Chapter- 18[Ling Ze]

Yang Ruiya brings her face near Xia Dongyi's neck and was about to kiss there but.

"Master!! I refined a Rank 4 Pill!!" An enthusiastic voice of a teenager disrupts both Xia Dongyi and Yang Ruiya, but at the same time renders them to have their return to the real world.

Xia Dongyi instantly starts to adjust Yang Ruiya's robe which loosened a little during their skinship making Yang Ruiya smile.

"Master!" The enthusiastic voice again arrives making both of them fulfill their work promptly.

The door of the room opens and a boy around 15 years old enters with a cheerful smile on his face which stagnates when his eyes detect Xia Dongyi in the room with her hands on Yang Ruiya's shoulder, but she already finished fixing Yang Ruiya's clothes so there was no problem...but the boy belief differently.

"You damn vixen!! I have warned Elder Sister many times but!!" The boy shouts while pointing at Xia Dongyi.

"Whistles" Hearing the boy's statement, Xia Dongyi began whistling after raising her hands from Yang Ruiya's shoulders.

The boy's face twists red in anger making Yang Ruiya show a smile that promptly fades away.

'..huh, what the hell he is doing here today...shouldn't he be in cultivating indoor for this period...' Xia Dongyi wonders looking at the boy.

"Senior Sister...what is an insect doing here?" Yang Ruiya innocently inquires while tilting her head.

'She looks way too cute right now...but if only she hadn't said those words..' Xia Dongyi marvels at the fact that Yang Ruiya was proficient to say those words that innocently.

The boy turns towards Yang Ruiya with his head boiling in anger.

"You!! You have no privilege to say that!! You intervened in my Elder Sister's life!! You damn vixen!!" The boy yells angrily towards Yang Ruiya who reveals a small smile.

"Why are you saying that? Junior Brother Ling, I never committed anything was your sister who was harsh to Senior Sister.." Yang Ruiya retorts in a hoarse voice with some tears accumulating in her eyes.

Xia Dongyi mentally sighs observing that, 'Why is she doing it right now?... There was no necessity and why do I have to meet him now...' and wonders turning her head towards the boy.

"You do know that it is way too rude, right? If Ling'er discovers about it then?" Xia Dongyi inquires sternly while understanding that both Yang Ruiya and the Junior Brother Ling are at a mistake but she will obviously take the standpoint of her lover even if the whole world is against her.

Junior Brother Ling trembles when Xia Dongyi announces the name Ling'er and an expression of fear arose on his face.

"And Elder Lin is not here, he departed to visit the Grand Elder." Xia Dongyi continues.

Junior Brother Ling nods but then his expression turned into a smug one.

"You can't tell Elder Sister, she is in closed-door cultivation for few" Junior Brother announces arrogantly but before he could proceed fully, he was slapped by Xia Dongyi on the face, his whole body drifts diagonally getting out of the room and tosses on the ground.

'Haha...good thing this happened, was he really trying to behave arrogantly in front of Senior Sister..even ignoring her face?' Yang Ruiya speculates seeing this happening and smiles radiantly which rapidly disappears.

"Be more thoughtful to your elders... especially if they are stronger than you, Ling Ze." Xia Dongyi instructs staring at Junior Brother Ling, Ling Ze.

'Haa...if I assume my previous world standards, then I am right now enlightening my brother-in-law, right?...but just what happened to him to become arrogant like that?...did he let his heart wander off...and Internal Demons formed in him?... I need to discuss with Elder Lin about...if it is true.' Xia Dongyi reckons in considering another possibility while glancing at her brother-in-law, Ling Ze.

Internal Demons, the negative emotions and other mental barriers that hinder a cultivator in their path of cultivation and affect their mind. The Internal Demons could even attack the cultivator from inside, in the worst case of failure to adequately resist them may result in Qi Deviation.

Ling Ze stands up from the ground while removing the dust on his clothes and tears in his eyes.

"I-I am going to tell M-master about i-it!!!" Ling Ze cries out while pointing his finger at Xia Dongyi who blatantly dismisses that.

'It's good that it's not Internal Demon...I guess he became overconfident after refining the Rank 4 pill...' Xia Dongyi relaxes after recognizing the attitude of Ling Ze returning to what she knows.

Ling Ze is the disciple of Elder Lin and at the same time, the little brother of the Sect Saintess, the disciple of other Grand Elder. He is generally kind to everyone but at the same time, he takes pride in his strength. He is a year younger than Yang Ruiya but is already at Low-Level Golden Core Realm, and he may have attained an even higher realm if not for the fact that he admires alchemy more than cultivation.

In the entire sect, the one Ling Ze despises the second most is Xia Dongyi cause she is the Daoist Companion of his sister, somebody he looks up to the most in this world but knowing that she is one of the partners of her Daoist Companion left him to feel anger and hatred towards Xia Dongyi, so much that he challenged Xia Dongyi but miserably lost. Since then, he challenged Xia Dongyi several times but only taste defeat, even his Elder Sister, Ling Er got annoyed which results in him getting locked in the Cultivation Pagoda for three months but with Elder Lin's permission.

After getting out of there, he tried to challenge Xia Dongyi again as he cultivated in the pagoda and reached the Golden Core but again failed to make himself depressed for quite some time.

Xia Dongyi stares at Ling Ze who crouches down on the ground now while making circles with his fingers on the ground.

'Yea...they also do this thing here or only he does...' Xia Dongyi wonders seeing something she used to see in her past life.

"Why can't I defeat this vixen...just why...even elder sister didn't believe in me...why?.." Ling Ze mutters to himself in a depressing tone.

Xia Dongyi ignores him turning towards Yang Ruiya who spectate everything with amusement in her eyes.

Xia Dongyi strolls towards Yang Ruiya who still exhibits a smile staring at Ling Ze and knocks her head with a light punch making Yang Ruiya glance at her in surprise.

"Don't speculate that I can't see what you did, my dear Yin." Xia Dongyi whispers while pulling her face near Yang Ruiya's.

Yang Ruiya meekly nods while caressing her hands where Xia Dongyi hits her.

'Urghh...can't senior sister hit me slowly...but I reckon it's good that the previous thing solved, this insect assisted me for the first time but also destroyed the mood!!' Yang Ruiya protests mentally which shifts into gratefulness towards Ling Ze along with anger.

"Did you calm down now?" Xia Dongyi asks Ling Ze who raises his head glaring at her.

"You!! Just go away from here!!" Ling Ze yells angrily while his spiritual energy blazed around him moving the grass and the air around him.

Xia Dongyi nods and seizes Yang Ruiya's hand who jerks in surprise and starts walking out but.

"Then, we are leaving, my dear Brother-in-law." Xia Dongyi chuckles dazzlingly as she announces that compelling Ling Ze to jump in anger towards them but Xia Dongyi took Yang Ruiya out of the room.

Ling Ze crashes his face on the ground again perking up where Xia Dongyi was standing before and grits his teeth.

"I will have revenge one day!!!" Ling Ze shouts slowly.