Chapter Five


I pull out a chair for her and she sits. I open the dishes and put a plate in front of her. She watches me with a meticulous gaze as I prepare the table.

"How did you know my name?" she asks me out of the blue.

"I have my ways," I respond while pulling out a chair for myself.

"Does it bother you that I know your name?" I ask her.

"No, not really. I am just surprised," she says and then goes silent. I want her to talk more. The mere thought of her leaving very soon is making me feel uneasy. I don't know why this but I have never felt this, ever! It's a first!

"Would you care to explain to me what happened last night? I would like to know how all of this happened," I tell her. She takes in a deep breath and then looks me in the eyes. 

"I know it may sound really stupid but that was my reality. It was an eye-opener for me. Actually, it was my first time going on a while night out ever since college," she begins her narration. 

So she is still in college? What a blow-up! 

I remain quiet and urge her to go on. 

"Yesterday night was supposed to be a good night where I was supposed to let loose and have fun having finished the last day of college," she adds. I let out a heavy sigh of relief, which surprises me. I didn't know such small information could be great news. Now I feel less guilty of my mind towards her. She is still young though. She just finished college and she hasn't received her degree yet. She still has a future to build, but at least she is old enough.

"I saw you back at the bar and you seemed to be having fun. What happened that made you end up like this?" 

"I came with three of my friends. Liza came with her boyfriend Mark so they left earlier. Heather and Julie left with some random guys and I didn't realize that they were gone until I needed to use my phone. I thought they were dancing in the crowd but they weren't anywhere to be seen," she says.

"Some friends they are," I scoff and grit my teeth in irritation. They are several ways last night could have ended for her but most of them could have been horrifying. I don't know how she got to my door and knock but it couldn't have been a mistake. It could have been any other random door on this floor. 

"How many doors did you knock at before you reached mine?" I ask her.

"I don't exactly. To be sincere, I think I knocked on a lot of doors. I was so drunk. I didn't know what on earth I was doing. I just wanted to find my way back home," she responds.

"It is surprising how no one dared to call security to show you out," I say and she gives me a small smile.

"I didn't even think of that. I swore a lot. I am never drinking again," she says and I can't help but chuckle at her words.

"I also don't approve of your drinking. It could have been very regretful," I tell her and she nods.

We continue eating our breakfast in silence but I can't help but glances at her as she says the food. At least she is eating. I hope she recovers quickly from the hangover. 

The doorbell rings and I excuse myself to go and check it out. I know it is Hector but I had told him to first has to ask for permission to enter since I have company. He knows that he shouldn't enter like he does all the time when I am with someone.

I meet him at the door and he has an envelope in his hand. I let him in and he hands me the envelope.

"I got exactly what you asked for," he says.

"Thank you," I tell him and he nods. 

"I will tell you when she is ready to leave," I tell him, and then he excuses himself. I leave the envelope beside my laptop and walk back to my guest. I am already done with my breakfast and she seems to be done too. 

"If you want to go, I can have my driver drop you off," I tell her.

"Your driver?" she squeaks in disbelief. She looks back at the door where Hector just walked out as if she can't believe it.

"Yes, my driver and he can take you anywhere you want, just tell him," I respond with a nod.

"That is so generous of you," she says and then facepalms.

"I don't even know your name," she says.

"Liam Carter," I tell her and her pupils dilate, her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. She gasps audibly and this time, she doesn't bother to grasp back her composure. I stand there feeling awkward in my skin.

"Oh, my God! I should have known. Liam Carter of Carter Ships! Your face looked so familiar and I thought I had seen you before," she mumbles and then covers her mouth. I just shrug, not knowing what else to do. I get this a lot, only that I think I just ruined the moment with the mere mention of my name.

"I am so sorry, sir. I know you are a very busy man and hosting a drunk half-conscious woman in your suite must have been an unpleasant ordeal," she says, guilt flooding her features.

Sir! How did we elevate so high? I don't think I like being addressed so formally by her.

"It's okay. I haven't complained yet. You don't have to call me sir," I tell her.

"No. I think I have to go now. I appreciate how much you've helped me. I wish I could repay your kindness in any way but I don't think I will ever be able to match how much you've helped," she quickly days while getting up from the table.

Wait! Is she running away? I still wanted to talk!

"I will call Hector to prepare your ride," I tell her and she waves me off.

"No need for that. I can grab a cab. I think I have caused you enough trouble do let me handle this myself. I am fine, see! I can take myself home," she says while laughing nervously.

"Don't mind it. It is just a car ride. It's nothing. I want to help you so don't turn me down," I tell her.

She looks thoughtful for a moment and then nods.

"Good. I will inform Hector," I get my phone and send him a text. 

"He says he's ready. I will escort you out," I tell her and she nods. 

"I had forgotten my dress. I will go pick it up," she says and then walks back to the room she sleeps. I am left to get lost in my thoughts. This is not the way I imagined I would start my weekend but I wouldn't wish to start it any other way. 

I walk to the desk where I put the envelope. I open it to have a sneak peek inside. 

Ariana Monroe 

Age: 23


Ariana comes back with a shopping bag in her hand. I try to maintain my neutral face while I stuff back the documents in the envelope. I don't think she would like to know that I did a background check on her. I have already shocked her with the details of my identity and I don't want to bring any more tension into our situation. 

"Are you ready to go?" I ask her.

"All ready," she responds with a small smile. I wish that smile could have been bigger and brighter. I can sense her nervousness around me. 

"Good," I say.

I lead her out through the corridor and into the elevator. I press the button for the first floor. Aria stands beside me while looking directly at the elevator door.

"What are you going to do meanwhile as you wait for the graduation ceremony?" I ask her, trying to start up a small conversation.

"Nothing much. I had a part-time job at a restaurant. I plan on making it full-time during the vacation," she responds. I nod at her response. I wonder if Hector managed to find out where she works. I don't want her to suspect anything because I am strangely interested in knowing more about her and I don't want to scare her away with questions. 

"I see. Do you think your dear friends are wondering where you could be right now?" I inquire, emphasizing the part of 'dear friends'.

"Of course, they are worried about me. They may have acted negligent last night but they are good friends," she defends them. Despite whatever she says to cover up for her friends, my perception of them won't change.

We walk out of the elevator and out to the hotel. Hector has already got the car out of the lobby and he is ready to go.

Aria turns and stands in front of me. Out in the daylight, I have a clear sight of her beautiful face, plump kissable lips... Whoa! I am shocked at where my thoughts are diverting to. She looks better in her natural self. No extravagant makeup or a short tight dress. She looks wow!

"Mr. Carter, it was a pleasure getting to know you even though it wasn't a graceful way to meet but I am glad you took me in and you've taken good care of me," she says.

"It was my pleasure, Ariana. Just take good care of yourself. I hope we meet again soon," I tell her and a tight smile spreads on her lips. 

"Okay, have a good day. Goodbye," she says and then turns on her heels. Hector opens the passenger door for her and she walks in. She sits and turns her gaze back to me. Hector closes the door and sits in the driver's seat. While the car drives away, I am left wondering why the grin on my face is undying. This is novel! I have never seen any girl out, but that is because Aria is not any other girl I have known. There is something about her. Something that I can't wait to discover.