Chapter Five: Color Within The Line

Two month passes by. Lucas discovered who the Esper is, however, he didn't pursuit it. They weren't a threat to him. But something note worthy did occur. The sulking blond is no longer sulking. He's a ray of sunlight. One day Lucas took a nap in class and when he awoke the kid just had a different air to him. He even introduced himself to Lucas. Ridley was his name. The two became friends.

Lucas and Ridley are coloring in class together, school is almost over and their done with their work. Ridley has a grin on his face as his coloring races against the coloring book. Lucas is smiling. His coloring is slow and steady.

"I'm done!" Ridley exclaims.

"Ridley," Mrs. Meleno starts. "Not everyone is finished with their work. Keep it down."

"Sorry Mrs. Meleno. Hehe, just was excited is all."

"It's okay. Just keep your voice down."

He nods. He turns his head to the still coloring Lucas. "You color too slow," Ridley critiques.

Lucas points at Ridley's finished work with the colors exiting the outline of the drawing. "Rushing doesn't create good products. My work will outshine your own. Just let me finish."

The bell rings.

Mrs. Meleno flips a coin. "Hmm, luck is on your side. Those who are not finished may finish the work for homework."

To those that benefit from this cheer and begin to pack.

"Hold onto the book. You can finish it and bring it back tomorrow," Ridley informs Lucas, he packs his bag.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. There won't be any school," Lucas corrects Ridley. He already packed his bag from when he was finished with the assignment.

"I'm aware. Tomorrow I'm going to the beach. And you live near the beach."

"Why are you going to the beach?"

"I want to explore a sea cave. Tomorrow is low tide. Perfectly safe," Ridley explains. "So, you coming?" Ridley extends his fist out.

Lucas dabs him up. "Of course. Got to make sure nothing kidnaps you."

A odd man enters the class. He's slender and tall. There's make-up on his face. And he's wearing a sundress. He strides over to Mrs. Meleno. He pulls her into an aggressive kiss.

"Oh. Mr. Meleno is early today," Ridley says, looking at his wrist watch.

Mrs. Meleno breaks the kiss and she seems flustered. "King, I told you to stop doing that in front of the kids."

"Honey. My darling. I can assure you the wool of your sheep isn't white. They've seen worst. Besides, you drive me crazy. Am I not to express myself? That by itself is a heinous crime," he argues. Despite his appearance, his voice is deep and gruffy.

Mrs. Meleno rolls her eyes with a smile. "Enjoy the rest of the day," she tells the students. The sea of children flood through the door. Heading to the front of the school.

Ridley mom is already outside waiting for him. Lucas knew her long before he knew Ridley. She's Martha; Mrs. Pillar. The wife of Lucas, the man who Oberon named himself after. The man he killed. He doesn't feel guilt over it. He didn't know the man. Nor did he feel guilt for causing his family grief. And his friendship with his son is genuine and not out of pity.

Ridley runs over to his mother. She embraces him into a hug. Lucas walks over, not fully there yet.

"How was your day at school?" she inquires.

"It was awesome. I got an A. I beat Lucas in coloring. My day at school was awesome because I am awesome!" he exclaims to the heaven.

Mrs. Pillar smiles. "That you are sweetie."

Lucas arrives to the car. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Pillar," he greets her.

"Oh. Hello there, Luke," she replies. She never calls him Lucas. Maybe its too much for her. Nor does she just call him Luke. It goes from Luke, to Lu, Luca, etc. Whatever pops into her head. Just never Lucas. "Having Ridley beating you in coloring again?"

"He rushes. We all know my stuff look better than his."

"Progana. No...propapada. No..."

"Propaganda," Lucas chimes in.

Ridley beams. "Yes! That!"

Mrs. Pillar smiles. Lucas has never heard her laugh. Even when something comedic occurs. And on the few occasions he visited Ridley, he swears he hears her crying in her room.

Mrs. Pillar hugs Lucas; he hugs her back. "Thank you for keeping his ego so high. Don't forget to deflate it from time to time."

"Don't worry. I'll get to it," Lucas promises.

Mrs. Pillar breaks the hug and starts scratching her back. "My back is itchy all of a sudden."

"I've got it!" Ridley declares. He gets to scratching his mother's back.

"Anyway. I have to get home," Lucas informs them and starts walking. He walks home. He's suppose to catch the bus but he likes walking.

"I could give you a ride home," Mrs. Pillar offers.

"Yeah. A car is way faster than legs," Ridley chimes in.

Lucas turns back around. "Thank you."

Everyone gets in the car. On the way to Lucas' home everyone makes small talk. The drive isn't long. Lucas is home. He waves them goodbye.

Lucas is home alone. His parents are at work. He gets inside and colors. He can't wait to finish and show off his superior craft to Ridley.

The next day, Lucas is in trunks with shades, on the beach. He's bobbing his head. Just vibing to himself. The beach is packed. It's Saturday after all.

"Lucas!" yells out Ridley in the distance. He tackles Lucas into a hug. The two go downward to the sand. The two laugh in the sand. Ridley is the first to jump up to his feet. He tries to scratch his back. "My back is suddenly itchy. Something must be in the sand."

"Or, you're imagining it. I feel just fine. Dang, there's sand in my hair," Lucas complains. "Anyway, off to the sea cave you mentioned."

Ridley grabs Lucas' hand. He leads the way. The pair make their way down the beach. The further they go, people become less.

"Here we are," Ridley says. The mouth of the cave looks like a crude 'M'.

"It looks like an 'M' if you look at it carefully."

"I suppose it does. Race you!" Ridley attempts to break off into a sprint.

Lucas grabs Ridley's wrist. Ridley winces in pain.

"Sorry," Lucas apologizes, his grip relaxes but he doesn't let go. "The stone leading into the cave is wet. We should walk," Lucas advises.

"..." Ridley pauses as if processing the words. "You're right. Wouldn't want to Humpty Dumpty. Hehe. Still racing you. Snail style." Ridley walks over, fighting the urge to run.

Lucas rolls his eyes. He follows behind Ridley. He allows Ridley to win any silly challenge he declares. It beams Ridley up and Lucas likes that. He came to learn he enjoys making people happy. He enjoys lips curving up causing dimples to spawn, he truly believes there is nothing more beautiful than a smile.

The cavern floor is moist and ragged. It's a task to navigate with slappers. Lucas regrets wearing flip-flops instead of tennis. The flip-flops didn't protect him from the jagged stones, they didn't pierce through the flip-flops but walking on them hurt nonetheless.

The cavern is spacious but short. It doesn't take them long to reach the end of the cave. The end is a pit of water, no, a stone pool.

"I'm guessing high-tide caused this," Lucas states. "What do you think?" Lucas asks Ridley, who's in front of him.

He's silent. He's just staring at the pool of water. Lucas wonders what's up with him. It's times like this he regrets he doesn't intercept people thoughts. A cloud of silence falls upon the pair.

"It took me awhile to come up with this," Ridley says, breaking the silence.

"Hmm? You mean visiting the cave? I would hesitate too. Sea caves are scary, good thing it isn't high-tide," Lucas adds.

Ridley chuckles. "No. That's not what I mean."

Lucas looks down to the ground. There's tremors? No! The rocks are moving! Lucas back steps. However, it's too late. The rocks raise up, bashing against his feet. Lucas grits his teeth. He back steps once more and slams into a stone wall.

"This is my domain," Ridley says coldly. "You will not escape!" Ridley screams out. Tears flowing from his eyes.

Stones press against Lucas, everything from the neck down in encased in stone. Lucas struggles, to no avail does he succeed.

"I've finally caught you. It took awhile. But I finally have you. The person who killed my father!" Ridley declares, pointing a finger at Lucas.

Lucas eyes widen. He hadn't been reckless. How did Ridley discover this? If he had read his mind, Lucas would of been aware. "How did you find that out?"

"That day you took a nap in class...fragments of your thoughts bounced around. It was enough for me to learn that my father was dead. And that you had a part to play in it." Ridley clutches his fists.

Lucas face drops. "Oh. You befriended me to bring me to an end?"

"I hated being near you. Every day I spent with you, I'd go home and curse your name. Sometimes I'd cry because I was with the person who killed my father!" Tears continue to flow down Ridley's eyes. He drags the stone-encased Lucas to the pool of water.

"Unfortunate for you. I'm not a killer," Ridley confesses. "So, I'll let the water do the work for me."

Lucas just chuckles. "That's dumb. That's still killing me. I want you to know that you're my first friend. And I'll miss you," Lucas explains.

"I won't miss you," Ridley replies. He pushes Lucas into the pool of water. Lucas takes a deep breath before being submerged. Stones cover the surface of the pool. "I did it you can rest in peace...I miss you. We miss you." He drops to his knees and sobs. But no tears were shed for Lucas, Ridley hopes he falls to the furnace in the afterlife.

The moon is full that night. Ridley is sitting at the dinner table with his mother. He's telling her jokes. Some of the jokes don't make sense. But he doesn't care if they're silly. He'll do whatever it takes to up her mood.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Ridley asks his mother.

Mrs. Pillar ponders it. "I don't know. Tell me."

"It actually doesn't cross all the way. Once the cars stop, it faces them to tell them about their about expired car waranty," he releases the punchline.

Mrs. Pillar smiles at her son. "It's warranty, honey. But nice joke."

Ridley frowns internally. She didn't laugh.

"I thought it was funny," a voice says. "But it could use improvement."

Ridley shoots up out of his seat. He frantically looks around. Why did he just hear Lucas?

Mrs. Pillar head drops into her plate and she becomes limp.

"Mom!" Ridley cries out. "Leave her alone, Lucas. She's just a normal person."

Flying out of Ridley ear is an ethereal, cyan moth. From it Lucas voice emits. "Don't worry. She's fine. I can undo what I did."

"How are you even alive?" Ridley interrogates Lucas' avatar. "Are here to kill us? Like you did my dad!"

"If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. Yesterday, when your mom felt that itch on her back. And today when you got an itch after tackling me. That was me placing a cocoon within you two. At any moment, I could of killed you both. I am Oberon; a name that belongs to a fairy king, a creature of tricks. It didn't take me long to realize you were an Esper."

"Did you come to brag about how careless I was?" Ridley grits his teeth.

"No...I want to make this right."

"You can bring my dad back!" Ridley yells out.

"No. I can't. But I can alter your memory and your mother's memory. You guys can be happy. We can stay friends," Lucas explains, hope in his voice.

"I don't want you as a friend. I never did. I wish I never met you. Even if you change my memory, I'll find a way to remember then take you down!"

" sur—"

Lucas slams his plate down on the moth. "Go to Hell!" The plate shatters and beneath it is a trampled moth.

Mrs. Pillar back stretches as something probes from beneath.

Ridley looks on in horror. "Mom?"

Bursting out of her back is a swarm of the moths. Blood jets out of her back to the wall behind her. The swarm encompass Ridley.

"Sorry." Is the last thing Ridley hears as a twister of carnivorous moths make quick work of him. The moths get to clean up. Devouring both corpses whole. They consume the blood off of the wall making it look good as new. They eat every decoration, electronic, furniture in the house, even the car in the garage. The house is now bare. The Pillars just disappeared. Whispers to the wind. A puzzle for people to theorize about. A thorn in law enforcement's side.

Lucas sits in his room. On his bed is the coloring book. He looks upon his unfinished work and the crayon in his hand. The crayon rests near the page. Hovering over it. A tear drops onto the page. Lucas closes the book and puts it away.

"So this is why you kept your emotions controlled? I think I get it now, father. This hurts. It's weird, he wanted to kill me. Our friendship was an illusion. But I can't help but feel hurt."

Lucas lays in his bed in a fetal position. He stares at the coloring book and falls to sleep.