Chapter Three


I watch as her pupils dilate and her cheeks flush with embarrassment and then she quickly bends to pick up her black high heels from the floor in front of me. She then holds them in one hand and looks me in the eyes. She bites her lip nervously and I am at a loss of words.

When I saw her back in the bar, I was avoiding her, not because she is not pleasant to the eyes but because she makes me feel guilty about the thoughts I get when I see her. She looks so young and delicate, especially the way she is looking at me with those sexy glassy eyes. There is no doubt she is drunk judging by the way she has lost her composure and the clumsy way she is shifting on her feet. Why is she at my door?

"Are you lost?" I ask the most obvious question because there is no way she could have followed me up here.

"Yes! I mean of course. Sorry I know I might sound stupid but I am looking for my friend and I don't know where to begin," she responds with a nervous laugh. She is looking for someone in this hotel without knowing where exactly she is.

"Do you know the room number or maybe the floor where she could be?" I inquire from her and she shakes her head no. She looks down at her bare feet and her toes move up and down. I think it is because of the nervousness.

"Then you will never find her. Why don't you call her? Yeah, right. You lost your phone,": I look at her and I can't seem to take my eyes off her. Her red dress is perfectly fitting, hugging her curves like her second skin. A good amount of cleavage is showing on the top and this is making me insane! I can't let someone else feast his evil eyes on her. 

"Where are the others? I mean the other girls you were with?" I ask her.

"They left. I don't know where exactly but I just want to go home," she responds while scratching her hair and pouting her lips together sadly... Oh, god! How does she do the most clumsy things but she turns out to be so adorable? Maybe the two glasses I had made me start thinking without control.

I rub my forehead and try to come up with a proper way of helping this girl or else if she enters through this door, only God knows what might happen.

"Do have anyone you could call? You could use my phone," I offer. 

"I can call my dad. He is from around here," she says. So she isn't from around here?

"Okay," she says while wrapping her hands around herself and rubbing her shoulders. The small dress she is wearing is obviously not giving enough warmth to her body. I don't know where this affectionate part of me is coming from but I just want to do the right thing. I want to help this girl because she looks so devastated and I don't think the chances of getting someone selfless out there to help her are even there. 

I quickly get inside and pick up my phone. I unlock the phone for her and give it to her. She quickly dials the number, no doubt she has mastered it in her head.

I hear the disappointing sound from the phone informing him that the user is not available. She slowly removes the phone from her ear and hands it back to me. 

"Isn't there someone else you can call?" I ask her.

"No, and it is already so late. Thanks for your help and sorry for disturbing you. Good night," she says and then turns her back to me. She slowly starts to walk away. My heart starts to sink. It feels like she is taking a part of me with her. I can't let her go just like that! But I just did my part. I tried to help.

What if she gets into trouble? What if she is not from this place? Where is she going to spend the rest of the night?

No, I can't do this!

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"Away. Out of here," she replies without turning to look back. 

"Wait!" I call her and she stops. She turns and looks back at me. I pinch my eyes shut and try to reconsider what I am going to say.

"You can stay here tonight. You can look for your friends or do whatever you want to do in the morning. It is not safe for you to be out there especially in your condition," I tell her.

"I have two bedrooms in here. You can stay for the night," I add. 

"Are you sure?" she inquires.

"Yes, sure," I respond.

She brushes past me while entering the suite and her scent fills my nostrils, both intoxicating and mouthwatering. She looks around her surroundings with wide eyes. I show her where the room she is going to spend the night in is. It has an attached bathroom and I hope it works for her.

"Is there something you need?" I inquire from her and she shakes her head.

"You've already done enough for me. Thank you so much. I don't know where I could be now if I hadn't knocked at your door," she says while her big brown eyes bore through mine. Her lips part slightly and the air between us gets thick. It is no doubt that she is an attractive woman but I want to keep control. I have always been a man of control but there is a way this girl is making all of it melt away.

Her eyes dart from my eyes to my chest and then to my bare hands where I have folded my shirt up. God! She is intoxicated. She is probably not in her right mind. I want to keep my cool and act like the gentleman she has trusted to spend the night in his place. I should keep my hands off her but why is it so hard?

Standing over her, staring into eyes that are dark with desire, I feel the heat from her body. I watch as her chest moves up and down, her cleavage raising and falling while her breathing hitches. She pulls her lower lip between her teeth and then twiddles her thumbs. She looks so innocent yet there are a lot of dirty things I am already playing in my head that I can do to her beautiful flawless body!

Control! I need to grasp my control!

"Okay, I hope you have a good night. Make yourself comfortable," I tell her and then walk out of the room, trying my best not to make a hasty dash. 

I close the door behind me and stand there for a moment wondering what on earth just happened there. I don't feel like I belong in my skin anymore and the temperature of the place has suddenly risen by several degrees.

I walk away from the door to the small office table in the suite's living room. I don't think I can continue doing the work I was doing on my laptop. I save the files I was working on and log out. I walk to my room and begin unbuttoning my shirt. I close my eyes but the only thing at the forefront of my mind is the girl in the other room of my suite. I didn't even get a chance to know her name but I will know soon enough. Probably, we will get a chance to talk tomorrow before she leaves. Would she dare to sneak out before talking to me? I doubt that she would do that. I would catch her if she tried to escape anyway.

I shrug out of my shirt and then walk to the bathroom. I wonder if she is asleep already. Will she be comfortable sleeping in a stranger's house? Thankfully I have an extra room. Something tells me to go check on her after my shower but I quickly dismiss it. I don't want to make things awkward for her by checking on her an awfully lot of times.

During the entire time in the shower, she fills my thoughts. Her slender waist and then the way it curves to her hips. I would love to see her sway those hips for me and I could put those soft plump lips to good use. Damn it! That's why I didn't want to get myself close to her. She makes me lose control even without trying.

I get out of the shower and towel-dry myself. I check the time and it is almost midnight. Whoa. When did time run so fast?

I put on some pajama pants and a nightshirt. I glance at the bed before me but I don't feel like visiting it yet. I go through the plans for tomorrow like I do every night before going to bed. I don't have any meetings scheduled. I just have some small work to finish on my laptop but it will take less than three hours. I have to meet my fitness trainer at ten in the morning. That's all I have for tomorrow.

I get out of my room and walk to the room where the girl is supposed to be sleeping. I wonder if she is already asleep. What kind of friends does she have? They know that she is not from around this place yet they just ditch her in the bar all on her own and drunk. 

I feel a surge of anger towards those three girls even though I didn't take a close look at them back in the bar. I don't approve of her keeping the friendship with them. She deserves better than being treated like that. 

I knock softly on the door, not making it so loud to wake her up if she is asleep.

"Are you still awake?" I ask while slowly opening the door, but there is no response. For a moment, my heart pounds thinking that she could have already run away but the small swell under the bed covers makes me let out a heavy sigh of relief. She is still here and she is asleep. 

I could stay here and watch her sleep all night but I need to get rest too. I slowly close the door again and walk back to my room with a satisfied feeling. I want to know more about her. Tomorrow. I will patiently wait for morning so that we can talk.