Chapter-21[Lin and Lan]

(Xia Dongyi's POV)

Seeing the look of awe and excitement on their faces feels a little awkward but not too much as even in my last life, I was the owner of the world's biggest company, and not only that, in this sect, I am receiving these looks for a very long, I think for around 3 years making me get used to it.

"What does Senior Sister Xia needs our help with?!"

One of the girls having black hair asked excitedly, looks like I am more famous than I thought I was.

I needed materials to make comfortable undergarments but at the same time, I can't go out personally lest other disciples or Elders become interested in what I am doing which I want to avoid for now.

Why do I want to avoid that?

Cause I want to make some money, like Spirit Stones or even the Contribution Points to get more resources for myself. And at the same time, after making things and selling them, I could have some fame in the sect. How fame?

Because of the comfortableness that the modern clothes provided can't be compared with those from the old-style cultivation world.

"Yes, I need you to fetch some materials for me. But don't worry, I will give you an appropriate award for your help."

I said that in a somewhat respectful tone. I could have just ordered them to do it and they would have done it without asking for anything but I want someone who would work for me even in the future and rewards is best to keep them loyal.

Am I thinking too much about loyalty and stuff?

In my previous life, I was backstabbed by my friends who became jealous of me, my loyal workers who managed the company in my stead tried to take it away from me after I left it. So, you can't expect me to trust someone that easily.

I even doubted that Elder Lin had planned something doing all those things before, like why should he use his Divine Sense on a junior like that?

And the rumor about him might be true considering how he reacted.

'Or I may be overthinking...'

"We would do it!! And there is no need for the reward, Senior Sister Xia!!"

The other girl said this time enthusiastically. Well, even if they don't want it but the rewards are mandatory.

Right, I don't know their name.

"What are your names?"

Without knowing their names, I can't call them easily and it is also important for the future.

"Senior Sister, I am Lin, and she is Lan."

Lin answered me. I see, so they are Lin and Lan, kinda similar to something I have watched in the past... wait are they, twins?

Now that I took a closer look at them, they have the same facial features and same black hair but Lin has black eyes while Lan has Brown eyes. Their beauty is more than many princesses in the mortal world and even somewhat high in the Cultivator's world but not to the par.

Lin has a somewhat calm aura around her while Lan has a violent type which she has hidden deeply.

How do I know..?

I could sense it, I think it is due to my Devouring Physique or maybe my Yang Physique making me able to sense that. And this was the reason why I have tolerated Senior Brother Murong's tendencies as aside from his way of talking, his heart is pure and he only holds affection for me, pure affection... something hard to believe.

But that was just the reason why I ignored everything he said. Well, even if his heart is pure, I already have someone else... and I am not gonna look towards a guy in my life, no matter what.

And it seemed like both Lin and Lan left the family they use to live or were born in for not using a surname, I guess they wanted to be accepted as disciples of some Elder in the sect to have the surname of that Elder after they gained the permission from the same Elder.

"I see, and are you, twins?"

Lin nodded her head along with Lan and holds their hands.

I see... twins, well looked like I am quite lucky today.

"Yes Senior Sister Xia, Lan is my older sister."

"And Lin is my little sister."

Lin and Lan's face brightened as they answer me, looked like they are quite attached to each other.

I nodded and indicated them to follow me and following that, we started walking in the Inner Disciple Living Quadrant.

Along the way, I saw many disciples showing gazes of awe and respect towards me but many disciples also showed gazes of hatred something I am way too used to.

Those who showed me awe and the stuff like that turn their gazes filled with disgust and contempt when their eyes observed Lin and Lan behind me but they also ignored that as it seems like they are used to receiving looks like that.


(Lin's POV)

Heavens blessed me and my sister today!!

We met with our idol, Senior Sister Xia, someone who had helped us in the past but I guess she doesn't remember it.

Which I think is natural as she helped many people in the past and me and my sister got her grace during that time.

And, now she talked with us again and asked for our help!!

I can't believe that we got to help Senior Sister Xia!! But I am not taking any reward.

My sister and I were targeted by another Outer Disciple whose big brother was an Inner Disciple, if not for Senior Sister Xia saving us in time, we can't even imagine what would have happened to us.

I always dreamed of talking with Senior Sister Xia after that but she become an Inner Disciple, making it even harder for us to even see her. But now she asked us for help and even invited us to the place where she lives!!

I wonder what type of room she is in?

I saw another Inner Disciple's one time when I was asked to do that to earn some Contribution Points and it was filled with many antiques and jades, which means Senior Sister Xia's should be more grand right?

Well, I will think lately about that as we were about to reach there and I had to praise that even the Inner Disciples look at Senior Sister Xia with respect or fear, and some with hate... looked like they don't know how great Senior Sister Xia is or they are jealous of knowing that.

I think they are jealous...

Even Elder Sister seemed to observe them but I hope she didn't start to hunt them down.

She becomes way too violent sometimes making it hard for her to stay calm all the time but I think she should be able to do that this time considering that we are in front of Senior Sister Xia.


(Xia Dongyi's POV)

It looked like they were alright with following me, so I don't have to worry about them being uncomfortable.

After walking for a few minutes, we reached my living area and enter in with Lin and Lan following behind me.

Both of them started to look around the room intently... well, I know that my room is simple as there is no point in having the luxurious things in the room cause I am not looking around my room all the time while the important stuff is being stored in my Interspatial Ring.

Taking a seat on the chair, I made both Lin and Lan sit on the bed but it was hard as they refused me again and again but with some persuasion and a little bit of force, I was able to make them sit on the bed.

I guess it's natural they find it hard to stay and sit here considering that I am an Inner Disciple and the sect followed the hierarchy strictly...but that is just between the disciples. I bet the upper echelon of the sect wouldn't care or rather, they want this to remain as it motivates the disciples to progress and gives them motivation, no matter the other result is.