
Aditya became vigilant and held the dagger in one hand and hid the knife behind him as he just stayed there and looked exhausted.

Three people came out of the corner of the alleyway and two of them are holding handguns while the last one held a large ax as they slowly walked forward. They looked at the large-scale flames that are still burning vigorously and then their attention changed to Aditya and Andrew who are both on the ground.

"Who are you? Come out and identify yourselves."

Aditya didn't reply, because his mind is thinking something else. He could clearly hear a different language coming out of the mouths of the guys, but somehow, he could understand exactly what the other guy is saying.

As if sensing his confusion, the other guy spoke again.

"The system enables us to understand each other even in such a condition. You don't think too much and come out now or I will shoot."

Aditya frowned at these words and he slowly stood up while trying to hide the knife behind his body in process, he leaned against the wall occasionally as he repeatedly fell on it while slowly standing up.

In the process of his shoulder hitting the wall, he suddenly heard some sound. He immediately placed the knife in his back pocket and placed his hand on the wall as he started tapping it as he stepped back a bit.

"I asked you to come forward, why are you going back? Don't think I would let you go. I won't hesitate to shoot you and your friend."

Aditya didn't care and spoke up.

"What do you guys want? You can just leave. We have nothing to do with each other."

"Of course, we don't have anything to do with each other. But that doesn't mean that I want to leave you alone. Show me your inventory now."

Aditya frowned and said.

"Are you trying to rob me?"

He asked all the while patting the wall.

"Robbing is a bit crude. More like we are trying to help you carry your stuff."

Aditya sneered inside and said.

"I don't feel like troubling you with my stuff. I can carry it all by myself without any trouble."

As Aditya stepped back, he finally stopped at one spot and he heaved a sigh. He looked at Andrew who slowly recovered and got his energy back.

"Andrew, come here."

Aditya said in a low voice so that the other tree cannot hear.

They are still on the other side of the flames and they can barely see Aditya and Andrew.

The whole road is filled with this slimy residue coming from the dead snails which didn't look like a good thing to touch and the green vapor is also not something that is extremely welcoming.

So, they are hesitating to move forward.

Aditya took this to his advantage and decided to make his move.

Andrew didn't stand up as he heard what is happening in the discussion between them. He hid behind the flames as he slowly crawled towards Aditya.

Aditya who is tapping the wall whispered something to Andrew when he neared him.

"You guys come out or we will be nearing you. If we are there, we will shoot you and take your things by force."

"Really dude? You want to kill another one of your fellow humans when there are dozens of these weird creatures are trying to kill us. Be a bit more human bro." Aditya said loudly.

"I don't care. You are not really going to die anyway. This is just a game now."

"Well, don't blame me for what is about to happen." As soon as Aditya said that, he took the metal limb from Andrew who took it out of his inventory instantly and slammed it into the wall.




The wall crashed immediately and crumbled and at the same time, the gun was shot.

Aditya rolled forward into the broken wall and Andrew crawled behind him.

The bullet hit the edge of the broken wall, at the same spot where Aditya was.




The bullets were shot continuously, but Aditya and Andrew stood up and started running inside.

It is a large building and everything inside is empty. The room walls were mostly knocked down and the few racks that were left are completely empty.

They couldn't see a single thing and for some reason, this building is not even dusty. Everything inside is relatively clean.

But when they looked up, they were shocked out of their wits.

They saw a long and large scaly figure that was attached to the railing of the first floor of the place.

It is a large python. It looked like it is an anaconda snake that was shown in the movies. Unnaturally large body and there is this unnatural ability with which its head is slowly moving towards them.

Aditya and Andrew were terrified because the number on the head of the creature is six.

The danger level is six and at this moment, two holographic figures appeared.

They are Ram and Clark.

[It seems like you two escaped the pan and landed in the flames of the stove.]

Ram said with a smile.

[Leave the cooking metaphors to me, old man.] Clark said and Ram just smiled it off.

[You guys can deal with this if you work together. For starters, don't move and hold your weapons properly. I will guide you and you would be trumping this creature.]

"I… I don't want to." Andrew said.

Aditya also gulped but didn't say anything. He didn't want to attract the attention of this large creature.


At this moment, the gunshots were heard and a voice followed along with it.


The guy who was talking to them from the start yelled on top of his lungs and the snakehead that was hovering near Aditya and Andrew suddenly turned to the wall entrance that Aditya made by breaking it and rushed towards it.