of the quality of the metronome she had produced, Power again intensified her effort with her voice.

"We're just getting started, though! An effort that began and ended with something like this doesn't qualify as payment–I have been assured as much by several older human males!"

"No, if I am to call my effort complete, only this will suffice!"

Unlike her last, Power's latest utterance found the boy in a much more 'listening-oriented' mood.

Bluntly, all of the gooey stimulation at his crotch had forced him into a state of arousal that made Power irresistible. Not merely deserving of momentary focus, but of his undivided attention.

'Attention' in this case quickly bled into fixation for him. As a result, Power's declaration of what was to come inspired something resembling discontentment from him.

Or perhaps merely a display of need tinged with aggression.

"W-Why keep fucking talking about when you could just shut the fuck up and do it?" the boy huffed, wearily. "Do all girls talk as much as you when they get older? T-There's no way all of them are gonna be as stupid a-as you, but even if they aren't, I'm…"

"I'm not sure…"


Mid-utterance, the seething that the boy mustered became a double-edged sword. In his reality, the volume of the squelching noises produced as Power stirred her panty-bitten asscheeks into his crotch had increased on a second-by-second basis. Unabated for minutes on end, it eventually became so deafening that his mind was 'tricked' into a stammering fit of contention with it.

So obvious was its cause that even Power was able to discern it without issue.

"Not sure of what, human boy? Speak clearly or my ears will not bother to apprehend your tiny, boyish voice,"

"You're fortunate that I can even attend to in the–"


Where it had all come from was beyond the boy. Frustration played its part in his outburst–its volume and aggression made this perfectly clear. Comparatively, the firm impression of his right palm into the fattiest flank of Power's right asscheek suggested that something more basal was driving his behavior, perhaps something related to the ever-growing puddle of precum that Power's rear was grinding out of his shaft.

Truth be told, exactly what had come over him was almost irrelevant. In its wake, the rest of the payment that he was owed was provided in full.

Some may well have argued that he received even more than this.

"...Now you find the confidence to order me around? Better now than never, I suppose. You shall have exactly what I've promised…"

"You won't be able to restrain me while I provide it, though ♥ ."

Yet again, Power did not allow the ambiguity of her words to persist in the air for even a second. With the same unaffected smoothness that she had displayed whilst descending, she rose up out of her seat against the boy's crotch and tipped her upper body forward just slightly to leave herself set in a squat. Throughout, the elongation of several murky arcs of precum between the face of her cheeks and the surface they had been mushed into coincided with the rise of the boy's length along with her. Without the weight of her rear to restrain it, the raging bloat it maintained 'followed' her cheeks until it arrived inches out of contact with the phallus-draining crease it had slipped out of.

Prepared all along, Power ended her ascent by reaching behind herself and hooking a single clawed finger underneath the drenched patch of fabric that was supposed to constitute the backside of her panties. Barely wider than her thumb in practice (and yet not quite so thin as to be misconstrued as a thong), the fabric offered just enough 'give' for her to peel it across her left buttocks before dropping it into a fat-accentuating cut into its flesh.

Without it to restrain her, she set about her work in earnest. Pushing her rear backwards, she swallowed the pulsing girth of the boy's shaft back between her cheeks ever so slightly and flicked her hips upwards to stroke the mass of her rear along with it.

A moment later, she set her palms atop her kneecaps and dropped her hips back to where they had started. Brandishing the same force she had produced throughout her ascent, a moist *CLOPP!* immediately recognizable as glazed flesh rebounding against itself sounded out through the backroom at a telling volume.

But not telling enough for the boy to adhere to it. In comparison to the aggressive wobbling that Power's motions created at her rear, it was lacking–isolated and impotent in the grand scheme of proceedings thus far.

This, too, was entirely by design. In that moment, Power's intent was for the sight of her rear's jiggling to take front and center within her suitor's psyche. By leaving the boy's length removed from the oppression of her asscheeks (if only slightly), the bounce that she produced highlighted the shape and swell of her rear whilst at the same time projecting a whorishness on par with actual intercourse.

Quite literally, the devil was in the details. In the stroke that Power produced (and every one that came afterwards), the bounce of her hips pulled the inner edges of her asscheeks into a moist rebounding against themselves. Controlled yet significant, their partial spread showed off the recently exposed pudge of her sphincter at a tantalizing distance from the boy's leaking glans. What was more, the particular blend of full fat and flesh that provided her rear with its oppressive roundness was set on display.

Made to play off of one another by default, these sights created a stopgap for the boy's attention until Power's twerking began in earnest.

When it did, the perverse visuals she had created were blended with sounds and sensations that were designed to be addictive.


In accordance with the steady acceleration that her hip flicks enjoyed following her first, the impacts of cheek flesh against itself at her rear eventually acquired a frequency that infested the air with a brand new form of sexual noise. Though assfat represented the 'core' of these noises, its drenching with precum, sweat, and cuntslime provided the impacts with sexual moistness that defied convention. Further, the position that Power worked within accented each one with a splattering impact of her cheeks' fringes with the boy's inner thighs (and to a lesser extent) his testicles.

On stimuli alone, the only thing her motions lacked was penetration for the leaking mound of cuntflesh between her legs. In spite of this, the boy was not left wanting in terms of stimulation. Beyond the 'build up' of Power's twerking, the grinding of buttocks flesh up along the underside of his shaft provided it with enough stimulation to part with a muddy burble of precum for every handful of strokes that she produced. Some expelled as ropey jets and others as muddy burbles, their contents were uniformly applied as yet another dressing for the gleaming face of her buttocks.

And this was not all. Over time, the closeness between Power's sphincter and the tip of his glans facilitated several explicitly detailed shots of his jellied precum jetting out into direct contact with one of her holes. Each 'shot' provided alongside the repeated clopping of phallus-fattening pressure against his crotch (from the weight of Power's rear), his experience acquired an agonizing similarity to the handjob he had enjoyed–in a certain manner of speaking.

Within a minute or so, the pressure that these things injected into the root of his shaft forced the boy to consider whether Power's twerking was a 'reasonable' payment for less than 300 yen's worth of cat food.

It was, of course–truth be told, it was worth far more. Nevertheless, the greed that Power's emotions fed into his ass-enamored psyche tempted him towards denying reality each time her cheeks rebounded away from one another.

Were it not for his stubbornness, this impasse would have broken him. Through it, he found just enough wit to coax Power into providing him with far more than he was actually owed.

All without explicitly requesting a single thing.


"...W-Well, guess you can't be perfect at everything. It was a good start, so I guess I can just w-waive the rest." the boy exhaled.

"Kind of a shame that you're so mediocre at this when your ass is so stupidly fat, though…"

This time, it was Power's turn to be drawn out of herself. Rightly convinced of the quality of her motions by the desperate throbbing of the boy's length, the preceding few minutes had seen her slip into a pattern of thoughtless repetition. Nose pridefully upturned to the air throughout, the blended lust and satisfaction she enjoyed put her on top of a world all her own.

The sound of the boy's voice knocked her off of her perch and plunged her back into insecurity.

"What? You've done nothing but squirm underneath me for minutes. There's no way that my twerking is anything other than the very best that a human body can produce!" Power huffed.

"S'fine…if you think that…" breathless and strained, the boy's voice should have given away his efforts as baseline provocation.

Provided one had more than a handful of brain cells to rub together, of course.

"I-I'm just saying that I've seen better. I'm not gonna make you do anything else since you actually went through with trying to give me something. I'm just being h-honest so that you don't try to trade something like this…in the future." he continued.

"Things would maybe even out if you completely emptied my balls with this, b-but oh well. C-Can't—gghhh—c-complain too much, r-right?"

Juvenile and prideful in the very worst way possible, Power's arrogance warped the boy's opinions into reality.

In her mind, the matter was simple: if she did not believe in his assessment–the assessment of the male she was supposed to be pleasuring–who was she to believe? Stellar reviews in the past did not guarantee success in the present, and for as much as she hated to admit it, the possibility of the boy maintaining even more sexual prowess than her loomed large.

Suddenly without the satisfaction that she had basked in, her disposition demanded action from her.

Donning a fanged scowl, she pushed the pace of her twerking even further.

"S-Silence! It's good! It's good because I say it's good!" she spat.

"I'll show you!"

Overall, the timing of the boy's gambit could not have been better. Up to his poking at Power's hidden insecurities, the sustained pumping of her rear had engorged his shaft into a state defined by steely blood vessels and stinging flesh. Effectively set on the precipice of a debilitating orgasm, even a brief increase in the amount of stimulation he was enjoying was liable to make his shaft burst.

'Brief' did not describe Power's contributions in the slightest. Consumed by her desire to bring his opinion into accordance with her own, she produced a sustained increase for the pace of her hip flicking whilst at the same time 'enhancing it' with additional pressure.

In a word, she went from twerking against the boy's shaft to twerking on it. Via another forward dip of her breast-weighted torso and a frown-powered outward press of her rear, she swallowed the girth of his cocktrunk back between her cheeks without abbreviating the bouncing of her rear. After the fact, she turned the weight that they imposed on the opposing sides of his length into a 'grasp' with which to stroke him to completion.

Compared to their predecessors–noisy and feverish motions in their own right– the energy that she injected into these strokes was deafening.

Painfully so, but in a sense more addicting than unpleasant.


Per splattering impact of buttocks fat against ostensibly juvenile flesh, sloppy clapping noises thundered out into the backroom's airspace. In time with each one, Power's asscheeks could be seen briefly 'flattened' (or perhaps mushed) into the face of the boy's crotch before the controlled gyration of her hips pulled their jiggling out of contact with the region.

As if to make up for this loss of contact, the full length of his shaft was kept locked within her cheeks' sweltering embrace at all times. Thus, every movement Power carried them there–the up-and-down bounces imposed by her hips and the ricochet-wobbles created by their contact with one another–was translated out into some form of squeeze, stroke, or grind from the overfed nerve endings of the boy's length.

When all was said and done, the only aspect of convention that they adhered to was one firmly removed from Power's control–

Not a minute into her huffy dumpster-dumping, an explosion of heated cockjuice through the boy's length brought the effort to a swift and 'seamless' conclusion.



Perhaps as a result of his shaft's 'choking' between two dense globes of flesh, the winding ascent of nut through the boy's shaft coincided with the production of several smothered gurgling noises. At their end, an equally audible splatter timed to the jetting of semen strands up through the inner sides of Power's asscheeks came about as well.

These were to be expected. The caking of congealed sludge-batter at the peak of cheeks and the draping of a strand or two across her lower back as well. Everything fit, and would continue to do so if left to their own devices.

What Power desired was not what 'fit', but what she believed ought to. As such, the goal line of the boy's orgasm was perceived by her as a call to action.

The moment she felt a second rope of congested sludge hit the moistened stretch of her upper back, she did the unthinkable. Visualizing an experience that no human male could protest against, she swiftly pushed up out of her forward-leaning seat until the tip of the boy's shaft slipped out of her cheeks entirely.

From here, a split-second realignment of her rear heralded her hardest drive yet. Aligning her drenched lower lips with the nose of the boy's length, she treated herself to a single expulsion of steaming cockjuice against their pudge before squarely slamming her backside from whence it came. In the process, she skewered herself full of his length and delivered his glans into a mushy kiss with her cervix just in time for its next discharge of seed.

Planning these moves out in her head took nothing from their impact on Power's psyche. As would have been the case for any other young woman, the sensation of squirming reproductive custard exploding out against her cervix fluttered her eyelids with bliss.

Nevertheless, she remained focused. With her cheeks squarely compressed into the boy's crotch again, she spent the remainder of his orgasm swirling her hips in wide, weight-backed circles meant to coax every solitary blob of semen within his balls through to discharge into her cunt. Throughout, she slanted her gaze back towards the boy and projected a silent smirk down at his constricted profile that very nearly subverted her flushed arousal with smugness.

Complete subversion was never an option for her. Beginning with the first rope of seed blasted out against her cervix, lace-length serpents of the same white sludge she had slurped down her throat funneled raw stimulation straight up her spine. 'Tolerable' if only in the sense that they did not addle her swirls, a bulbous smear of the substance at the back end of her vaginal canal quickly gave way to a mounting inundation of her folds with semen from back to front. Unabated until her babybutton saw fit to begin sucking the contents of these discharges directly into her womb, the 'ebbing' of the boy's release coincided with copious burbling overflows of cockjuice spilling out from between her lower lips, and soon enough, from underneath the localized compression of her asscheeks.

Funnily enough, the primary sensation that Power enjoyed throughout her clogging with nut was indignation, not pleasure. This was not what showed on her face, but internally, proof of this sat in the words that she spoke to herself.

"T-Take that, human boy! How dare you insinuate that my strength is lacking!" she stammered to herself. "I will make sure you never make such a foolish mistake ever again! Every drop of your sludge will serve as a reminder a-as to…ooughh...m-my might—"

"A-All of your seed is going to end up drained out into my hole!"

Comparable indignation was nowhere to be found in the boy Power yelled at. Really, there was no 'indignation' at all. From the moment that his second orgasm washed over his psyche, the sensation of semen clearing its way through his length–to say nothing of the sight of it splattering up against Power's ass–had left him too content to dwell on anything other than bliss.

Power seating her cunt along his length and vigorously pumping out the remainder of his seed was an extension of this. Choked by stimulation, he attempted to ride out the event as a participant until Power's evacuation of his testicles coaxed him into producing the exact behavior that she wanted to see.

At some point, the emptying of his balls became too much for him. Thinking whilst slushy cuntflesh constricted the entity of his mast became too tiresome, and keeping his mouth shut as it stroked semen through his urethra became too effortful. As any child would've, his frame reflexively attempted to 'escape' from the pressures that it faced by pushing his right hand up to push up against the fringe of Power's right hip.

Not a second after his fingertips touched her fat, Power's palm found his wrist. Shoved down flat against his midsection, his attempt at ending proceedings early earned him a trio of strokes from Power's rear that were backed by intentional exertion from her. For each one that she produced, blobby dregs of his orgasm were squeezed out into pressurized bursts against her cervix whilst the meat of his shaft was left to convulse in desperation. Each fatter than the last, the aftermath of their delivery thickened the splatter pattern of seed that spread out from underneath Power's rear until it matched her flesh in obscenity.

Fittingly, Power's payment concluded shortly afterward. At the exact moment that semen ceased flowing through the boy's shaft, she released his wrist and pulled herself out of her squat at long last. As smooth and indifferent as ever, neither the messy slippage of the boy's shaft from her clogged folds nor the plastering of excess seed to her rear managed to stymie her as she went.

Upright, she turned on her heels and presented as though the preceding few minutes amounted to no more than a simple reiteration of the obvious.

"...There! Payment in full, human boy!" she huffed, smirking. "Both your face and body appear drained, so I'll be taking my leave now. Should I need sustenance for Nyako in the future, I will consider making my purchases here instead of going elsewhere,"

"I can count on your cooperation if I do, right?"

For all that he had endured, the boy had yet to lose his mirth. Although reduced to wheezing and perspiring, Power's words inspired a display of defiance from him.

In order, he raised his hand and presented Power with a thumbs up.

"Thanks…for your patronage…."

"Come again soon."