Arc 1.1 The green house young master Chen

After opening his eyes with much difficulty

the only thing he saw after walking up was white, everything white, Whitewall, floor, ceiling everything was white it's quite prickly to eyes after adjusting he noticed it's an enclosed place without any door and window

he can only look around, and it's fully empty without any breath apart from his

Is it the place afterlife he thought feeling quite unbearable, he searches the room in the hope of any clue but was failed

"There is nothing" he sighs and sat on the floor waiting for some miracle or Maybe God to take him out

[Hello host]

Levi flinched because of the sudden voice which sound quite emotionless not like a human but more mechanical

"Who... Who are you? "He asks, trying his best to not look scared while searching for the source of the voice.

[I am system233444 from SAVE THE WORLD department, my work is to find worthy people to become my host so that we can...]

"Hold.... Hold on a second why does it sound so familiar like these quick transmigration novels or something are not they are all fantasy made up by humans".

[No host, it is not a fantasy of people but true, but not all people can experience this, and you are the lucky one]

"But why me??" What does he mean, lucky one, I don't want it?

[Because of the experience in your real life and also our comparability]

Hearing this the boy got silent, he would rather not remember that man who imprisonment him for so-called love

Seeing the silence, the system did not continue the topic

[so you are the chosen one to become my host but before that, you have to bind a contract with me to insure your consent]

"Or if I don't want to?"

[Then your soul will be destroyed] the system coldly said

"But why ?"

[Because now you are a candidate to become my host and because of this, you lose your qualification to go to heaven or hell so if you want to reincarnate, you have to choose quickly because time is limited]

Hearing this, the boy becomes speechless, "at least you should ask my consent before choosing me as your host, right??" Where are the human rights??

[Sorry host but usually other human beings didn't think that way, so I think it was quite unnecessary but now choose your answer we don't have much time] system Said without any guilt like it's not him who is threatening the boy

Levi who usually has a good temper couldn't help but want to hit that bloody system "okay so in the end I don't have an option" he asks helplessly

[No host, you have two 1. Became my host 2. Destroy your soul]

Calm down Levi calm down you can't kill him "so tell is there any offer like all novel that I can go back to my world or something," he asks interested to know it.

[Excuse me host for my rudeness but didn't you are the one who commit suicide so why ask such a stupid question in the first place, yes, you not only can go back to your world but also can choose the timeline] this time he can hear some emotion from the voice of the system like gloating

This system even knows how to be sarcastic "okay, so can I choose the time before meeting that man" Levi asks?

[Sure host]

"Okay I have decided but what are the task and what kind of system are you" I sigh resigned to my faith

[Seems like the host read so much of world-hopping novel to ask this kind of question then I tell you every individual decision has their responsibility so this had nothing to do with us like novel, our department won't do the face slapping and revenge or something these all the world where we will travel wouldn't have any male lead, the female lead, cannon fodder, villain, or something these things were done by other departments]

"What do you mean by other departments what are these departments," he asks curiously

[Host doesn't have sufficient qualification to know it]

"Ohhh Then what is our task," he asked disappointedly

[Just because of some problem sometimes some unknown factor like some people who were not supposed to die somehow does and the balance of the world gets unbalanced and some disaster occurred which can destroy the world consciousness]

"Just because of one person's death, how is it even possible?"

[it is host did you hear about the butterfly effect, so the thing we have to do is to take the unfortunate people's place to let the world's consciousness safe]

"Umm mm... It's seriously quite complicated, but after I take their place what about my action like if someone gets suspensions of me".

[then you will die, but it's not gonna happened because you will get every memory and habit of the original owner, so you are safe]

"okay... so what do I have to do in the original owner's body"

[Nothing host you just have to live your life like them and let the nature take its cause, so host are there any more questions]

"Yes but about you will you be with me in every world to help me"

[Sorry host I am not allowed to be with you while you are in any world we will only meet after the mission is finished] the system apologizes

"Then what about the golden fingers and all"

[Host other than original owner talent you will inherit nothing after all if you become too op, it can cause suspense to other characters]

"Okay" feeling quite wronged, why is this system so different from that of the novels he thought

[It's time to bind] system reminded


After saying so, Levi saw the whole room start to glow in white light, and he lost consciousness

"even that damn light was white"

Opening his eyes, Levi found himself in an unfamiliar environment

He was lying on a soft king-size bed, he turns his face around to check out the room "didn't we were binding the contract why I transferred hear"


"system" Levi called

System: Host you can't see me I am talking to you in my mind, and you can also talk to me in my mind]

Levi: Oh okay, so what is this place

System:You are in your first world host and your first body

"Huh??? "Levi gets up from the bed to go to the bathroom to watch himself in the mirror he saw a boy with dark black hair his eyes are as black as a galaxy which seems to content star cute button nose pale pink lips not too plump but tempting like want to get kiss until they become attractive red the body is slender but you can see quite a muscle on it like beautiful but not famine overall the original owner was gorgeous but the thing which Levi notice was that this face Is five points similar to his original face.

system: Host for your easy adoption to environment your every face will contain some similarities from your original face

Levi: Ohh then what about the people around the original owner, would not they will see the difference??

System: No host you don't have to worry about this

Levi: Okay so now give me memories of

the original owner

system: Yes host be ready

Levi feels a direct current in his brain like his head is going to explore, he can see some pictures pass through in his mind like movies

This world is just like his original world and his identity is Chen Li Jie the original owner reach 19 this year, He is the second young master of the wealthy Chen family, but he was adopted, Chen Li Jie's real father was his adopted father's brother who dies with his wife in a car accident when Li Jie was only 3 years old, after that Chen Li Jie custody was eventually handed to his uncle Chen Feng and his wife Liu daiyu

Chen Li Jie has a cousin as well who is 5 years older than him Chen Donghai, Chen Li Jie, and Chen Donghai actually have a good relationship with each other Chen Donghai always protects him from Bullying they even study in the same school until Chen Donghai graduated and have to go abroad for further studies, after that Chen Li Jie become alone and even quite lonely because he is a person with quite a personality that's why he doesn't have so much friend, even his adopted parents even though didn't treat him bad give him money and food but if you look it carefully their relation is quite distant more like strangers.

But still, Chen Li Jie is deeply grateful to them But he still feels he is a burden to them, so decided that after graduating from college and getting a job he will leave the Chen mansion to live on his own.

Li Jie is right now a college student he studies painting and is one of the best students in the college due to his extraordinary talent, his paintings can be called top class Chen Li Jie's passion for painting comes from his past mother who used to be a painter as well much because his late mother she was his inspiration, his adopted parents did not oppose it like they don't much care about it.