He looked around to see if there was any CCTV, and he went to the CCTV station. He was about to enter the room, but some bodyguard stopped him.

"Hey, you can't enter the CCTV room, sir."The body guard said to Cedrick.

"Can I check something? My purse was gone and I'm sure it's really here.. I want to look where did I put that earlier" He replied to the bodyguard.

"No, sir.. you really can't. " the body guard replied, cedrick looked around. He make sure that there was no one else there in front of CCTV's station room. He immediately covered the body guard's mouth with the handkerchief with strong scents. The body guard passed out and he entered the room. He saw the two guards inside and punched and threw some steel on their heads.

"That I called trouble." he said to himself and he smirked. He checked the CCTV footage and he got surprise when he saw who did it. He immediately copied the footage on his phone, he delete the footage that he make the guard passed out and he left immediately.

When he left, some bodyguards entered the room, "What happened here? Check the CCTV!" guard shouts.

"Sir, all footage is deleted." The guy said. "Who manage the CCTV footage?" He asked them madly.

"That shit, go and report this to our boss." the guard said to them

They went immediately to Mr. Smith and they reported what happened.

"Find who did this!"He shouts to his body guards.

Leo and Sky returned to his condo.

"Something you want?"Sky asked him.

"Nothing, just come here... hug me."—he replied to Sky while raising his hands. SKY HUGGED HIM WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE.

"I want to go somewhere with you. Let's go to the beach."—he said to Sky.

"Tomorrow?" Sky replied.

"Yeah, tomorrow... just want to release all my problems." -Leo replied to him while he was still hugging sky.

"Ok, if you want to do that, I'll be ok with that." Sky responded.

Suddenly his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hey, bro!Are you okay? Are you there at your condo? I have some to show you... something-

"Don't say anything, just come here quickly." Leo replied.

Cedrick immediately went to his condo and he shown the footage to them, they got schoked and surprise. Sky can't speak after he seen it. He patted leo's back as a courage to be strong.

"him again? Kian again?" Leo asked Cedrick.

"He planned to kill me by hitting me with his car and now he did it." Sky said.

"Calm down. I don't know what his plan is but-

"He's suspicious." -Cedrick said.

"I have a plan."-Leo said to them.

"What?" They asked Leo.

He explained to them what his plan was and he texted Kiana to come to his condo.

"Hey, brother... something came up with my friends. I think I'm going back now." -Kiana said to him.

"What? what happened?" Kian asked her.

"Something came up with my friends." she replied, she immediately returned to the city and she directly went to leo's condo. He rang the bell and Sky opened it.

"Hi, sky." She greeted and she went inside. Sky smiled at her and he close the door.

"What happened to your head?"Kiana asked leo.

"That's not the issue right now. I have something to tell you." -Leo said to him.

"What is it?" -she asked.

"My father already knew about our relationship with Sky and he wanted me to marry you next week." -he said to Kiana.

"What the heck?!" She shouts. Sky and Cedrick startled.

"I'm sorry, I just startled, but how? How did he know about that?" -She asked Leo.

"I have something to show you."Leo said to her.

"Sure, let me see-

"But no matter what happens-

"Just let me see it. I feel nervous!"-she said to him.

"You want coffee?" Sky asked her.

"No, thanks, I already drank some beers." she replied to him.

"Can I leave now?" -Cedrick asked them.

"No, stay here... I have many plans with you to talk about. -Leo replied to him.

"So, where's the clip? ... quickly and show me! " She said to Leo. He's shown the clip at Kian and she's very shocked.

"That is my brother!, why did he-

"How evil is he?" -Cedrick said to her.

"He's looked suspicious since the day we went to the beach." -Kian said to him.

Leo explained his plan to them and they looked satisfied with it.

"Ok, that will be fun."-she replied to him.

"I.. I'm leaving now... I'm going to the market. I'll buy some fire extinguishers for that. "Cedrick said to them.

"Ok, be careful." -Kiana said to him. He immediately left and went to the market.

"It's OK for you, sky?" -Kiana asked him.

"Yeah, it's OK with me... if you two want something fun, just do whatever you want, but don't hurt somebody." Sky replied to her.

"We will never hurt anyone." Leo said to him.

"Go and get some sleep there at my room." Leo summon him. He is about to stand up but Kiana tells them something.

"Well, sky and Leo, I have something to tell you."-Kiana said to them Sky and Leo looked at each other, they got confused.

"What is it?" -Leo asked.

"Well, honestly, my-

"Say it, don't be scared." Sky said to her and he hold kiana's hand.

"Honestly my brother likes you and he loves you since you and him were in middle high school. He said it to me that day when he threw some party at our house. On that day, my brother ordered Clifford to put some sleeping drugs on Sky's drink so that she felt dizzy and he did what he does to Sky. I'm sorry for telling you this, very late. "-she said to leo and she was about to cry. Sky startled and his tears fell to his cheeks but he wiped it immediately. He convince himself to pull together and be strong. Kiana immediately hugged him and gave some apologies to sky.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Sky, I hope you will forgive me." she said while patting Sky's back.

"I can forgive you, but I can't forgive and forget about what your brother did to me that day." He replied.

"I know you can't forgive him." She said. SHE WIPED SKY'S TEARS AND HUGGED HIM AGAIN.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance." -she said to sky.

"Go back to your house and get some rest too." Sky said to Kiana.

"Ok, let me manage this problem."—she said to them. She went outside of Sky's apartment and she cried behind the door. she covered her mouth so that they couldn't hear that she was crying outside.

"Go, get some sleep now, and we will go to the beach tomorrow." He said to Leo and he kissed Leo's forehead. "I love you." Leo said to him.

"Let's go to bed now, I'm tired."sky replied.

Cedrick went home and he slowly open the door, he saw liam was already fallen asleep so he slowly laid down on the bed and he slept next to him. He slowly put some blankets on Liam so that he wouldn't catch some cold. The next day, Cedrick woke up early and told all his maids to take some days off for 1 week. He did the laundry, he washed the dishes by himself, and he cleaned all the mess around his mother's house. A few minutes later, Liam woke up, and he went downstairs. He saw Cedrick hanging all the shirts and shorts.

"What happened to him?"-his mom asked Liam while holding her tea cup.

"I asked him a favor to do some chores in this house... so that I could forgive what he had done."-he replied to Cedrick's mom.

"good to order that to him... you change him." -she said to Liam.

"Can I join your tea time, auntie?" -Liam asked her.

"Sure, why not?" She replied.


"I'm tired!"-Cedrick said, as he laid on the couch.

"Stand up and do the dishes."Liam said to him.

"Again?" Cedrick asked madly.

"If you don't want to, then I can't forgive you." -Liam replied.

"No, I'll do the dishes... just watch some movies here." -Cedrick replied to him and he gave fake smile.

He run to the kitchen immediately and washed the dishes.

Leo and Sky woke up together with a smile on their faces. "I'm hungry." Sky said.

"Then, I'll cook some breakfast for you. Let's go to the kitchen."He replied.

"But I can't stand it. I'm tired."Sky said, and he pouted his lips.

"That's not the problem. I can carry you." --leo replied and he carried Sky into the kitchen's chair. He put Sky gently the chair.

"Wait, there.. I'm going to cook some of your favorite breakfast."Leo said.

"By the way, you're not going to the boxing studio?" Sky asked him.

"Maybe tomorrow, I can't go today.. we will go to the beach."He replied.

"Right, I'll go to the ballet studio next week." Sky said to him.

Leo nodded and he Start cooking while they are talking to each other.


"Bro? Why did you do that?"Kiana asked him.

"Good morning, my little sister. What are you talking about?" He replied to Kiana.

"About those photos that you sent to Leo's father."-Kiana said.

Kian got startled inside himself but he pretended that he know nothing. put his champagne on the table and he looked at Kiana.

"What are you talking about, my dear sister? It's so early of the morning. Go to the kitchen and find some breakfast there." He said to his sister.

"Bro, don't play you don't know! Did you really did that to someone?" She exclaimed.

"You already knew about it? Good for you. -Kian replied, and he took the piece of grapes and he ate it.

"Good for me?, bro... you're heartless!" She shouts.

Kiana went get up from the couch and he looked at his sister.

"Kiana, that is for you! I will do that for you! You and Leo are getting married next week and I already cut my feelings for him just to give him to you!"-He shouts at Kiana.

"I don't want to marry him!, I want to be free and happy with my own happiness!" She replied to her brother.

"No, Kiana, you'll pick some wedding dress tomorrow." Her mom said.

"No!... I'll never do that! "She replied.

"You can't. The contract is already signed up and you should follow it!" Mrs. Jones shouts at her.

"You two are heartless! Why can't you understand me? I don't like him! I like girls-