Chapter 24 In the end

'I was always, and... I always tried to hide, but...'

They exchanged blows.

'I can't hide this time.'

Joon-Woo fell back while Tae Yang didn't even flinch. "Your punches are still weak. Why hasn't that changed? How do you even have the guts to stand up to me? Well, remember this. There's no one to hold me back now."

Joon-Woo slowly stood up again. 'We both threw punches, yet I'm the only one on the floor.'

"So what?"

'He's that much stronger than me?!'

"Wow, I'm so scared. I'm getting the urge to poke your damn eyes out. Come at me, fucker." As cocky as he was he added "Too chickened out? Gonna keep sitting there?"

'This bastard is still ridiculously strong.'

"FINE! Then stay quiet while I beat your ass up!" He came lunging at Joon-Woo.

'I'll probably die with one punch...'

'But I can see where he's swinging.'

Just before Tae Yang crushed his skull Joon-Woo evaded his hit by an inch. "Fuck!" And another one. Tae Yang missed another time.

'Now! If my punches don't work...'

"Ugh?!" He grabbed Tae Yang with all his might. '... I'll push you onto the ground!'

Though it was to no avail. 'He's not buding?!!'

"What are you doing?" Tae Yang struck his back with his elbow, then threw another punch at Joon-Woo which he couldn't dodge. Just before falling to the ground again, he found his balance. He's insane! My weight didn't even make him move. I can't beat him like that... No! I can't think like that. I have to do something!' With his just found balance he threw a punch at Tae Yang who didn't even bother dodging. Joon-Woo was just too weak. "What." The enraged Tae Yang once again sent Joon-Woo flying, then kicked him in the knee making him trip.

'Fuck!' Desperately Joon-Woo tried kicking Tae Yang from the ground only for him to take another strike to his face which he blocked with his arm.

"Do you know what guys like you have in common? They all think that if they suddenly get serious, they can get stronger when they are still weak as shit."

'There's no way. Nothing I do has any impact on him at all.'

He looked down on him. "Why are you always... Stirring up things when you can't take responsibility?"

"I wasn't trying to be responsible for anything. I did it because I had to. Also..."


'No matter how weak I am...'

"I can't help it if I lack the power!"

Glaring at Tae Yang he got up, dashing towards him.

'I'll just have to throw more punches!'

"You fucker!"

'I'll give it my all!'

Tae Yang had no time to react and took the punch. 'This fucker! Was he always this fast?'

'As many punches as possible. I can't give him the time to fight back!' Accumulating all the speed he had he threw one punch at him after another, gaining speed while doing so. 'No chance for him to retaliate! As fast as I can!'

Two punches, four punches, six, seven...

'As many as I can!'

Tae Yang was like a punching bag at that moment. He couldn't do anything. 'I can't stop!'

Another five blows. 'Good! That definitely did something!' He lunged at Tae Yang again. 'Just a little more!'

He stopped. Tae Yang grabbed his arm. "Huh?!"

"Got you." He smirked at him evily. "Now... How are you going to dodge me?"

Pulling him closer he rotated his shoulder to gain distance from his fist, making the next blow hit even harder.

'Was he doing this on purpose?'

"Don't forget it was you who started all of this. You're the problem!"

While Joon-Woo flew back, he pitied himself. This was also when he thought about the past again.

"What're you talking about? The coach said you've got good eyes. You dodge so well." He proudly tried cheering Joon-Woo up.

'He's just saying that. And even if I throw lots of punches, what's the point of dodging when I don't have any strength behind them?'

"Physical strength is just one aspect. It's not everything, you know. You bastard were you feeling jealous of me?"

'What? Jealousy? Yeah, actually, maybe I was a bit envious.'

No, it wasn't Joon-Woo's past he thought of right now. It's what he wished Tae Yang said to him back then.

"Don't be envious! You're doing well. Don't worry. Defense can become offense too."

'What bullshit! How can defense become offense? Are you messing with me?'

Tae Yang, in his imagination, smiled at him. "I'm telling you! It can!"

Yuri in shock covered her mouth with her hands - seeing Joon-Woo lie on the ground. "Joon-Woo!!" Tears came running down on her face. "Stop this! That's enough! What's your freaking problem?! You told me to take care of Joon-Woo! A friend of a friend is your friend!"

Tae Yang glared at her. "You. You're Yuri Lee?!" He laughed. "You guys made a complete fool out of me, haven't you? What? Bother? Do you really not know who bothered who?" His expression made it clear he thought he was the best. Cocky as always.

"Shut up." His cocky expression immediately went away. "What's the point of talking about that now? The past doesn't disappear just because you go around being angry at everything." Joon-Woo was on his knees. "You can't repay Yuri for the struggle she went through. You won't resolve your anger issues and my past won't disappear, either. You know all this already and you're still acting like this."

Yuri, still crying tried to stop all of this. "Joon-Woo, that's enough... Stop this, now..."

He held up his hand signaling he got this.

"Hahaha! Enough? Not for me. Revenge?" Tae Yang came swinging at Joon-Woo once again, "I'll get my revenge when I kill you fucking bastards."

Joon-Woo was prepared. 'I don't have much strength left. I only have one punch left in me.'

He visualized the way Tae Yang would swing at him. 'Predict the direction he's coming from.. Aim well..'

All of his concentration and power went into this last move. Tae Yang was now close enough, not expecting this at all. Instead of dodging he came at him with his elbow directly aimimg at his fist making them crack. Tae Yang in surprise and pain stepped back. "Ugh?!" 'His elbow?! He aimed his elbow at my punch with such accuracy?!'

"Oh fuck!"

Before he could recover Joon-Woo was already sprinting at him again. As he saw this Tae Yang had to think about the past.

"But why do you want to be stronger all of a sudden?"

"I wanna go around beating people up... Just kidding! It's because of you, you bastard."

Joon-Woo came closer and closer.

"I wanna catch up to you! You're fucking awesome man", past Joon-Woo said to him, admiring his strength.

And just like that it was over.

Joon-Woo threw a punch at the not budging Tae Yang with his last bit of strength left, together with his speed.

Tae Yang was down. The battle was finally over.

~Chapter 24, end.