The aftermath

By sunset, they'd made their exit, the actors slinking off behind the curtains, out of sight. No one saw them leave, no one saw where there they went, and the constabulary woke up confused and unable to find both the victims and the criminal. Was it just some public display? Or did that fighter woman deal with family matters with their own hands? No one knew for sure, and soon they would forget it ever happened, a mere disruption of the town peace. For others, it was an entertaining event that distracted them from the bleakness of their daily lives.

For Erilyn and the group, it felt as if they'd finally got to begin their mission, the first chapter opening, and this would lead for more chapters to come. Ahead was a dangerous road filled with traps and snares of different kinds, but Erilyn was willing to tread it, so long as she could fulfil her duty to the queen.