Chapter 15 Just one word

Joon-Woo started hiding, just in case they should somehow find out he was the one gathering all those guys at the PC Bang. 'Crap! This got out of hand!... Why are there so many?! No way they're all here from Random Chat! Let me sort this out first. I need to find out who's from Random Chat.

*[Where are you? Lol I'm almost there! Can you raise your hand?]

All of them raised their hands. Then they noticed how they all had raised their hand. Joon-Woo, once more let out tears of disappointment on the inside, 'So... All of you??? Oops... My bad!!'

"Ha... Fuck.. This crazy bitch", "Ah, this is bullshit!", "What... But it was definetely a girl's hand... Fuck!" They were all rambling about how they got played. 'Well', Joon-Woo thought. 'I think I can get rid of them all at once...' Pause. He received yet another text on Random Chat.

[Huh? I'm not there yet. I'm buying a flower for you! Lol]

'What... There still is a guy on the way?' He had this uneasy feeling. 'Damn, where is he? I have to stop him...' In that second he noticed someone appearing from behind a building. As the person revealed himself Joon-Woo's mind was blown. This was something he'd never forget - something truly unexpected - terrorizing, even. The guy revealing himself was non other than his friend - Jong Hwa, being all dressed up, holding a rose. 'Ahhhhhh! JONG HWAAAA! WHY IS IT YOU?!!'

"Shit, which fucker is it?" - "Is he around here?" 'All of them seem to be feeling rage and shame at the same time.' They were looking for the culprit. 'How annoying... Ha.. I should go home...'

'Anyhow, I still feel guilty about tricking all these people. Would I be any different from them..? Anyhow..' He was glaring at Jong Hwa who was just standing a few meters in front of him, still hoping for the girl to show up. 'Why are you still here?! See, they're all leaving! Hurry up and leave!!' Jong Hwa did not bother leaving. Instead he stood still. 'Does he still think she's coming?!'

"Hey! Jong Hwa Yoo!!" He flinched and turned around. "Huh?? Joon! What're you doing here?!" Joon-Woo stared at Jong Hwa. "What do you mean? I'm going to the PC Bang. What are you doing?' He jumped and quickly hid the flowers behind his back. "Oh! I- I'm just meeting someone here!", he answered in surprise. "You...? Wow, you're dressed all nicely, too."

"Oh, well... I can explain." They sat down and had a chat with each other. Jong Hwa explained everything that had happened. "So..." he summarized everything he just got told, "You have a girl you're flirting with and you're meeting her here?" - Jong Hwa stared at his phone. "Yeah... It was going well with her."

'He's lying... He met her on Random Chat...'

"Even though I was being pushy, she was really nice. She asked me to meet up first." Joon-Woo just sat there, listening to the sad Jong Hwa. 'What should I do... I've become his dating therapist...'

"Well.. You know how it is. Even if you don't know them, it just takes one kind word."

'If you think about is texts... It was cheesy, but it felt genuine... He just wanted to become friends...'

Jong Hwa continued his speech, this time smiling. "With just one word, I knew how kind-hearted she was. So...-" - "You fool. There's no such thing!" He was interrupted by his friend. "Honestly, if you see that person in real life, she might be someone completely different." Joon-Woo imagined Seung Ah on the opposite site of his phone. "How can you trust someone you've only texted? You're imagining things without knowing anything about her. If you see her in real life, you might be disgusted or shocked! Relationships aren't formed out of words. If so, why the fuck are we single?" He was looking at the ground while saying all this.

'Darn... His situation reminded me of mine.'

"You're right. If she sees me she might despise me. But it's ok. I was still really happy with every single word she said. If she doesn't like me, I won't force her to." He stared into the distance with a bright expression. "Just, I want to tell her that I was really grateful. If I could tell her that, that'd be enough... Even if she hates me, she won't hate me for saying thank you."

The words of his friend made Joon-Woo think about something. 'Really...? Just one word - saying thanks is enough?' Looking at his phone he thought 'Even if a kid like me said it?'

He sat there, thinking, feeling guilty about how he trolled his best friend. 'Jackass... Such wise words aren't like him... If he had texted a real girl, it might have worked out for him. Why did he have to get all emotional?'

"Well, I guess, like you said, I must have been someone she didn't really want to see." Suddenly, his phone went buzzing. "Huh?" Jong Hwa took out his phone and his face lit up. "Holy shit!! Told you!! She was too busy to come! She said to meet next time!! Joon-Woo you fucker!!"

Joon-Woo looked at him, annoyed. 'Ah, did I do the right thing? I sent the text because he looked pretty down... So what?' He grinned. "Hey, let's just go to the PC Bang! I feel better!" Jong Hwa announced. Joon-Woo gave his shoulder a nudge. "If you feel better, help me with my games. I failed my ranked games..."

'One day, you'll forget about Random Chat... Until then.. I'll play the part.'

"Kekeke shit, you actually found a girl, hahaha!" He tried joking around. 'And... Me too...', he pictured Seung Ah, 'One day I'll be forgotten, too. Until then... I'll do what I can.'

"Hey, it's the idiot combo!" they both turned around. "Going to the PC Bang? What are you doing not going in?" It was Ha Min, wearing a supreme cap. Jong Hwa as always when he was around girls, turned to stone. Joon-Woo on the other hand only saw the cap when he first turned around as Ha Min is just short as hell. "Huh, oh.. Hey! It's been a while", he then said - realizing he was facing Ha Min.

"What's up with sicko here wearing a long coat in this weather?" Since Jong Hwa was still too stunned to speak, Joon-Woo had to explain. "Oh, uh haha uh see... It's that ass. He.." - "You still can't talk like a normal person? Dumbass..." Ha Min interruped his sentence in frustation. She noticed the bruises on Joon-Woo's face. "What? I've still improved, right?" he asked her, who was not listening.

"You know in literature class when they call-" - "What's that on your left cheek?" He tried brushing it off. "Huh?.. Oh this? I- It's nothing, haha I just fell." But of course, she didn't believe him. "It was that kid Tae Yang again, right?"

"Huh? Oh... That's true... But.. He didn't do this to me." Everyone could tell he got beat up. 'She... Must've been really disappointed in me."

"Um.. A- are.." Joon-Woo was a little confused when Ha Min started stuttering.

She looked at him with worrying eyes, "Are, are you... Ok...?" He looked at her. 'Just one word...' Then smiled. "Of course I'm okay, haha! Thanks for worrying."

Ha Min was happy. Though this happiness didn't last long. "Oh yeah, Ha Min?" - "What?" "I fucked up my ranked games. Can you help? Haha." She looked at him with a dull face. "Get lost."

At a cafe. "Hehe... What a relief.. My phone's contacts auto-synced." He laughed, his eyes glowing red. 'Haha, stupid brick fuck! I can meet Seung Ah now!!' You can tell he was out of his mind. "Haha, what should I say to Seung Ah when I meet her? Hope she won't be too shy, haha!" There was someone beside the cafe, eavesdropping and doing something on their phone. The stalker's phone went buzzing. "Huh? What's this??"

"Restricted number? Is this a prank? There still are restricted numbers these days? What, it got cut off?" He looked up when someone spoke to him. "Excuse me... Can I help you? Sorry, but it seems like you're looking for something. Are you looking for someone? I live in this neighborhood, so I can help you if you want." It was Dae Hyun. "This area is pretty complicated. A lot of people get lost around here. It won't be easy finding whoever you're looking for."

'What? So random? He's a bit fishy... But he doesn't look like a bad guy..'

"Oh yeah. I was looking for a close friend. Would you please help me? Haha. Do you know Seung Ah Yoon?"

Dae Hyun was relaxed and his expression was blank. "Oh, haha! Seung Ah! Of course I know her! She lives right here! You can follow me."

"I'm relieved! Thanks young man, haha!"

At that moment, Dae Hyun's eyes began glowing light blue.

~Chapter 15, end.

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