Chapter-10[Rank 1 Body Strengthening Pill]

(Xia Dongyi's POV)

"Then, I will continue. The Alchemists are divided into 9 ranks, with the Rank 9 being the highest and Rank 1 being the lowest. There is only one Rank 9 Alchemist in the whole world right at this moment. For doing alchemy, you need to select the ingredients first which I already did." Elder Lin said and paused for a moment as a black pill appeared in his hand from his storage ring.

"Here, take this, it will help you get your Yin Qi faster." Elder Lin said as he passed the pill to Yang Ruiya who blushed but still took the pill and eat it.

A blush also appeared on my face but not too much, 'I need to become stronger doesn't feel good when someone could look through you like this easily....' I thought.

A new determination stem in me.

I don't like how easily the strong cultivators could see through me but at the same time, I know that I need to become strong myself to be able to not be easily seen by others. If it is not for the inscription pattern on every living compartment which blocked the Divine Sense, I wouldn't have the courage to touch the girls, even before my memories returned.

"Then, where was I....right, You need to know how to control the heat of the furnace, how you are going to use the ingredients, and how are you going to mix them to create pills, these things are most important, the rest is the stuff you will learn through experience." Elder Lin continued in the same instructing tone.

I and Yang Ruiya both nodded.

"We understand, Elder Lin." Both of us said at the same time.

Elder Lin nodded and put his hand on the furnace, a wave of Spiritual Qi released from his body and remained everywhere in the room.

' this is how a cultivator of Nascent Core really uses its Divine Sense... it feels like a domain but at the same time it is feels like something is probing you all the time...' I wondered at the same time hating the feeling I am getting from being in this place now.

I turned around and saw a frown appearing on Yang Ruiya's face making me realize that she should be hating to stay in this place more than me.

Yin and Yang always need the other one to become complete. They both exist in each other. If there is Yin, there is Yang, the vice-versa is also true.


(Yang Ruiya's POV)

Why am I even here?!

And the Elder Lin, why is he doing it?

Did he not know how uncomfortable it is!!

Especially feeling like I am getting checked by someone else in front of Senior Sister!

I am Yin, and I already have my Yang part, Senior Sister Xia, and feeling something else going through my body is directly making me feel I have done something wrong.

Suddenly I felt someone taking my hand, which made me look at the preparator, Senior Sister Xia with a surprised expression but before I could ask anything, I felt something hot enter my body which instantly calmed the uncomfortableness and the hate that I was feeling vanished making my body relaxed.

Ahh~ She is always so much caring~

Senior Sister Xia was able to understand me even though I tried not to show it and not only that, she even helped me again by giving me her Yang Qi but good thing that it is less, way too less so my body tolerated it without getting aroused.

I then started to circulate the Yin Qi in my body and interacted with the Yang Qi in my body making me feel at ease and the mutual feeling of becoming one with Senior Sister Xia penetrated deep in my body and a smile bloomed on my face.

'Ahh... Senior Sister knows every time how to help me....' I thought while circulating my Qi in my body increasing my Cultivation Base.

I glared at Elder Lin after I calmed down but the glare died at the same time when I remembered my position and the fact that the one in front of me is an Elder.

I turned towards Senior Sister Xia, who indicated me to remain silent and remain focused on learning.

So, she is worried about me learning even though she should be focusing on her work...

How cute~

I nodded and focused on Elder Lin.


(Xia Dongyi's POV)

'Why does Elder Lin do it...I mean he could see me and Ruiya becoming uncomfortable....' I wondered.

It was good that I was able to see through Yang Ruiya's condition else she would have stayed uncomfortable like that...but I am sure that Elder Lin could also observe that but he stayed quiet about that and just watched.

Did he enjoy seeing the newcomers getting uncomfortable in his presence?

I guess that's why everyone believed that the rumor about him is true.

I decided to think for later and focused on Elder Lin after telling the same thing to Yang Ruiya.

"Then, I will make a Rank 1 Body Strengthing Pill, so watch me closely." Elder Lin said as ingredients started to flow in his direction from the ground and gathered around the furnace.

"Star Herb...Blood Essence Lotus...Conjoined Flower..." I muttered looking at the ingredients being the same that I saw in the library before.

Elder Lin nodded his head hearing what I said. Yang Ruiya looked confused hearing but stayed quiet as not to disturb others.

Elder Lin then paused the ingredients before they entered the furnace making me and Yang Ruiya confused.

Did something happen?

But I think that the ingredients are all correct though.

Or, another show?

I don't understand the old foggies...

Can't they just do the things normally?

I focused on Elder Lin to watch what show he is going to show now.

"I am going to refine every ingredient step by step." Elder Lin said as he placed the Star herb and the Conjoined Flower aside and put the Blood Essense Lotus in the furnace.

Ohh... So he wants us to understand it easily..

I guess I misunderstood that.

No problem though.

I again focused but on the furnace this time but before that, I turned my head and looked at Yang Ruiya who is watching everything with a bored expression on her face.


Cause her Master should have shown her these things but she never learned and I am 100% sure that I am right.

I know her more than I could even think but at the same time not. I can't find the reason for her to be interested in roaming and traveling more than becoming stronger and other stuff.

Looks like Elder Lin is about to do something so I turned my head toward him again.

Elder Lin put his hands on both sides of the furnace as Spiritual Energy started to release from his body and changes into blue fire inside the furnace.

The fire started to become unstable but not for long as Elder Lin controlled that fire and made it under his control fully. After controlling the fire, Elder Lin started to refine the flower in the fire and after some time, the flower turned into blood-red liquid. Elder Lin calmly controlled that liquid and placed it on the side inside the furnace.

So, the blood-red liquid is like the medicinal liquid made from refining the Blood Essence Lotus.

Huh... it is difficult from what I have read but I guess experience beats everything.

Elder Lin then took the Conjoined flower and put it in the furnace. Controlling the fire again, Elder Lin refined the liquid and placed it some far away from another liquid in the furnace.

"Now listen, Star Herb is one of the most important herbs that is used in almost every pill that you are making. Star Herb purifies the properties of every herb it is mixed with, purifying them further and increasing their quality." Elder Lin said calmly while having a snow-white colored white flower in his hands.

I and Yang Ruiya nodded hearing that.

This is the most difficult part of the alchemy as the Star Herb is extremely volatile in nature making it extremely reactive of fire.

"Now refining it...that is a most difficult thing for the newbies like you." Elder Lin said and paused for a moment before continuing.

Making suspense here...I see..

"The refinement process is difficult because the Star Herb gets out of the control pretty easily if you are not careful. And mixing it with other herbs is even more difficult. Let me show you." Elder Lin said.

Both I and Yang Ruiya nodded again and Elder Lin who saw that put the Star Herb in the furnace.

The moment the Star Herb touched the fire, it became unstable even more before Elder Lin calmed the fire and took control over it. After that, Elder Lin used the fire to calmly and slowly refine the Star Herb and during the process, the herb nearly got out of control several times but Elder Lin easily control it again.

...I am speechless....

I know for sure that Elder Lin could easily refine a Star Herb and for someone as experienced as him, it would be even easier.

And, he could teach us without showing the exagrated expressions..

Well, I guess the old people do love to show off.