Guns and Grenades?

Sunday Evening.

Aditya is currently standing under the shower as he once again tried to control his breathing and overcome the painful sensations he has been feeling for a while.

He just finished his third Physical AIP and this time, he got a lot more than the previous two times.

The first time he used this, he barely made it past the Two and a half hours and the second time, he went past that but was killed before he could crack the three-hour mark.

But the third time, with the added four points from the first two times, he must say that he felt really confident and managed to get past the three hour mark with the increased attributes, he almost neared three hours and twenty minutes.

With that, he gained, three attribute points in every physical attribute, and his rank in this temporary ranking list increased again.

Before he came out of the shower, he once again checked his attributes.







He is pretty satisfied with these attributes, but he still wanted to prepare more. There is around a day left for the third round and he doesn't know how he should be preparing for them.

It is around five in the evening and he still has some time. Luckily, one of the inventory slots is also open, so he decided to see what he can do on the logistic side of the preparation.

But before that, he decided to open the Chatroom once again to see if he could get any news from the other players that might aid with his preparations.

And one thing caught his eye. That is the discussion about some trades. The Soldier who ranked first in the list is actually selling weapons for points.

"I am thinking of buying a handgun and a magazine of bullets, it is for twenty points and I barely have them. Boy, I am tempted."

"hehe, I already bought one gun and even a hand grenade. Come on guys, whoever wants to buy go and buy them immediately. There is a limited stock you know. Our Boss, the super-soldier is generous enough to sell them, so don't waste the opportunity."

"I am going right now."

"Hehe, I managed to buy two handguns and two grenades. I am lucky enough."

As Aditya looked through the messages, he was dumbfounded. He doesn't know how to react to this situation. The Supersoldier is the pseudonym that was used by the first ranked person and he seems to be selling military supplies. Handguns, bullets, and grenades.

He is selling them for dozen points each and with this, he would be able to hoard a lot of points.

Aditya really doesn't know how to react to this. Most people are extremely in favor of this as they can find some extra source of protection for themselves, but he is not exactly comfortable with that.

This guy is clearly selling these weapons out because it is almost impossible to trace them through this trading channel for his superiors.

They wouldn't be able to link him to this at all if he is just a bit careful enough to leave the obvious traces.

But this is still kind of like a robbery.

There are some more people in the chat who shared the same belief as him and unlike Aditya, they expressed that out loud which made them get flooded by the comments berating them.

He knew that everyone is kind of desperate, but he didn't expect this much.

"Damn, this guy is really making a fortune like this. But why are they so eager to buy. I mean, there are still some other methods to go about this."

[Why don't you check the list of all the players?] Ram who has been silent for a while appeared out of nowhere and said.

Aditya did as he was told and looked at the player's list and he was stunned by the revelation. There are only ninety-eight players left in the game and on the last two places, [DECEASED] was shown.

He took a deep breath as he scrolled upwards in the chatroom and then noticed a small section of the chat discussing the deaths and in fact, that is the spot where the trade for these guns have begun.

As he looked through the messages, some other message.

"I am selling knives, axes, and some other bladed weapons."

The second ranker named the Swordsman sent a message and people started flooding with messages again.

Aditya didn't bother with them too much and just closed the chatroom as he documented everything in the book.

By now, everyone in the room is planning to go out and eat. They wanted Aditya to come as well, but he needs some time alone, so he refused. So, they are on their way out, and finally, Aditya took out an unopened box of Oreos.

This box has ten small packs of Oreos inside. This is something he bought when he went to the town to buy the book for the club.

He wanted to test something.

So, first, he placed the box in the inventory slot he had. It didn't show any resistance and it went in.

After that, he picked another box but this was opened and only four small packets are left. He tried to put this one inside the inventory while the box is still open, which didn't work.

He then tried to put two packets together which didn't work either.

He took out some tape and closed the opened box which then worked. He opened the box and placed some pens inside after removing the packets and closed it again with some tape. It went in again.

He then changed it to the pens and Oreos together and this one also worked.

After trying several variations like this, he finally heaved a sigh of relief as he could finally use this technique for the problems he is about to face in the next round.


And that joy diminished when his stomach grumbled with hunger.