
Aditya looked at his surroundings in a daze. There is a holographic screen hovering in front of him. But that is not the only surprising thing around him.

He is currently standing in the middle of a vegetable market. This is one of the bustling places of the town. But at this moment, apart from him, there is not a single sign of life present in the surroundings and everything around him is completely grey. The buildings, the vegetables, the stalls, parked vehicles, every object is completely grey.

He looked down at himself and he is completely normal. In the whole area, he is the only colorful thing except for the Holographic screen of course.

After coming out of the daze, he looked at the large holographic screen in front of him as he remembered everything that has happened today.

A few hours ago.

Aditya arrived at his university. He is a seventeen-year-old young man who just joined the university excited to start his college life.

He is not exactly special in anything and there is nothing out of ordinary about him in any aspect. His studies are above average and he got into a decent university, his athletic skills are passable, his looks are also average. He is not too tall at around 5 feet 8 inches and he looked completely normal.

If he stands in the crowd no one will ever find him out of place.

He finished the admission process and went to the dorm with a smile as he took in the fresh air. The university he got into is fifteen kilometers away from the city right at the outskirts. It could be considered the countryside. No one knows why this university was established here, but he liked the atmosphere here.

He went to his dorm room and placed all his luggage.

It is a four-person dorm room and it is wide enough room with cabinets for every one of them. There are four normal single cot beds. He placed his mattress on it and picked a cabinet.

After placing his things, he finally opened the large window awaiting some fresh breeze.

But as soon as he opened it, his smile froze and his face went stiff. He looked at the view in front of him and his throat almost went dry.

Because the thing in front of him is one thing that brings out one and only unordinary quality on Aditya.


The one category of species, he hates the most. No matter what they are, mosquitoes, roaches, bedbugs, grasshoppers. He doesn't like any one of them and his aversion could even be considered an obsession and it was often laughed at.

But he never cared. As long as he came across a single insect in his living environment, he would kill them at all costs, and at this moment, he could get a full view of a large puddle formed by the rainwater outside the compound wall of the dorm from his window.

The mosquitoes that are formed there have perfect access to his dorm room. He immediately shut the windows down and opened his suitcase to look for a plastic box the size of a makeup kit.

He opened it, but his face turned from gloomy to horrified.

Inside the plastic box, instead of the things he put, there were a bunch of snacks and a note.

"Aditya, I know you would be looking for these as soon as you enter the dorm and I believe that it is not time for you to show this side of yours to the new roommates, otherwise you will never make any friends. So, I urge you to suppress your obsession for a few days and just adjust with normal repellant cream.

With love, your dearest Elder Sister."

"You, She-Devil." He said with gritted teeth as he crumpled the note. He looked through the box and found a single tube of repellent. He applied it all over the exposed parts of his body and hesitated before stopping himself from applying it on his face.

He then ransacked another bag and picked a rolled-up wad of cash with a smirk and ran out of the dorm.

"Hi, are you from this dorm too? I am…"

A young man who is taller than him by a few inches came across, but Aditya just nodded at him and ran past him as he made his way to the entrance of the university and luckily caught a bus.

"Guntur Town Market"

He bought a ticket and waited. He only calmed down after halfway through the journey.

After half an hour, he finally got down on the market and ran towards the home depot section in the market area.

The Market area is large and the shops are arranged categorically based on the items they sell. Just like the street, he is standing on now. This is the street for the Vegetables.

But as he was in the middle of this bustling street with all the people crashing into each other, he suddenly felt blank for a moment and before he knew it, this is what he is standing in the middle of.

It is almost like he is standing in the middle of a black and white movie.

He looked at the Holographic screen as a voice sounded in his head.




AGE: 17









Aditya looked at the screen calmly. But inside he is freaking out.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

He asked nervously. He doesn't know whether he would gain any answer, but luckily the answer came with the voice as well as the words on the screen.

[ I am the Game Manager.

You have been selected for the Game of Extermination on this Planet.

At this moment, you are in an Alternate reality created by the Game you are about to play.]

He gulped nervously and said.

"I don't want to play this, can I go back?"

[It is not up to the player whether he wants to play or not. Once the player is selected it is impossible to undo the selection. You have no choice but to play. And it is for the Player's good that he plays.]

Aditya nervously fiddled around his pocket while the mechanical voice went on and on and suddenly he was stunned. He wanted to yell out loud just like how he wanted to do so at the start of all this, but he suppressed the urge and said in a low voice.

"I cannot find my phone or wallet."

[Player cannot use the things he brought in the game unless the required conditions are triggered. Don't worry. The things would be given back as soon as the round is over.]

Aditya took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves down and asked.

"What kind of game is this then? How should I play? What is the objective?"

[As it was mentioned earlier. This is the game of Extermination and the objective of the game is to exterminate the targets. The player will know once the round starts. Do you want to start now?]

"Is there really no other way out other than playing the game?"


Aditya gritted his teeth and looked at the situation.

He looked at his character panel and went through the details. Everything is basic information.

He clicked on the [ATTRIBUTES] and a list of attributes appeared.







Note: Attributes of an average human will be ranging from 10-12

Remark: A human being with below-average strength and barely passable intelligence and wise enough to be self-aware.]

Aditya didn't know what to say for these remarks, he looked around nervously and spoke.

"If the target is extermination, shouldn't I at least be given a weapon?"

[Player can use anything in the surroundings as his weapon.]

He couldn't say anything and finally asked one last important question.

"What would happen if I injured here or die?"

[Players will find out after playing the Round.]

"What the Fuck…."

He couldn't help but curse when he saw those words and he couldn't keep it in anymore.


He freaked out as he paced around and in his agitation, he kicked a stone.

As soon as he touched the stone with his foot, it changed its color back to normal which made him shut his mouth. The stone crashed into the vegetable basket next to it and a tomato fell down.

He picked the tomato with his hand and it also turned back to its original color.

While he was in a daze, suddenly a mechanical voice made him come back to his senses.

[Player has touched the surroundings. Condition for Automatic start of the game triggered.


Round: Market.

Objective: Exterminate as many pests as you can in five minutes and survive.

Tip 1: Try to find the weak points of the targets and use the surroundings and the things to your advantage.

Tip 2: The danger level of the target is indicated on the top of the target's head with red numbers. The player shall understand the danger and act with some self-awareness.

Tip 3: Try your best to not get injured. The player will feel the pain in real-time after the round is over.

Tip 4: Try not to die. The player will die due to a Brain stroke due to natural causes if he dies in the round.]

Aditya widened his eyes in shock and panic, but before he could go on another outburst again, but he stopped because of the sound he is hearing.



The buzzing sound is awfully familiar and he has heard that many many times, it is just that the sound is louder than usual and it is only going up with every passing second which means, the source is a lot bigger and it is getting closer.

Within no time, the source is right in front of his eyes and Aditya's throat went dry to even utter a sound.