Chapter-2[Reincarnation and Future Plans]

In Dianxu World, in the sect Mystical Sorcery Palace, a girl opened her eyes living in a compartment given to the inner disciples in the inner sect.

The girl has black eyes which seem to suck away a person's soul, her lips red like a sweet cheery ready to be picked from the branch, her face seems to suck away the thoughts of everyone who saw it once. Her black hair shining going straight to her back. Her breasts seem to be of the proper size for a man to hold.

'...What happened...?' I thought mindlessly, feeling like I woke up from a long sleep.

'Right! That Old man!!'

I opened my eyes wide remembering what happened only to hold my head in my hands from the sudden pain that hit my head making me groan.

"Urghhh..." A groan escaped my mouth from the sudden pain and the memories that seems to be coming back to me.

'Ahh!! What are these memories!? Who is Xia Dongyi?! and....' I asked myself.

After a minute or so passed, I released my head from my hands and leaned back on the bed while a sigh escaped my mouth.

", I reincarnated...I guess this is what the old man means.." I muttered to myself.

I, Xie, now I am Xia Dongyi, and I just remembered my past life. Like how boring it was, and there was nothing exciting for me to do in that life. And how it all changed when I met that weird Old Man.

"So, I really did become a girl..." I said in a sweet tone that could bewitch anyone whether male or female. It is hard to believe that it is my tone but at the same time, I know it is mine without any problem.

Thinking for a moment, I put my hands on my breasts and gave them a little squish.

"Wow! never thought they are so soft!" I exclaimed in a somewhat excited voice.

I was always curious about how a female would have felt, even in my previous life, but even though I was curious, not that much that I would get an operation for that. And now that I turned into a girl, it kinda feels unreal at the same time not but one thing is for feels good and at the same time fascinating.

I slowly moved my hands towards my lower body, where my little brother used to but I felt the place completely plain making me feel a little bad.

"Hoh...even my little brother is gone, I am gonna miss you....we fought many battles together," I said the last part rather proudly, even though I lost my little brother, I am never forgetting the battles that we fought together, the battles in which I was always victorious.

I then took my hands back from there as I felt weird heat coming to my lower body and knowing what it was, I took my hand away from there and released a sigh.

"It's good that I somewhat reincarnated in this world, not transmigrated. Else I would have a lot of problems in getting used to the female body...but there are still many problems, why is there no memories before I was 13 years old...but one thing I remember that I have Yang Physique, but I also had another physique, Devouring Physique. But nothing else."

I remembered how I was found by a Senior Disciple of the Sect when the latter was out of the sect to gain some experience and insights to break through the next realm. The Senior Disciple took me into the Sect after seeing my Yang Body, something she read in a book. In the Sect, I was given a cultivation technique, Yin-Yang Dragon Pheonix Dual Cultivation Technique, and after which I started cultivating.

A sigh escaped my mouth remembering my past actions and regretting my actions a little bit. If I knew or have my memories at that time, then I would have never accepted that Cultivation Technique but what could you say to a naive girl who had no memories of her past?

"That Cultivation Technique is vile...." I muttered slowly while a little angry too.

That Cultivation method is a borderline evil method as it bounds those who practice it together making them never have any bad feelings for another person.

"But I can't complain as I was given a warning about that but I myself accepted that without even thinking..." I complained slowly to myself for being a fool in the past.

And my partners too...

When I turned 15, I had my first companion, who was actually none other than the same Senior Disciple who took me in the sect when she found me lost in the woods. And due to my Yang Physique, I could only cultivate with the girls... boys would simply puke blood as my Yang Qi is way too strong and at the same time, it seems to be in my brain but it never occurred to me in the past of even thinking about Dual Cultivating with a boy.

And Heavens blessed me, the Senior Disciple was a girl too. The Senior Sister has been stuck in her realm for way too long and wasn't able to reach the next realm easily as her Physique made it a little difficult and due to that, her Master, one of the two Grand Masters of the Sect suggested to become my Daoist Companion as this would be the first time for both of us and would give us the maximum benefit.

It's a good thing that they let us develop feelings first, even though she appeared cold but it was just like Ice that needed some heat to melt off. Even though she still acts coldly around me, I could easily discern her behavior.

A soft smile plastered on my face thinking of the attitude that she showed around me but the smile quickly vanished as realization hit me.

"I see... just thinking about her made me happy... and it is because of the Cultivation Method as I mostly ignored her bad points..." I muttered slowly releasing how much I am affected by the cultivation technique.

After the First time Dual-Cultivating, which was exciting but a little problematic now that I remembered, but the result was 50% more than desired letting both of us massive benefits in cultivation.

Fate Lines, something which shows when a person is connected to another through intercourse, making both body and heart binding with the other person. And, with the consent of both me and the girls, we got bound to each other but one should have the upper hand in this Fate lines, and I always had the upper hand letting me have more than one partner.

Even though it's tiring to have more than one partner, it is also good...

I lifted my hand and clenched my fits with my eyes burning with determination.

"Finally, something exciting...I could feel the excitement running in me. Becoming as strong as those cultivators, capable of destroying the mountains and moving rivers...I finally have a goal in my life." I said slowly while my eyes showed excitement for the upcoming adventure that I could have in this life.

'But there is still the memories problem... I could feel myself changing internally but it is not a bad change. Living in this cruel world, this change will prove to be a good one.' I contemplated. This world is the strong eat weak world where I could lose my life with a single mistake.

After thinking about it for some time, I extended my hand and lightish blue liquidy but at the same time floating thing, the Spiritual Energy started to gather in my hand which instantly made me look at that curiously.

"Spiritual Energy... what a mysterious thing it is... existing in Heaven and Earth but how? No one knows, but it makes a cultivator strong... but why? No answer... haa.. I have to be thankful to that old man for letting me explore things like this but.." I muttered with a fascinated look on my face staring at the Spiritual Energy in my hands.

'But who was that Old Man? And what was the weird familiar at the same time stranger feeling that I was getting from the old man?' I wondered at the identity of the old man.

From the time I have lived in this world, I know that even the strongest person, the Sikong Xinmei, the Sect Master of my sect, Mythical Sorcery Palace doesn't have this capability... and the Sect Master is the strongest person in the whole world who could easily destroy mountains and move the rivers.

'It seems like I am quite a fan of Sect Master.... and with those things happening it is natural....' I thought remembering the time with the sect master.

"My strength is only at Foundation Establishment, stage 7th. While many of my age had already made Golden Core of themselves." I said slowly.

"But even if I want to increase my strength fastly, I need way too many resources for that. My body purifies the energy to the limit, giving me less energy to advance to the next stage, but it is also not without any benefit. I could fight against a Golden core realm expert at a high stage without any problem." I analyzed the situation of my strength.

The energy in my body is purer than even some high-ranking cultivators increasing the strength behind that energy.

"But...I am still weaker. And my memories are starting to affect me now that I am calm. I can't even believe that I turned into a girl in a world of cultivation, where the strong eat the weak. It may be lucky that I was found by the Senior Sister before else I can't fathom what would have happened to me." I said while thinking about my situation more clearly.

It seems like lady luck was on my side that I was found by the Senior Sister at the time when I had no memory and was left alone in the woods. If not, then I may have already become the food for wild beasts or some other cultivator would have taken me away.

I extended my hand again and light bluish light started to gather on my hands.

"Normal people had the color to be blue but mine is lightish blue, showing how pure it is," I said while observing the Spiritual energy in her hands.

After playing with the spiritual energy for a while, I erased the energy and thought about something important.

'But, who was that old man really...? And why did he send me to this world?... And how he behaved and how I felt around him is already weird enough. And my Devouring Physique, I had looked into many records throughout the sect but there is not a single thing about it, but Sect Master seems to know about it. And she is the only reason why I was even able to use my physique.' I wondered.

I had searched in the Sect Library before and found records of many physiques before but I never found a single clue related to my physique, the Devouring Physique no matter how much I searched but the Sect Master seems to know about my physique clearly.

I contemplated for some time but I know I can't get my answer like that. I need to become strong, stronger than anyone else to find out about it myself.

"Haa...I have many things to take care of, which is good. A challenge after all this time, I don't think that I will ever become bored of this lifestyle." I said remembering about my past life and how boring it become for me.

A fearless and challenging smile plastered on my face expecting future challenges.

'I also need to adjust to my body again, it seems that being only 18 years old, and having memories of 28-year-old self in me as a man is making me feel somewhat unfamiliar with my body.' I thought touching all over my body.

I am only 18 or something years old in this life and that is without having any memories before being 13 years old, so I hadn't spent too much time as a girl and now I have memories of my previous life self when I was a male and a grown adult one at 28 years old too. So it had started to affect me which is making me uncomfortable.

"But I have a more important thing to do, no...maybe the most important thing, that is to create a bra and panties. These clothes are damn hard to wear and so uncomfortable." Those words left my mouth in a tone filled with nothing but annoyance.

I can't get used to wearing these clothes, even with my memories of wearing them for years. I am from the modern world and know that there are more comfortable clothes than this one and I know the method to make them.

How do I know them despite being a male?

Well, I was curious about them and learned how to make them and even spent several months perfecting myself at that.

"And I need to take care of that bastard too...he deserves to pay for what he tried to do in the past..." I said slowly with killing intent showing in my eyes.

I had already killed many people in my past life, as becoming the owner of the richest company was not without a price.

As for who I am talking about?

I am talking about another disciple from the sect, when I had been in the sect for two years started to pester me like an insect in the name of courting me. I always rejected it but that b*stard had the guts to actually use aphrodisiac onto me but the good thing is that my body refined all the aphrodisiac making it useless. But I got to know about that and I had already started making plans to take revenge on him.

I could have taken help from others but that boy is one of the core disciples and I wasn't even an Inner Disciple at that time, and even with the protection from the Sect Master, I always claimed the ranks in the sect honestly, so asking for help from others was not right and I am not comfortable too as I can't pay them back.

After thinking about so many things started to make myself mentally tired so, I laid on the bed closed my eyes to have a good sleep.