Performers, not fighters

Meryl led us up the bleachers, at the spot most favorable for viewing the Flamerose match.

"Hurry, hurry." She squealed as she sat, patting the space next to her in earnest. "It's already starting!"

I could tell most of the crowd in the stadium had their eyes on the Flamerose, anticipating their every move. As of the moment, none of the team members were eliminated yet.

"Who are they up against?" Niko asked Meryl.

Not once did Meryl take her gaze off the match, her feet bouncing in a speed I couldn't comprehend. "That's Razorfang, they're also veterans in Clash Mania. And did you know? They actually have razor sharp teeth! Pops said the team's branding and image can make them stand out so they can get more sponsorships!"

I nodded, considering this. Around us, the cheers of the crowd had become louder than the earlier set of matches. "You sure know a lot, Meryl."