Chapter 4 Is it possible?

'Anyone can change if they have someone they like.'

'I hope one day...'

'...I can change too'

~ Chapter 4

[Yo, I started flirting with him!! Lolol what you told me really worked]

*[Told you so lolol

Just do I say lolol]

[Yep totally agree]

*[Lols you must be excited lol no wonder you didn't bombard me with texts lol]

[Lols true. I'll feel bad if I'm looking at the phone while talking to him lolol]

*[Yeah, lol I know]

'She's texting so much less than before. She used to text nonstop.' Joon-Woo was sitting on a bunch of stairs with his friend who was playing games on his phone right beside him. Just a couple of meters before him he saw the Class Rep and Seung Ah hanging out together. 'But that just means, that Seung Ah is happy.'

"Wow, I didn't know you were like that Seung Ah, haha." - "No, haha. I'm not." They were walking right next to each other and Seung Ah held on to the Class Rep's shirt as she hid her face laughing. "Oh, seriously stop teasing me, hahaha", she then said.

'She looks really happy.' Joon-Woo smiled wryly. 'Since I started high-school, this is...'

His friend looked at him, then at Seung Ah and the Class Rep. '...probably the best thing I've done.'

Joon-Woo poked his friend. "What are you doing, you weirdo?"

"Who are you calling a weirdo? I was just looking at the blank expression on your stupid face. I can tell something is up." Jong Hwa Yoo, 17 years old, fat. He has a rounded, big face, brown eyes, black hair rocking a curtain hairstyle and is addicted to games. He also has no communication skills towards the opposite sex and turns to stone whenever a female is talking to him.

"Yep! And it's none of your business." Joon-Woo looked at his friend in disgust.

"Yeah, but I know you get used by others all the time. That's just who you are, hahaha." Jong Hwa gave his friend the middle finger. "Look at how you're treating the person that worries about you", he added.

'Yeah. I'm not too happy but I don't know why.' He stared at the phone he was holding. 'He's the only friend I can talk to. Should I ask him?'

'Yeah, I should just tell him everything.'

He turned to face his friend who was concentrating on his games. "Yo Jong Hwa, this is a secret, but you know Seung Ah from our class?" - "Wow, level 5 already. Awesome."

Joon-Woo squinted his eyes. 'I guess he's not too worried about me.'




'..?!' A ball came flying his direction. Though it was not going to hit him. But the ball caught his attention and his eyes lightened up. 'Uh oh, I must have been playing goalie for too long!'

'I wonder if I can catch that ball?'

He lift his arm and got ready to catch it. 'Better catch it before it flies off the field. They're going to ask me to get it anyway.'

"For real?"

"Yep, for real. I saw them in front of school."

"Hahaha, so funny. So how did the confession go?!"

"Haha, seriously it really worked?!"

"Yep, hahahaha."

"Ball!", "Ball!!", "BALL!!"

The two girls walking down the stairs behind Joon-Woo finally looked to the front.

The girl on the left was Ha Min Park, 17 and went into Class 5 in Junior Year. She had straight black hair and one of her characteristics was her height. She was only 158 centimeters tall.

"OH FUCK!!" she shouted and covered her face with her hands as the ball came flying.

Ha Min was prepared to get hit but in just the last second Joon-Woo managed to catch the ball with one hand. Ha Min opened her eyes and looked at Joon-Woo who didn't seem to notice she was behind him.

Instead, he talked to Jong Hwa. "Hey, haha, did you see that haha, nice reflexes right?"

"If only you could do other things as well as you play ball." That was a fact. Joon-Woo scrunched his face.

Ha Min and her friend turned around. "You ok?" - "Yeah."

'Didn't he see me?' she thought as she looked at him before walking away.

Joon-Woo tilted his head and saw them out the corner of his eye.

"Are you there?" Jong Hwa asked.

In the hallway.

'I'm not getting a reply back. I guess she doesn't need any more dating advice?'

Joon-Woo didn't look like this was what he wanted. 'If that's why she won't text anymore then, I don't know. I guess this is the end. He left his left arm and the phone he was holding hanging. 'Really, this is the end? Why do I feel so wronged though?'

Dismissal time.

"Yo! Ji Won Yang this fucker!! You're dead." The other kid laughed as he ran away from the shouting kid. "I told you not to touch my glasses you fucker!!"

"Hahahah! So funny. Hahaha, you really think you can catch the lightning fast Ji Won Yang?" Ji Won Yang, 17, good at running. He's got brown eyes and brown hair which's covering his entire forehead.

Not paying attention to where he was running, he bumped into Dong Jin Jung, 33, black short hair and a squared face. He's got a huge figure and is a quite popular teacher - not because of his looks though. "Yeah, you run fast??", the teacher's eyes were glowing red. "What a coincidence. I hit fast. Want to compare?" - "Oh, teacher." Ji Won got his ears pulled as all the students in class watched. "Ahhhh, Sir, wait..."

"Yep, no such thing."

'Come on, this is a scene in any comic or movie. A strict but well-liked teacher with students messing around. But it feels so far away from me. That's only possible for people who are good at socializing.' He put his head and fists on the table. 'I'm just like an actor at a studio. I know I'm nothing like those people. I know that...'

"Haha, Ji Won Yang is such a funny fella, haha." - '... Seung Ah is one of those people too. She is so distant. I can't approach her, even if I am upset.' He stopped for a second. 'I know why I am feeling depressed now. I wanted to get close to Seung Ah. I haven't been able to do anything about it.' Clenching his fists Joon-Woo has sunken deeper into his thoughts. 'I acted like a normal, eager to give her dating advice. Seung Ah never even...'


He remembered his interactions with Seung Ah. "He's definetely, a good person.'" - 'Still...'

'Wait...!' Joon-Woo snapped back to reality. 'Shouldn't I just be happy that we are still friends...? It's not like she hates me. I can't give up without doing anything. I have to get closer somehow.'

'Yeah, I'm not expecting much. Just friendship. I just want to become friends. So I can't get rid of Random Chat yet.'

The teacher stood at the front desk. "You guys should decide on which clubs you want to join by tomorrow. Those of you who are doing night studies may go have dinner." With that said, class ended, kids left and Joon-Woo texted Seung Ah on Random Chat. 'Roll call finished already. I'll send this and go to PC Bang.

*[So how's it going hahahaha

Don't just flirt, start dating lolol. What did you do today]

'There should still be something I can do for Seung Ah.' - "Hey, Joon-Woo! Why are you still here?? He glanced over to the person standing on the opposite side of the room. 'Class Rep! He's still here?'

"Oh, I was organizing some stuff. Haha, what are you doing?"

"Oh, the teacher told me to put up the club list."

"Did you decide on which club you want to join?", he just asked the next question. "Probably soccer right?"

"What? Not the Debate Club? Hahaha." - "Woah, so unexpected. You like sports though."

Class Rep walked over to him so it was easier to talk. "Well I have to do something that I can put on my college application. Oh... by the way, how's the short story coming along?"

"Great! Thanks to you. Hahaha." - "Oh yeah?", the Class Rep scratched his head. "There are no short story contests open right now."

"Oh yeah, the thing is..." joon-Woo was flabbergasted when he realized what Class Rep just said. He turned around to face Dae Hyun who was looking down on him.

'...?!' His face was equal to one a horrified pig would make.

~Chapter 4 end.

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