
Suddenly, Sikong Xinmei opened her eyes wide as the realization finally hit her when Yang Qi was about to reach her Yin Qi, and immediately vanished from her position making Xia Dongyi fall on the bed.

'What was I about to do?! Did I finally lose my mind??!' Sikong Xinmei quickly packed her clothes over her body and looked at Xia Dognyi who seemed to be returning to reality too and hit her neck with the back of her hand, making Xia Dongyi lose consciousness and fall on the bed.

"Huff...huff...if I was a little late, we both would have bounded with each other...something I can't as long as I remember him...sorry Dongyi..." Sikong Xinmei muttered and laid Xia Dongyi on the bed comfortably and after giving a kiss on her cheeks, she vanished from her place.

"Tchh...a coward!" Mai commented as she made her figure visible, floating above the bed. She had been spectating everything that happened here. She thought that something could finally happen, even though it would increase her work, but she was happy for her master to find happiness.

"Master, why are there more cowards around you?" Mai spoke in a confusing tone as she hovered down to Xia DOngyi's head and sat there, but feeling the place uncomfortable, she floated again and went toward Xia Dongyi's breasts and laid there comfortably and closed her eyes, sleeping.


Sikong Xinmei appeared back in her room and looked around in hurry and seeing and sensing nothing, she waved her hand, and freezing cold water appeared above her, which she threw on her body, to calm the heat that continued to build in her. The water was so cold that Sikong Xinmei had to be careful of not letting it fall to the ground, and the drops that did fall directly broke the wood from there completely.


The wood froze and become so cold that the pressure from the atmosphere and the wood itself contracted inside of the wood, destroying it.

After doing that and drying her body, Sikong Xinmei sat on her chair and leaned back. She still can't forget about what she was about to do. She was about to commit the taboo. A disciple and elder relationship were fine if they were not Master and Disciple, but it was different for her. She was the Sect Master, and at the same time, she held the title of the world's strongest, and that title is official, so she had to be careful in her every action.

And at the same time, she had her own past that she was never able to move on. Even after 300 years later, she still dreams of herself sitting on the side of a giant hill, looking at the setting sun with an ethereal-looking man beside her.

She was already trying her best to move own but was never able to. She found the same feelings and many things similar to the man in Xia Dongyi, making her affection for her rise, till it turned into adoration, and without her knowing, that turned into love but her past made her unable to make the next move.

Sikong Xinmei then closed her eyes and checked her condition and the next moment, she opened her eyes in disbelieve and muttered, "30% of the poison is removed...but how?! Dongyi was able to remove only the upper layer of the poison, but never this deep?! this due to the enlightenment that she gained before? It should be..."

Her disbelieve expression turned into surprise before she realized the reason.

The poison she was suffering from had been removed around 30%, for the first time as Xia Dongyi only removed the upper layer of the poison before, but never reached deeper. The upper layer was something that created problems for her, but after getting it removed, she was able to live easily but right now, she felt free...she felt herself feeling free from the hell she was suffering after a very long time.

"This should also stop creating more poison in my body for a very long time..." Sikong Xinmei muttered in relief. She was worried as to how she was going to face Xia Dongyi but this relieved her.

She was going to miss not meeting Xia Dongyi but she could easily search for her through the whole world, making her less worried. She was going to use her power to her best.

She then started going through the documents available on her table, her work, and her eyes stopped at the file that showed the exceptional disciples from other small sects.

Mu Xuanxin, 16 years old, Mutuated Spiritual Root- Ice, Foundation Realm- 6th stage.

A surprised expression formed on her face. Mutated Spiritual roots were rare to be found. There are many in the sect but not someone with Ice Spiritual Root.

"Frozen Asgard? A high name for a mortal sect...and they are all practicing Ice Arts...huh...she would be a good addition to the sect, but she is in in-door cultivation right now, well, I could have her join the sect when she came out of her cultivation." Sikong Xinmei contemplated. She wants the sect to grow and become strong, stronger than anyone to fulfill her promise with the previous Sect Master. And, talented disciples are the most welcome addition in her view.


Meanwhile, Xia Dongyi opened her eyes groggily after 3 hours of sleep. She then started looking around and finding no trace of Sikong Xinmei, she panicked and quickly sat on the bed.

She only remembered that she had just finished Sikong Xinmei's massage but nothing after that. So, she was panicking right now.

"Mai! Do you where Sect Master is?!" Xia Dongyi inquired urgently after seeing Mai floating above her with a bored expression on her face.

A thoughtful look appeared on Mai's face before she answered calmly,

[Master, she left after you become tired due to devouring more poison than usual, so she had you put to sleep, and then left.]

Xia Dongyi relaxed a little hearing that but at the same time, she felt ashamed, 'I don't know what Sect Master is gonna think of me now...Urghhh...'

Mai shook her head at her master. Xia Dongyi right now was placing her face deep buried in the bed, crying in embarrassment.

Poor master, if she knows what she truly did....Mai thought seeing the condition of Xia Dongyi.

After 5 minutes, Xia Dongyi calmed down and sat on the bed in the lotus position.

She had way too much energy in her body today from many things that happened today that needed to be refined by her.

She first started to refine the Yin Qi in her body with her Yang Qi and a Yin-Yang Symbol with a dragon inside appeared on her forehead. This was her proof of cultivating her technique, 'Yin-Yang Dragon Pheonix Method'.

The energy flowed from her Dantian to her whole body through her meridians that become strong and robust than before, the whole process this time was way too low than any other time before, signifying how much her improved meridians affected her cultivation speed.

A vortex of energy formed in her dantian and her body continuously refined the excessive energy to the limit, changing its color to the lightish blue energy, same as her other energy in her dantian. This energy was the purest form one could find. And the Yin-Yang element of the energy strengthened her Yang Qi even more.

Xia Dongyi then opened her eyes and clenched her fists with a smile forming on her face.

"Just a little away from Stage 8...huh..." Xia Dongyi muttered slowly but with a smile on her face.

Her Cultivation Base reached a little away from the next stage, making her happy about it.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide. She felt something in her change that she just noticed.

She then closed her eyes and she felt it, deep in her body and in her soul, her comprehension of Ice element increased in a tremendous amount, and she had never, never in her life ever tried to comprehend any technique related to Ice element.

Mai smiled a little seeing the expression on Xia Dongyi's face. She obviously knows the reason as she was connected to Xia Dongyi on a soul level.

After a minute, Xia Dongyi opened her eyes that were filled with confusion and surprise. She wasn't able to understand the reason for that. Suddenly, her sight landed on the Mai, and she then stared at her.

Mai seeing the stare understood and answered,

[Master, the reason is simple. Your quality of the Ice spiritual root improved due to absorbing the Ice Soul Poison from before.]

The confused expression deepened on Xia Dongyi's face. She knows about Spiritual Root.

Cultivation usually requires some minimum level of innate talent, and many people find it impossible to even take the first step. The quality of a person's Spiritual Roots can be tested to determine if they have the talent necessary to cultivate. Rare individuals may even have special Spiritual Roots which allow them to cultivate quickly or grant them other benefits. For example, someone with "fire spiritual roots" might learn fire spells more easily than their peers.

Xia Dongyi had two Spiritual Roots in her, one was Fire, and the other was Wood. The one who owned two or three Spiritual Roots were known to be the best talent for cultivation as they could focus on more categories but also not let it get in their way and the quality of the Spirtiual Root was divided into, Earth, Sky, Immortal, and Heaven being the last one.