"Hello, Leo?" he said.

"Uhm... hi Sky?" Leo replied to him.

"Why are you calling me?" -sky asks him.

Well, I want you to come to my condo in the afternoon after the class. Can you? -Leo asked him

"Why?" -sky questions him.

"Nothing, I just want you to come to my condo"-Leo replied.

"Okay, if I don't have a shift in store, I'll come to your condo," Sky said.



When they entered their classroom, the class was about to start. They were having fun, but Sky didn't see Leo at all. When the class ended, they were walking down the hallway when they saw Cedrick.

Hey, Cedrick! " Olivia greeted him.

"Hi Liam!" Cedrick greeted Liam.

Liam smiled at him and grated at him too.

"I greeted you, but you ignored me just to greet my fucking jerk friend," Olivia said

. Liam hit her head—

"Hey, it's hurting!" Olivia shouts,

"Cedrick, can I talk to you for a second?" Sky asked him

"Yea, sure, why?" -Cedrick asked him.

-They went far away from the two. Liam and Olivia looked at each other, and they got confused.

Olivia whispered to Liam,

"What's going on?" Olivia asked Liam.

"I don't know either," Liam replied.

-Cedrick and Sky are talking with a lower voice while the two want to hear what they are talking about.

"Well... I called Leo many times, but he didn't answer at all. Have you seen him? " Sky asked him

"I don't know either. I couldn't reach him either. His phone is out of coverage. -Cedrick replied to Sky.

Sky said to him, "Oh, I see. I'll contact him again if I finish my work. "

"Okay." Cedrick replied to him.

"Wait a minute, what is the pass code for Leo's condo?" Sky asked him again.


"Wait a minute," Sky said to Him.

He immediately got a ballpen and was ready to list down the pass code on his palm


"Tell me now," Sky said.

"It's 006447." -Cedrick whispers.

Okay, thank you. -sky said.


Who is hungry? ' -Cedrick asked them.

"Me!", "me!", "me!" Olivia replied to Cedrick. Liam hit her head again.

"You're so very shameless," Liam said to her.

Okay, let's go.. we are about to grab some food! Cedrick yelled at them

Wait!! I'll not go with you! -sky said.

They stopped giggling and started walking.

"Why?" "Liam asked him."

I—I'm going to work," Sky said to them.

"You're going to work? All right, let's go... take care, sky! " Olivia said, Sky.

"You bitch!"Sky shouted at her.

"You're so shameless," Liam said to Olivia.


'I'll go first at my work, I'll. Hanging out with you all soon, "-sky said to them.

"Okay" -Liam replied. Then they went to the arcade to play and hang out. Then, as Sky was about to leave for his workplace, he felt worried about Leo.

Then, suddenly, his phone rang, and it was his boss. Sky picked up the call from his boss.

"Hello boss, Why did you call me? How may I help you? " Sky said over the phone.

"Sky?", "I'm going to close the store for about 2 months because my daughter called to say that we would have a vacation in Thailand," his boss said to him.

Okay, don't worry, I got one job too. I'll wait for you here until you come back, "Sky replied.

"I'm very sorry, Sky." His boss said

It's alright, sir, you don't have to worry and feel sorry... enjoy your vacation, sir. Sky replied.

"Take care, bye!" His boss said -

-Sky was serving at the cafe shop and always keeping an eye on the clock. He finished his work, took a taxi cab, and immediately went to Leo's Condo. When he went to the front of the door, he kept knocking on it, but nobody opened it for him. He tried to unlock the door, but the pass code was already gone. He remembered that he washed dishes during work


"Leo!, open the door!!" He kept shouting, but no one opened the door for him. Then Leo, walking down the hallway, carrying a bag of snacks, saw him knocking on the door and got confused.


"What?" Leo said to him. He looked to the side and saw Leo. He ran into him and touched Leo's body parts in the chest, eyes, and arm to see if he was hurt.

"Are you hurt? Has something happened to you? " Sky, said while panicking.

Leo immediately hugged Sky and said, "I'm okay, nothing happened to me."


"Nothing happened to you? Then why didn't you answer my calls? "Sky said to him.

"Why would I?" Leo replied.

Okay, I'm going to the ballet studio. Nothing happened to you at all."Sky said to him.

When Sky is about to walk away, Leo suddenly grabs his hand.

"I'm just kidding. Can we go inside? " Leo said to him.

He ignored Leo.

"Can we?" -Leo said again.

They then went inside his condo, they don't know that someone was filming them from a distance and capturing them hugging each other.

"So, earlier in the morning, why did you call me? and you told me that I would go here? Sky said to him and he sitted on the sofa

"Because I'm lonely"—Leo replied while pouting his mouth.

"What? You're lonely? Jeezz! " Sky said to him.

"Yea," Leo replied,

"Why do you look so exhausted? Why didn't you go to school earlier? " Sky asked him

"Because, because

"why?" Sky asked him, and Leo grabbed him and hugged him right away.

"Sh*t leo, leave me alone!-sky yelling at him.

"Can you not leave me?"Leo asked him. Then Sky stopped from talking. He patted Leo's back while still hugging him.

"What happened? Can you tell me? " "Sky asked him."

"My father wants me to meet the girl whom he wants me to marry, but I don't want to," Leo said.

"Then.. meet her"-sky said.

"No, I won't"—Leo replied to him.

"Why?" Sky asked. It's your chance to meet your future wife. " Sky said

"Why did you push me at her?"Leo replied to him.

"Because it's your future wife and your dad wants you to meet her."- sky said

Then Leo hugged him tightly and Sky started to speak again. "First, get off of me, it's very hot, you jerk," was what Sky said to him.

"Jeezz" -Leo pouts his mouth while staring at the sky's eyes. Sky stood up and started looking for ingredients in Leo's refrigerator.

"Do you have ingredients here?" Sky asked.

"Yea, why?" -Leo asked him too.

"I'm going to cook something," Sky said.

"For me?" -Leo shouts.

"No, for me"-sky said to him while teasing Leo.

"Jeezz"-Leo sigh

"I'm just kidding" (giggles)-sky said.

"I knew you were teasing me" (giggles*) -Leo said to him.

"Then I'm going to get out of here. I won't cook for you anymore." Sky replied to him.

"I'm just joking around, I didn't know that you were kidding"-Leo said.

-Sky looked at him and he fakely laughed. When Sky is done cooking in his kitchen, he serves it to Leo


"Whoa, it looks yummy!"Leo said to him.

"Yea, it's yummy"-sky replied.

"I mean me"-Leo teases him.

You jerk!, just eat! " -sky said to him while annoyed.

"So what's the name of this dish too?"Leo asked him.

Sky was looking at the dish and said, "It's Tom Yum Goong, which means spicy shrimp soup in Thailand.

"Is this edible? I have never tasted a Thai dish before, "Leo replied.

"Yes, it's edible. That is a food jerk. If you don't want it, then I will take it to you," Sky said.

"I'm just kidding. Do you know how to cook a Thai dish? " Leo asked him.

"Yea, of course"-sky replied to him.

"Since?"Leo asked him.

"Since your first year of high school," Sky said to him.

"Who taught you?" -Leo asked again.

"I just browsed the internet and I saw the recipe, so I practiced cooking it. Well, the first time I made mistakes" *giggles*, he said.

"Ow, really?"-Leo said

"Yes, taste it"-sky said. Then Leo tasted it.

"Woah, it's yummy, it's really delicious," Leo said.

"I told you," (*smiled*) Sky answered him. So they ate dinner together at

7:00 pm.

He was still at Leo's condo, and they were watching TV.

Suddenly, Sky's phone rang:


When Sky heard and saw the label of the alarm, he immediately stood up.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked him.

"At a ballet studio? Why?" -sky said.

"You said you were not going to leave me"-Leo said.

"But it's time for my ballet practice"-he replied to leo

When Sky is about to leave, someone calls Leo. He picked up his phone, and they looked at each other, and he immediately closed the TV.

"Hello Dad!, why did you call me?" Leo said.

"Leo, it's time to go here, Kiana and I are waiting for you at the Spago of Beverly Hills."his father replied to him

"But dad, I'm doing homework right now." Leo said to him.

"Cut it off, meet me and her right now, all right?" His father said, with a lower voice.

But da-

-end call-

"Dad?!, da-whoops, I'm screwed" Then he looked at Sky's eyes and said,

"What happened?"Sky asked him.

I'm screwed. My dad wanted me to meet Kiana, "-Leo said.

"Then go for it. That is your chance to meet your future wife, "Sky said.

But I don't want to go there! You pushed me! -Leo said to the sky while shouting.

"Yes, why? Why are you mad now? " Sky said to him.

"Then I will go." Leo said with an irritating face.

"Go, it's your father's order. What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly get mad at me? " Sky replied to him. Then Leo went to his room and slammed the door hard


Sky started and got confused.

He left Sky in front of the TV and changed his formal outfit.

He goes to the restaurant to meet Kian and his father. After Leo leaves for his appointment, Sky goes to the ballet studio to do some practice.

"That jerk! Why is he mad at me? I didn't do anything" sky said to himself and got confused while practicing.