Five years late

Outside the window, I saw the sun begin to dip underneath the trees, the sky painted with swaths of orange and pink. Andrius had finally finished the list of reminders he was scribbling for me.

"There you go," he said, putting the sheet of paper into my hand. "Don't lose this, okay?"

I hopped off the bed, folded the paper and shoved it into my pocket. "I'm not following. Why would you give me this note when you're always with me during the exercises?"

He was adjusting the sleeves of his robe, tilting his head to look back at me. "Oh, did I not tell you? I'll be gone for a few days. I'm to report your progress to the heads of the Keepers. Your situation is quite special, you know? No one thought that someone would survive the effects of blood-wielding."

An odd feeling whirled in my stomach. "They're preparing in case more victims come up."