
Aditya's obvious target is of course the part where the incineration burned a hole in to the body of this gigantic snake.

He ran to the rear of the snake and jumped off to get on its back. It is almost like he is scaling a large wall, but he managed to climb it and he stabbed the beak into one of the small gaps between the scales of the snake and used it as a lever to pull the scale off of this thing.


The snake hissed as it shook the tail heavily all the while moving its head towards him.

Andrew who is silently staring at this thing with shock was completely ignored for some reason. He couldn't even begin to understand, why Aditya thought, he would be able to deal with this thing.

But it seems like his silence benefitted him a bit.

Aditya stabbed his dagger and the beak into the small gap with flesh he just unraveled by removed the scale and held on to the body of the snake.


The snake slammed the tail into the ground, but Aditya didn't let go. In fact he didn't dare to. If he slipped with that violent shaking, only got knows where he would land and what he would hit.

He might just die because of that rather than from the snake itself.

The snake's head neared him and it wanted to pick him off with its mouth. But it was impossible because Aditya is lying flat on its surface and its mouth is way too big to simply pick him up like an ice cube with forceps.

As Aditya was thinking, he was suddenly reminded of the spider fangs he got. He carefully let go of the beak and took out the spider fang from the inventory before stabbing it inside the flesh.


He doesn't know whether the snake would be effected with the poison or not, but when he looked at the open red flesh being stabbed with the venom, he saw the flesh at the immediate surroundings of the stabbing zone turn a bit purple.


He also saw that the snake is going through the great pain. It looked at Aditya cruelly with anger bubbling inside.

Aditya decided that it is time to let go and he pulled out the dagger and the beak leaving the fang there as the tail was hurriedly moved towards the mouth of the snake.

But because of that motion, Aditya was thrown and he crashed into the wall.


When Andrew saw this he finally came out of his stupor and started running towards Aditya to help him out. At the same time, the snake bit on its own tail with its sharp fangs and started bleeding everywhere.

They looked at the health of bar of the snake going down rapidly until there was only one tenth of it was left.

Aditya slowly stood up with his whole body feeling sore.

He had bruises all over his body and he spat out some blood from his mouth. He also lost a tooth and there is a wound on his forehead bleeding.

His shirt is completely ragged and overall he felt like he was hit by a truck.

As he stood up, he looked at the stupid snake that hurt itself so bad and worst of it all, the wounds on it are still bleeding and the health is still dropping.

Particularly the wound on the side of the body made by that silver knife. It is letting blood out like some overflowing reservoir of water.

Aditya spat out some blood mixed with spit and looked at Andrew.

"This is the best time to deal with it. We might not be able to deal with a creature like this again. This is our only chance."

As he spoke, he took out two Molotov Cocktails and gave one to Andrew.

"If I am in a tough situation, I want you to throw this at that thing and distract it from me. Please don't let me die."

Andrew took the cocktail nervously and gulped as he looked at the snake that took off its mouth from the tail. It looked around probably searching for Aditya.

Aditya looked at his incineration dagger and noticed that the incineration usage is back.

He immediately ran towards the snake with the cocktail and the dagger in his hand.

He lit up the Molotov cocktail and looked at the surroundings to see where would be the perfect spot to throw this.

While he is running, the snake seemed to have noticed him and moved towards him.

Aditya jumped on to some rubble nearby and aimed the cocktail at the tail where the snake bit itself and threw it.



The flesh was caught on flames and the head barely missed Aditya as the snake lost its momentum. He took this chance to jump on to its head.

"When did I become so brave?"

He muttered to himself and stabbed the snake in the small gap between the scales of the head. It didn't go as deep as he would have wanted.

The snake kept on moving its head forcefully. Shaking him. He couldn't even bring himself to think straight to activate the incineration and almost fell down hanging with the help of the knife.

He was shaking along with the body of the snake and felt like a rag doll being thrown around by a little child.

Aditya gritted his teeth and just used all of his strength to make sure that he wouldn't fall down. But for some reason, he couldn't even make out the thought of incineration.

Andrew who is standing away gulped down as he looked at it and lit up the cocktail. His whole body is sweating and he so scared of his wits that he almost peed his pants.

With a shivering hand, he threw the bottle, but only after he threw it, did he realize that he aimed at the wrong place.

Aditya looked at the flying cocktail, that was coming at the head of the snake, instead of any other place and even though he wasn't able to manifest the incineration in that state, he was able to manifest something else.