
"Oh god, No."

Aditya had an extremely bad feeling as he saw bricks quaking, the rat is still coming at him aggressively even though it is burning and hitting against every piece of machinery on the way damaging itself.

He hurriedly looked around to find something that could help, he doesn't know what is coming or where it is coming from, but he knew that it is not something good.

After some looking around, he finally noticed a large hook connected to the ceiling. He jumped upwards and caught it.

As he was hanging from the ceiling…


The neatly arranged bricks crashed wide open a large snake-like creature came from under that. When Aditya looked at it, he almost peed his pants.

It is a large earthworm and it is not alone, one after another several other holes appeared and a bunch of earthworms came into the room.

Then only he realized that all of his Molotov cocktails are now gone as he placed them on the bricks and forgot to store them away when he jumped.

The earthworms are trying to catch him, but they don't have that vertebral support to stand and get to him which is faint relief, but the same couldn't be said towards the rat.

The burning rat who has barely any health left still came at him as it shifted the direction and in-process left a trail of flames which are caused by the broken Molotov cocktails on the ground in which the earthworms are currently caught. Not all of them but some.

The rat didn't care about the worms that are under Aditya and stood over them as it tried to catch him.

Aditya held the hook with one hand and took out his dagger as he looked at the rat with determination. As it lunged upwards, he curled his legs up and stabbed the dagger on its head.


He yelled out loud and the rat's body which is already burning fiercely at several places was suddenly surrounded with flames. Not a single spot of the rat was left not burning and it fell onto the ground in the middle of the worms.

The rat's body is huge and some of the earthworms were crushed in half. Of course, they are of low danger level and Aditya was still very happy about that.

The creatures are fierce and strong, but their one drawback is their key instinct is not about survival, it is to kill the player which makes them ignore all kinds of threats to their own bodies no matter how dangerous they are and how damaging they could be.

Aditya looked at the rat which stopped moving and the health bar has gone empty, but the body is still burning which is still acting against the earthworms that are still trying to get to him.

Aditya sighed in relief. The baits are really helpful, they managed to earn him a lot of points by destroying the rats easily without much effort which gave him enough time and energy to deal with the larger rat.

He can now quit the round if he wants and he wouldn't face any penalty, but when he looked at the smaller earthworms already dying from the fire, he focused on the largest earthworm once again, they are the easiest prey he has ever seen since the first round and he felt refreshed.

He still has a lot of energy and he didn't suffer a single injury. This is very refreshing.

As he was feeling delightful, that process immediately ended as soon as he started feeling vibrations from upwards.

*Knock8 *KNOCK* *KNOCK*

The ceiling started vibrating and he could hear the knocking sounds right above. He had an extremely bad feeling about this and he felt like he was cursed. When he was feeling confident about rats, the earthworms came, and now when he was feeling confident about earthworms, something else is coming.

He doesn't know what it is, but he knew for sure that it is not a pleasant thing.

He quickly thought of what to do and when he couldn't find any escape means, he looked down at the earthworm that is about to get out from under the rat's remaining body. That is the biggest challenge on the ground and there is an unknown challenge from the top. Now he just has to decide which he wants to face.


And the decision was made as soon as he saw a few cracks around the hooks.

He immediately let go of the hook and fell freely downwards. He placed the dagger inside and took out the metal limb as he aimed it on the body of the earthworm.

The force he gained from the freefall really helped as he landed on the earth worm's body and stabbed the limb through it.

He looked at its health bar which is only half full at the moment and left the metal limb there as he stepped backward.

He took out the dagger and slashed it on the tail part of the earthworm.

It wiggled in pain but didn't make any noise. It abruptly turned towards him and Aditya saw the teeth of the earthworm for the first time and he couldn't help but gulp in nervousness.

The earth form is around seven feet long and one foot in diameter and Aditya wanted to escape from it.

As he moved backward, the earthworm's head followed him, but all of a sudden it stopped and wiggled in pain once again.

Aditya frowned in confusion and looked at the body of the earthworm and he noticed that the metal limb did not just penetrate its body, but it also nailed the worm to the ground and he felt extremely delighted by this.

The small worms started coming at him from the side with their feeble health bars and Aditya looked at the ceiling on that specific part once again.

He had another idea now and he decided to deal with the small earthworms first.