
Aditya roamed around the dorm building for quite a while until he finally managed to find a quite place where he could work peacefully.

It is the indoor gymnasium for the dorm which was being newly built. It is mostly for badminton. There is a lot of construction material all over the place and there are no lights or other things. No students are coming here. So, he started working with the extremely pricy ingredient he just bought.

The first one he went for are obviously the Molotov cocktails. This time, he got some really big beer bottles, wine bottles and other liquor bottles, all of the empty ones of course. There are a lot of these things in the large package he bought with fifty points.

Up on Ram's advice, he completely used up all the petrol he had while making these Molotov Cocktails. He got more than twelve bottles and these are clearly larger than the ones he made previously.

Now, he moved to the innards, the baking soda and the flour for the rodent traps.

After that was done, he took out something that really puzzled him.

Garlic. He got kilograms of garlic which he crushed up on Ram's instructions and mixed with the hot water which he got from the bathrooms.

"Why am I doing this?"

[As I told you, all of the senses and metabolism of the creatures are enhanced and that includes their sense of smell. This garlic mixture is a great natural repellent.]

"Really? Do you think that I would be safe with just a repellent?"

[Of course not. This thing will barely hold them off for a little while when you use them in small quantities, but in large quantities, you would be able to divert the creatures from following you. This will be useful against mosquitoes, rats, mice and so on.]

"Really? That is your big plan? To divert them? From what I have seen until now. They act like they have a homing signal on me and they could track me anywhere."

[The next round would be different.]

"I don't know what you mean by different. Just wait a second."

Aditya took out his mobile and did a quick search on this garlic repellent.

"Really Ram? A home made garlic repellant? Where would I be able to store such a large quantity? I would need a tank that could carry a few dozen liters. This thing here says, four gloves of garlic for a bottle of water.

I have like a thousand cloves here."

Ram sighed and said.

[Just follow my instructions alright. Do you think the exact home remedy works on these gigantic creatures? They are enhanced and there are some modifications we should make for the already existing remedies.

If you want to stay alive, you better listen to me without all of this whining. I know it is hard for you and you are resentful of all of this that is happening to you, but you need to suck it up and get on with it.

You are already inside this mess. There is only one way out and I am the only one who can help you. So, stop annoying me and do what I say.'

Aditya sighed at Ram's outburst.

He just started mixing things.

After the garlic was done, they moved to some vinegar remedy which also acts as a repellant, then there is this lime juice remedy, which is just lime juice and cayenne pepper mixed together and he doesn't even understand why they are mixed.

He filled all of these different liquids into different wine bottles and beer bottles before storing them all in the one big box.

There is a large bag of sea salt beside all of them. He placed the whole box into the inventory.

"I really wish, I could get more slots. This is really not convenient in the game."

[You would wish a lot of things in the future and trust me, they would seem much less trivial then this inventory box. But you just have to make do with what you have.

Anyway, go and get some rest. Tomorrow the situation will be a lot different and a lot troublesome.]

Aditya didn't even answer and just went back to bed. Of course, before that he cleaned up the whole area to make sure that there are no traces left behind.

The next day, he went to classes like usual.

He was not feeling that well the whole day. All this while he was thrown away into something that he shouldn't have been a part of, he was just a normal teenage who is looking forward to be a college student.

Enjoy it while he still can so that he wouldn't waste what might be the best years of his college, but now, he was stuck in something that could kill him any moment and he tried his best to repress all the feelings he had to the bottom his heart and tried to act normal.

He just kept on annoying Ram just for the heck of it. But it seems like even Ram had the tolerance and shoved the reality in front of Aditya's face the last night.

As the time passed, Aditya even attended the club meeting the afternoon with the same absentmindedness. Anyway, there was not much he could do there, except for doing some errands like making some documents prepared for some of the seniors.

He didn't mind that and looking at his sour mood, Venkat even offered to do it for him and for some reason Aditya didn't reject it, he just gave the work to Venkat and roamed around the college aimlessly as the time ticked.

As the time slowly passed away and there was only ten minutes for the next round, Ram appeared to give him some advice.

[For the next round, you wouldn't need to find a location, because all the players will be dragged to one single location. It would be a large ground and the terrain is something even I don't know of. But you need to be careful. As soon as you enter the round, contact Andrew through the trade request and zero down his location. Try to find him no matter what. You need to save him in this round so that you can reap the benefits later.]