Chapter Thirty Eight


I woke up feeling totally numb. All the parts of my body felt totally heavy. I could hardly open my eyes. When I had a clear look around me, I realized I am in a hospital. Then I remember all that happened when I was on my way from the interview. The driver was trying to avoid a truck and we ran into a tree. I remember everything until I passed out. I don't know when I got here or how I got here. 

Mother walks into the room and her eyes dart to me.

"Oh, sweetie. You are finally awake," I big smile forms on her face as she walks to me.

"She is," dad's voice sounds from beside me and I realize that he has been sleeping in the chair beside the bed. He looks so tired and his hair is messed up. 

"Aria, I am glad you are finally awake," mom says while holding my face in her hands.

"How long have I been here?" I ask, reading the time on the clock which shows Seven o'clock. 

"Today is the second day," she responds. Oh, that long?