Chapter one


I lean into my office chair and let out a frustrated sigh. It is almost nine O'clock at the night and I am done with all the paperwork for the day. Since tomorrow is a weekend, I have decided to finish a great deal of the paperwork before the day ends so that I can begin the weekend with a peaceful mind.

When I think about going home to the extremely quiet cold house back home, I immediately shit that option down. I have a whole mansion back home but I hardly stay in it. I have a hotel room near my company offices where I just rest and get back to work on time. I don't have a major reason as to why I should go home.

I am twenty-nine and I will be turning thirty in a few months but I haven't even considered settling down.

I lived in a constant state of restlessness. There was just no way I could see myself settling down. A large house, a white picket fence, a couple of kids, and maybe a dog or two –it wasn't my idea of a good time. I haven't even taken interest in keeping a girl so that I can see if I will be able to handle an entire future with her.

My grandmother keeps nagging me about my busy schedule but I also give her a deaf ear. I don't want to make any false promises to her. I am fine with the life I am living. When I want to have fun, then I get a willing woman to entertain me for the night. I fuck her and we both get what we want so there is no need for her to stick around. I don't want to look at her when I wake up because I always want to find them gone.

Maybe that is why I have never given a relationship a thought: because I can't hold onto having an interest in a woman for long. As long as we don't make any promises to each other then there will be no strings attached. I don't even give a damn about getting to know them.

That's how I am and I don't think I will change. Is there a girl that will knock me over my heels and change my personality? Nah! I don't think so.

I get up from my chair and place my laptop in my briefcase. I will take care of the rest of the work at my hotel when I get time. I walk out of my office and say goodnight to some workers who are working late tonight. When I reach outside, Hector is waiting for me and he opens the car door for me when I approach him.

I get into the car and let my tie loose while sighing heavily. It has been such a productive day of work. Nothing can be more satisfying than that.

"Where to, sir?" he asks me while settling in the driver's seat. I also don't know. I don't want to go home because it is a good distance from here and I am not in the mood of being bored to death. My hotel room? I guess that's a better idea. Though I normally go home for the weekend when I don't have any important businesses to take care of here. I think I should stay in my hotel tonight so that I can just chill.

I get into my room and throw my briefcase on my work table. I get my coat off and remove my tie. When I look up at the clock, it is only thirty minutes past nine. That's too early to go to bed and I don't want to do any more work tonight. I get into the bathroom and wash my hands and face. Instead of ordering room service, I head out of my room to the hotel club on the second floor.

Maybe I could let loose and probably find someone to begin the weekend with. That's very sarcastic of me. I wouldn't want to look at her face when I woke up in the morning, I wouldn't want to look at her face.

The club is great as usual. New faces every day but the same attendants. They serve quality liquor and they don't play insanely deafening music here, that's one of the things I like about this hotel. I take a sit on one of the stools in front of the counter and order my drink. I don't feel like going to the VIP section tonight. I just want to destruct myself until bedtime.

"Lee! My man!" a very familiar voice sounds from behind me and Jonas grabs my glass and pours the rest of my drink down his throat. He gets my bottle and pours another shot into the glass. I signal the attendant to get me another glass and he does.

"So, why are you here?" he asks me.

"To drink. What else?" I respond while he takes a seat on the chair beside me.

"No, you know that's not what I mean. Why aren't you in your mega mansion sipping wine under a blanket beside the fireplace?" he inquires. I shrug and sip my drink. Jonas always has his way of seeing my life. I don't blame him though. We have been close since college and we know each other more than the backs of our hands.

"I want to remain here for the weekend and do some work," I respond.

"I am not surprised at all. Bury yourself in work while life passes by you," he says with a shrug and then sips his drink.

"Life is not passing by me. It is not my fault that I am very passionate about my work," I tell him.

"Of course you are, but you can delegate the work. You have thousands of employees!" he says.

"There is some work you can't just give anyone to do. I like doing my things my way," I respond.

"No offense but you need to get laid tonight. You will go to work on Monday," he tells me.

"Thanks for your advice, man. I know you have good intentions towards me," I tell him with a sarcastic smirk and he wraps his wrap around my shoulders. He leans closer and I hear him whispering.

"There is this pretty brunette who is looking at you right now. She is wearing a tight red dress and she has an innocent look that is sexy as hell!" he whispers into my ear. I shrug his hand off my shoulders. He chuckles and nudges my arm. I decide to ignore what he just said but curiosity is slowly getting the best of me.

"She is on a table with three girls and she can't get her eyes off you," he continues to torment me.

Okay, looking wouldn't hurt. Would it? I turn my head slowly and look behind. It doesn't take long before I spot her looking at me and then she immediately turns her gaze from me to her drink. She doesn't turn to look back at me. She probably feels guilty about being caught.

"She looks gorgeous, doesn't she?" Jonas asks.

"Yes, she does," I respond sincerely and then shake my head. I turn my attention back to my drink and he chuckles. I know what Jonas is up to but the girl is so out of my league. She looks too young anyway. Those girls might even be in college and I don't do college girls.

"Don't you want to talk to her?" he inquires.

"No," I respond. I came here hoping that I might go back to my suit with a girl but I suddenly feel very guilty for even approaching the girl.

"Since when?" he inquires with an amused smile playing on his lips.

"Since what?" I ask him to make his question clearer.

"Since when did you begin fearing to talk to a pretty girl?" he asks me, and I nearly choke on my drink.

"What are you talking about? I am not afraid to talk to her. I just don't want to go near her because she looks too young. She is probably still a student," I respond.

"It doesn't matter. As long as she is in this place, it means that she is of legal age," he tells me.

"No, thanks. Am good tonight. I am just going to get some rest," I respond while getting up from the stool.

"Come on, Lee! It is still early for bed and there are other beautiful women you would want to try. I promise that they will look old enough," he persuades me to stay but I have already made up my mind.

"Shut up! Enjoy yourself. I will be in my suit if you need me," I tell him while walking away. I hear him curse and then say goodnight to me as I go.