
The agile spider made Aditya nervous, a lot more than the big spiders. It shot a web on to Aditya and he barely dodged it. The web hit the rock and the rock shook a bit.

Aditya was stunned. The spider is agile and its webs are so strong that a rock his size is shaking. He could imagine what the attack would do to him and his body.

He wanted to run away, but the spider is keeping up with him and the spiders that are larger and slower are also coming from behind.

He decided that he wouldn't be able to just keep his distance and slowly take this spider out, so he didn't bother with that anymore, he stood firm and held the hammer getting ready to swing it.

As soon as the spider is within the hitting range, he timed the hit and swung.


The hammer missed the spider and hit the rock. The spider neared him and used its limb to pierce his foot. Aditya barely dodged, but his shoe was scratched open by the limb. He dropped the hammer and picked his knife up to stab the spider as he took a few steps back.

He missed a few times, but finally managed to get it after it held on to his leg from behind and got ready to take a bit.

He fell down sidewards and used the knife to slice the legs of the spider which made it drop on the rock before stabbing it to death. By now, the large spiders are almost near him, he hurriedly went to the sledge hammer and started smashing them down one by one.

The large spiders are no threat. It is almost like they are here for their lives to be taken down.

Aditya went on with the killing spree and the wave was soon over. For the next wave, he saw two agile spiders and the large spiders are the same as before. He got ready for the showdown.


Two and half hours later.

Aditya is standing while leaning against the big rock. He has many wounds on his body and his clothes are completely torn apart. He could feel his whole body aching. His throat is parched and he is completely out of breath. He felt like every breath he is taking is like pumping air into a tire tube.

He held the hammer with one hand and the knife is in his mouth as he bit its handle.

The holder on his belt was gone with the clothes.

He looked at a large spider in front of him making its way towards him. It has two of its legs smashed up. The large spider is black and its eyes are red. The mouth is bloody as it took a chuck of Aditya's flesh off of his leg.

Aditya knew that this is his last round. He wouldn't be able to survive the other one, even if he managed to get out of this one, and that is if he managed to get out of this one.

The spider made its way towards him and was about to leap into him to have a feast of its life, but as its mouth was closing in, Aditya took the knife with its left hand and stabbed its mouth.


The spider made a weird sound as it stepped back a bit and Aditya took the sledge hammer to slam it on it head.

He relentlessly hit it on its head until its eyes were smashed open and the knife dug deeper and deeper into the mouth.

One of the spider's limbs made its way to his tummy and pinned him to rock.

Aditya who had his hands over his head, holding the sledge hammer slammed it one last time, before the limb tore into his lungs and made its way into his heart.

He felt an agonizing pain, but didn't even have any strength to scream. The spider in front of him slowly disappeared as he felt his life going away.

As he was gone, the ranking list of the Physical AIP appeared with his pseudonym Syam on it ranked at fifth.

But he didn't see it and neither would he have cared if he has seen in.

Aditya reappeared in the shower, he collapsed to the floor as he bit his hands to stop himself from screaming because of the agonizing pain. He turned the shower on and soaked himself under the water for a long time, before he released his bite on his hand.

He stood up, removed his wet clothes and cleaned himself under the shower.

Even though the blood and dirt didn't come here with him, he still felt extremely dirty. He couldn't clean himself enough.

After he was done cleaning, he opened the attribute window to check his growth.







Every physical attribute increased by two.

He went back to his room and rested for the day.

The next day, early morning he once again used another Physical AIP and he grew another two points in all attributes.

By now, he couldn't even take a breath without feeling a bit hurt because of his sore muscles and aching joints.

It is almost like he was run over by a road roller.

He got ready and went to the department block along with Venkat. That day they are taking the interview for the SAE club. He still cannot believe that he is taking two tests just for admission into a club in college on the very first week.

They went and waited for their turn as many people are taking the interview, when their turn finally came, Venkat and Aditya were being interviewed at the same time in different rooms.

When he entered, a young woman is sitting on the opposite side of the table looking through the test paper he submitted.

Aditya took his seat. She looked at him blankly and said.

"Hello, your name is Aditya?"


Aditya answered as he observed her. Her hair is tied up messily and she is wearing a loose shirt with jeans on the bottom. She had her glasses on with a pen in her hand.

"I am Manasa, Sophomore."

"Hello, nice to meet you."

She just nodded at him and went back to looking at the test papers.