Kitchen Disaster

It has only been four minutes.

Aditya never knew that four minutes be this much longer. He looked at the bird that kind of looked like a pigeon and took out the last cocktail before throwing it.

The bird cannot fly well indoor because of the low roof, and when the cocktail landed under it, its beautiful feathers caught the flames pretty quickly.

*screech* *screech*

Its vails of agony could be clearly heard as it started bashing at the ceiling and the racks.

Many racks fell over and many books started burning. Aditya started feeling a bit suffocated because of the smoke, but he braced himself and ran towards the window the bird came in.

But what he saw on the other head shocked him. Many birds are making their way towards him from the main gate. They are not as fast as the first bird, but they are surely too many.

He wouldn't be able to survive if they really entered the library building. He looked inside and saw that despite the flames, the creatures are making their way towards him.

Sam took out the metal bug limb and stabbed it into the burning bird.

*Screech* *SCREECH*

He could smell the stench off of its burning feathers and could hear the painful screams.

A rabbit came straight at the bird and hit it.

Aditya felt the searing heat on his body as the burning bird touched him and in the process, the rabbit poked itself at the other end of the metallic limb.

Aditya noticed that the birds are coming and he is sure that the front of the end is not the way out and with the rabbit's repeated hits over the bird's body, it died, but he was also inching closer to the window even had to lean backward.

He looked down on the ground and the birds are only a few feet away.

He decisively pulled the limb out of the bird's body and stabbed at the rabbit coming at him. The metal limb went straight into its eye and blood splashed all over him. When the next rabbit was about to make a move, Aditya already leaned into the broken window and jumped down.

It is not that high and with his increased strength, he figured he could make the jump. And he wasn't wrong, except that he is not really an expert at jumping down the windows from the first floor and sprained an ankle before rolling forward.

The birds almost caught him, but he used the metal limb to stand up and started running as the birds started chasing him.

He felt really stupid for going to the same location again. He doesn't even know what to do at the moment and just kept on running and once every few seconds, he looked at the birds that are coming at him. There are around five to six Danger Level 2 birds and then there are over a dozen Level 1 birds.

It seems like his primary hunters are actually these stupid pigeons.

Aditya ran for the next two minutes and reached the college cafeteria. It is actually closed, but this is the only place large enough for him to do something and that is the only place with cooking gas that could give him good enough firepower.

He ran straight at the large wooden door and crashed against it. He was not really optimal about this, but the door broke down and Aditya rolled inside.

He stood up and ran towards the kitchen, at this moment, the rabbits and mosquitos caught up. But there is only half of them left. The other half seemed to have died or at least didn't make it.

He reached the kitchen in time, but since it is an open one, he didn't have any doors to close it off to buy himself some time.

He could barely turn the gas on before the creatures made it to the kitchen. Luckily the entrance is a bit narrow and didn't let more than two creatures enter at a time.

Aditya took this chance and used the metal limb to stab the two birds that came first. One in the mouth and lifted the limb upwards making its neck break, the second one into the eye and took half of the head along with it.

He couldn't help but exclaim how easy it felt, the strength attribute is really showing its use and the endurance too. Even though he ran this much, he is not even out of breath. He barely sweated.

The rabbits followed the birds and this time, Aditya really felt like he is fighting these creatures because the rabbits are extremely agile. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't stab them and they even went past him deeper into the kitchen as they attacked him from the rear and one more bird and another mosquito made their way into the kitchen while the rest struggled to get in one by one.

The club is a bit big to swing around in this kitchen and the most he could do is a straight stab. He did exactly that, but at the mosquito and he even threw it at the entrance while he dealt with the bird which is having the struggle to fly in this low ceiling area.

But the rabbits are dealing with him like crazy.

They are headbutting like street fighters and his back is most definitely swollen. He could only grit his teeth and store the metal limb before taking out the dagger.

He kicked the carcasses towards the entrance and piled them one by one to block the entrance a bit to buy a few seconds, while he looked at the rabbits.

The Incinemosquitoion dagger felt perfect in his hands as he faced the two rabbits inside the narrow space while his back is against the pile of dead bodies blocking the entrance.

As a rabbit leaped towards him, Aditya stabbed it on its head as he dodged to the side and when he felt like it moved again, he used another hand to hit on the back of the dagger.

Meanwhile, the second rabbit hit him from the side, making him crash into the dead bodies, he stood up once again and lunged towards the rabbit as he repeatedly stabbed it many times.

The rabbit took eight stabs before it died and as if the luck is laughing at him, the carcasses were dragged out by the birds and mosquitos one by one as the rest of the creatures started making their way in.

Aditya moved to the only window in the kitchen, which could barely fit him and when he opened it hurriedly, he noticed that it is actually a window for throwing trash outside. There is a large trash can outside.

He didn't care and decided to jump.

The creatures are already inside and since Aditya is halfway through the window they are trying to get in even though, there is barely any space.

Aditya jumped out, but one of the bird's caught him by his arm.

"Arghh. You fucking stupid bird."

He never knew that a bird could bite this hard. He could feel it reaching his bone directly and it didn't look like leaving that any time soon.

So, he used another arm to stab it on its head, while he stood on the edge of the trash can with barely any balance.

A mosquito made its way and its trunk almost got his arm that was still okay and he didn't know what to do as the bird is not leaving him.

He looked through the small gap and the room is almost full and cramped, he thought of something and yelled.


The dagger started glowing and the bird's head caught fire.

The flame has such a heat that Aditya has never ever seen before. It actually made the window frame melt instantly and the mosquito trunk was burned to ashes before it could even reach him.

The flames spread throughout the bird wildly and the gas that was one caught on flame making the whole room covered with blue flames.

For some reason, the incineration flames didn't have any impact on his own body which seemed a bit weird, but he didn't have time to care for that as he fell backward toppling down the trash can and…