Chapter-13[First Meeting with Yang Ruiya]

(Xia Dongyi's POV)

I observed Yang Ruiya as she focused completely on the Compressed Spiritual Energy.

Yang Ruiya looked at the compressed spiritual energy in her hands while focussing hard thinking of changing the element.

During the procedure of changing the element, Yang Ruiya nearly lost control over her spiritual energy several times but after some time, she earned enough control over it.

I guess it's not that easy to change the element of the compressed spiritual energy..

But I know for sure that she would have been pestered by Grand Elder before to learn things like this.

Even with her behavior, Yang Ruiya is one of the most talented younger generations in the sect. She is even made a viewpoint by many others due to her cold nature and her strength being already in Golden Core, High stage Realm. She is acting like this because of being with me and she has already known Elder Lin for quite some time, else she wouldn't have even shown a single smile to someone she met for the first time.

Huh... now that's a surprise, I haven't seen such a serious expression on her face after we opened ourselves to each other, the last time I saw this was the first 15 days of our meeting.

'Yes...those were some days...with how Ruiya tried to kill me...she always had that serious expression on her face and her hate for me at that time...' I thought reminiscing about our past.

[Flashback, (Third Person's POV)

In a simple room having a chair for sitting and the rest is the place made for sitting on the floor, three people sat there with two of them on one side and the last one in front of them.

A girl around 15 years old who looked just like Yang Ruiya but younger looked at the front, seeing a girl around 16 years old having the same looks as Xia Dongyi with hatred in her eyes.

Young Yang Ruiya turned to her side, with her expression softening a little but the aura around her remained cold.

"Master...could I kill her?" Yang Ruiya asked with a venomous tone to the man sitting beside her.

The man who looked to be around in his twenties with black hair going to his back tied in a knot and his face that seems to look like a young second-generation master with how it looked but his eyes don't. His eyes seem to be oozing the knowledge and wisdom of someone who lived for a long time, and it is not from just staying in one place and reading but from the experience that he had acquired during his life.

"My dear disciple, calm down and tell me the are meeting with her for the first time." The man asked with a bitter smile on his face.

'Well, I should have expected it but not this much..' The man thought about his mistake.

Young Xia Dongyi looked at them and what they are doing lost in her thoughts.

'Why am I even here? I was called by Grand Elder but who is this girl...and why is she saying that she wants to kill me? But she feels nice to be near with...' Young Xia Dongyi thought while feeling weird seeing them acting like that and why did she feel good to be near Yang Ruiya.

"But Master! Staying near this girl is making me feel that I want to be closer to her! I don't like this!!" Young Yang Ruiya screamed in anger and discomfort.

'I see, so she is feeling the same as me...' Young Xia Dongyi thought nodding mentally.

"Grand Elder, why was I called here?" Young Xia Dongyi asked finally having seen enough.

The man, Grand Elder, and Young Yang Ruiya paused and looked at Young Xia Dongyi for a moment before Grand Elder sit straight again and cleared his throat.

'He did not need for that...' Both Young Xia Dongyi and Yang Ruiya thought at the same time as they knew who the Grand Elder is.

In the Mystical Sorcery Palace, there are only 2 Grand Elder and the one sitting in front of her is one of the two Grand Elder, someone who reached the Divine Transformation Realm.

"Junior Xia, I want you to meet my disciple, Yang Ruiya. She just like you are born with a special physique, Pure Yin Physique, the same type as your Yang Physique. And I want you to develop feelings in between yourselves." Grand Elder said making Young Xia Dongyi feel weird.

"But I wasn't informed about that?!" Yang Ruiya asked furiously.

'Why is master doing it...?! I don't even want to stay here, I am feeling myself wanting to be near to this woman and at the same time I am having this feeling of intimacy but I just met her for the first time?!' Yang Ruiya thought trying to find the reason for herself to feel like this.

"Because I don't want to. If I did inform you before, then you would have just run off to the tower." Grand Elder said with a weary smile on his face.

"And, your physique is maturing day by day, and this also means that you are going to be in pain most of the time you are cultivating, and not even the Yang Pills could help you. And I am not saying that you should just be together with each other, you both could develop feelings with time and become Daoist Companions." Grand Elder continued while looking at Young Yang Ruiya first then at both of them.

Seeing that her Master is doing this for herself, Young Yang Ruiya's expression softened a little, and turned to look at Young Xia Dongyi who is completely silent through their conversation.

'So, she has the same physique as me...I guess that's the reason for me to feel like that wait...Yin and Yang...ahh I see so that's the reason why I want to be together with her.' Young Xia Dongyi thought understanding the reason for her to feel closer to Young Yang Ruiya.

"I am ready to spend some time with you, but don't come too much closer to me!!" Young Yang Ruiya said with a threatening tone making both Grand Elder and Young Xia Dongyi smile wearily.

Grand Elder looked at Young Xia Dongyi and saw the troubled expression on her face as thinking of how to reply to what Young Yang Ruiya said.

"You don't have to become Daoist Companions if you are feeling uncomfortable with each other, so don't worry." Grand Elder said calmly making Young Xia Dongyi nod.

Young Xia Dongyi turned towards Young Yang Ruiya and stood up and bowed her head.

"Please take care of me from now on." Young Xia Dongyi said calmly.

Young Yang Ruiya had her face turned red hearing what Young Xia Dongyi just said and a sword appeared in her hands which she took out from her space ring and furiously slashed towards Young Xia Dongyi.

"We are only spending time together!!!! Don't make it sound like that!!!" Young Yang Ruiya screamed angrily.

Young Xia Dongyi smiled brightly hearing that and sidestepped dodging the incoming sword.

Grand Elder looked at them and smiled a little, 'Young one's energy... I hope they continue to be like that in the future..'

FlashBack End]

(Xia Dongyi's POV)

A smile appeared under my mask reminiscing about the first time I met Yang Ruiya, and how she showed the same serious expression on her face.


(Yang Ruiya's POV)

'urghh it's way too complicated...maybe I should have given attention to Master and comprehended how to operate things like this before...but he was teaching me in a boring way....' I thought remembering how master always pestered me to learn things seriously.

Maybe I should have learned but the way he taught things is way too boring..

Well, no point in thinking right now, I need to remain focused for now.


(Elder Lin's POV)

'She is learning it way too quickly...I guess that's why she is one of the prodigy children of the sect...' I thought after I saw how quickly Yang Ruiya progressed herself.

If only she is like this all the time, then I guess the Grand Elder would be quite happy.

Haa... if only I could have my first disciple like them, but I guess Heaven was against me to gain a disciple like that.
