Chapter 9 Chase

Days left until the movie: 4

"Guys, I told you to be careful. It's the flu season."

'Seung Ah didn't come to school.'

"We already have an absence today, and it's only been one day. Take care of yourselves. Your own well-being is important!"

'No one knows what happened to Seung Ah.' "It's going to be hard for Seung Ah to catch up now", the teacher stated. 'Should I just tell...?' Joon-Woo thought about it for a second. 'But she wouldn't want that.'

"I'll say it one more time. You guys are old enough to take care of yourselves, okay?"

'No one will help Seung Ah. Even if they did know, they wouldn't know how to help.'

"Enough, let's begin class!"

He was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't even bother listening to what the teacher said. 'She ended her chat with me yesterday. "I'm sorry. Anyway you're only a Random Chat partner" is what she said. Then why did she tell me about the stalker? If I'm nothing to her...'

Joon-Woo imagined them going their own ways. '... If she really didn't of me in a different way, why didn't she block me already? Am I supposed to keep ignoring this?'

'No! I can't just watch and do nothing. I think I know what to do now.' When class was over he wandered through the hallway, looking determined to help Seung Ah. 'I can't let you suffer alone... I have to help you somehow.' His gaze tightened. 'It's that damn stalker... Yeah, that fucker is the problem. That stalker is just a loser on Random Chat. I ain't afraid of him. I'll find him first.'

'I'll help you. I don't want to feel distant from you.' "Joon-Woo." He almost bumped into the Class Rep. "Are you busy?" the Class Rep asked. Shaken awake Joon-Woo came back to reality. "Huh... Yeah, why??" - "I haven't been able to get in touch with Seung Ah since yesterday." Dae Hyun looked quite concerned. "Do you... Know what's going on with Seung Ah by any chance?"

"Uh... Not really...?" It was awkward for him. "You don't?" - "Um... I don't really talk to her outside of school. Just wait, haha. We'll see her at the movies soon."

"Yeah... Seung Ah said she's coming."

'Sorry I don't think I can tell you... Even if getting the Class Rep involved might make things better...'

The Class Rep passed Joon-Woo. "Oh, okay. See you later then."

"Sure thing, hehe."

The moment Joon-Woo didn't pay attention to him Dae Hyun glared at him, his eyes having a blue glow to them. '... He doesn't know?' - he thought.

A few seconds later Joon-Woo realized something. '... Wait a minute. The teacher said it was the flu. Why is he asking me about her?'

Instead of going home Joon-Woo had other plans. 'First things first. Catch the stalker. I don't know when, but I know he's definetely going to come. You're not the only one who cares about Seung Ah.' Once again, he had that strong will to help her.

'I'll find you soon enough.'

Saturday Evening, 6:46pm.

"This is where you live right? Hehe."

"I really wanted to see you."

'The time you sent those pictures and texts,'

Monday Evening, 9:22pm

"Looking around hehe

This cafe is nice hehe

Wish we can meet here"

'Are always at specific times...'

Monday Evening, 8:32pm

"Hehe I'll keep looking. Sorta romantic right?"

"You can bet that I'll be back! Hehehe"

'.. It's always after 6pm. So you're either working or a student. Your tone seems more like a student's, though. You sent the pictures on different days, but they were all taken around the same time. That means you'll start stalking when the sun starts to set, after six.'

'Why does she have to suffer because of you? I won't let you get near Seung Ah.'

Seung Ah was lying in her bed, looking like she hasn't slept. Looking like she was afraid.

*[It's ok if you don't trust me]

*[You can just listen and not reply back]

*[Don't go to school alone from now on, and don't go your usual way.]

*[Changing your hair style might be a good idea too. That way he might not recognize you.]

*[If you don't know who that bastard is make all your social media accounts private.]

*[And don't suffer through this alone!]

Reading all of these messages gave her a bit of hope.

*[You're not alone! If you're too scared to call the cops, there's definitely someone who can help...]

In that instant the only person she thought about was the guy she liked - Dae Hyun.

*[... Hope you find that person. Don't worry too much. He probably just wants attention. Don't be afraid.]

Joon-Woo was walking through the city. 'You're not alone. You can't become like me.'

"So, yesterday Yong Chan was... Kekeke." Two girls were behind him, talking about something but then stopped. "Huh", they both said. It were Ha Min and her friend. She thought about the first Debate Club class, where Joon-Woo has been beaten up by Tae Yang. "Yo, what are you doing there standing into space?" she then asked. Joon-Woo turned around and had to look down at Ha Min as she was a lot smaller than him. Probably around four to five inches. "Oh, Ha Min... H- Hi." - "Why are you standing still?"

"I have to meet someone, so I'm waiting." Behind Ha Min, putting her arm around her shoulder, was her friend, waving at Joon-Woo. "Huh? From our school? Why are you waiting in the front?", Ha Min wanted to know. Joon-Woo smiled at her, but not in that happy manner. "Oh.. Not from our school, but I feel like he's going to come this way."

Ha Min looked a bit bewildered. "What do you mean? You... Don't know where you're meeting him? Did you guys even plan to meet?" - "No. We actually didn't plan this." He made a grim expression. 'But I really need to find him.'

Ha Min put her hand under her chin. "Hm. But you know... If you're going to meet, isn't it better to meet on the weekend? Weekdays are busy times." Then, it hit him. "And wouldn't it be better to see them during the day when it's not so dark? Well, whatever. I'm going to the internet cafe. Bye bye!" And just like that they were gone.

'Am... I missing something here? I think I was thinking too hard. Let me see it again...'

'..?!' His eyes widened. He compared the photo to the place he was at right now. 'The sun was on the opposite side... This picture was taken in the morning. And... The cafe in the picture is closed.' He dashed forward, heading towards the cafe. 'I have to go check.'

When he got there, he was out of breath. He took a look at the business hours of the cafe.

Weekdays, 9am - 10pm

Saturdays, 8am to 9pm

We are closed on Sundays.

He was fooled. 'This bastard... He came here... On a Sunday morning... He took the picture here.' He bit his lip. 'So... That means he'll probably come here again on Sunday... But...'

'This Sunday we're going to the movies.' Joon-Woo was clenching his teeth as scowled as he was. But the thought of Seung Ah gave him strength.

'Right. Right now...!'

~ Chapter 9 end.

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