
Even though school has ended it's still lively on campus, many students were practicing paintings while some were just hanging out with their friends having fun

Suddenly, a black Porsche stopped in front of the entrance gate, and the lively atmosphere become still as their always strict and stern principal wear a flattering smile and welcomed a man.

"Welcome master Gu" the principal greet

The man coming out of the car is very tall at least 190 cm with dark hair, and eyes, sward eyebrows, a sharp nose, flat pale lips in a straight line right now, he is wearing a formal dark blue suit that highlights his manly body, he has an icy look and dangerous aura but still attractive enough to make people watch him twice.

Women were signing with admiration while men were looking with envy, but the man doesn't care and ignored them like no one deserve his attention.

"This way master Gu" principal leads the way

The said Master Gu nodded as he follows the principal with his secretary.

"Master Gu we are truly grateful you to come to our college and giving a donation, our college is one of the biggest art collage in city A, and all the students who study here are all with great talent and qualifications we don't promote nepotism, even some world knows artist like lily Wang and Xiao min are pass out from our college.......the principal tell all the college achievements proudly

But the man was not even a bit interested and was absent-minded, the man who is Gu Wang lei the president of the Gu empire, And the master of the infamous Gu family.

Gu empire is one of the giants of the business world the empire has its roots in at least every field like entertainment, technology, automobile, food, and others, and the current owner of the Gu family Gu Wang lei is the one who made it bigger.

Gu Wang lei's parents pass away when he was 18, he was the only child of the Gu couple and eventually each of the responsibilities goes on his shoulders, but because of greedy relatives and rival companies the Gu empire was almost on the verge of bankruptcy but he with his genius brain and ruthless tricks not only make Gu empire one of the biggest in the world but also made his relatives and rival life worse than death.

And right now, he is only 29 but no one dares to underestimate him because even though he looks elegant gentleman doesn't mean he is kind-hearted once someone comes to his black list he will make that person regret even being alive.

With that thought, the principal tours the college very cautiously in fear to offend this big devil.

But the man did not even bother to hear a thing, he only come here because his parents used to donate to this college before they pass away so to respect them and also for his company's reputation, or else he would not bother to come to this place to hear this old man's boring speech about the achievement of the college

After some time, they pass the school garden to reach the principal office, but then suddenly Gu Wang lei notice a glass room or more specifically the person in the room

The boy inside the glass room has shiny black hair and eyes which look very bright currently like they contain stars from the galaxy, his skin is milky white almost pink, and clear soft as if you pinch you can squeeze out water, even though Gu Wang lei had seen countless good-looking w omens or men's, but they are nothing when compared to the boy in front of him, the boy has an innocent and gentle aura around him like he never exposed to this filthy society still pure like a white paper, people had desire to smash and ruined colored it same as them.

He tried hard to cover the dark color in his eyes, still maintaining calmness hardly

The boy seems so concentrated on his work so much that he did not notice their arrival and is still focused, he is wearing a pure white shirt with black pants he is painting something which can't be seen from this angle, but he is looking earnest like there is nothing more important than the painting right now, he was sitting in a straight posture and delicate paint brush was dancing on his beautiful and slender hands, the boy's hands are very fair just like him with distant joint

Just because the sun was about to set the orange light reflected on him making him look quite transparent as if he will disappear in the next moment, seeing this a voice sound in Gu Wang lei's mind 'grab the boy and hide him somewhere so that no one can find him, and only you can appreciate his Beauty' Like a devil temptation.

Gu Wang lei was shocked for a moment, he is a very calm person even when his parents pass away or when Gu group was on the verge of bankruptcy he did not think so recklessly but because of a boy he...

But then again when he thought about the possibility of the boy being with someone besides him, his smile his tear will be seen by someone else He could not stop the gloomy feeling starting to bloom in his heart like lava burning his all sanity 'no it can't be'

However he still didn't understand, this is the first time they meet so where do these kinds of thoughts and sick possessiveness come from??

'No, no calm down if I go with that aggressive way the boy might be scared and run away he mentally warned himself

"Master Gu he is Chen Li Jie the second young master of the Chen family and also one of the best students of our college gifted genius and Also the pride of college he won the world painting competition last year," the principal said when he noticed the man's gaze

'Chen Li Jie what a beautiful name' his lips tilted subconsciously

Even though Gu Wang lei had expanded many businesses in many fields, he is not funded in painting as he didn't understand the mind of these so-called geniuses, but now he regretted it if only I have known it I might have met the boy early, but now it's ok there is still time in the future.

"Let's go, we should not disturb the student" Gu Wang lei said secretly giving his secretary a signal who understand and nodded lightly.

With a last profound look at the youth, Gu Wang lei leaves.

On the other hand, Chen Li Jie feel someone's deep gaze but when he looks around, there was nothing, he shrug his shoulder and continue his work

But He doesn't know that he somehow unintentionally become a prey of a devil from whom he couldn't escape, no matter how he tries