Greenwich Institute of Combat and Magic Sciences

Ch 10

POV Krauss

"We're almost there."

"I know."

The white carriage sped across the dirt road. The trees were thinning out and a huge castle was visible in the distance. After the wolf pack last night, we didn't encounter any much trouble on the way. Because of that we reached earlier than anticipated. There were still 12 days before the final tests started.

After we parked the carriage on the institute grounds, I cancelled all the spells I had cast. Instantly, I felt as if a burden was lifted from my shoulders. Some spells like Unending Stamina keep consuming your mana continuously. For the past two days I felt like there leeches attached to my body sucking away my mana. Now that I had removed the spells, it finally felt normal.

However, unlike me who was feeling better, the horse on whom I had cast the spells collapsed on the ground. The main reason for that was the cancellation of the Command Contract. When I destroyed the link connecting our minds, there was a small backlash. I could easily ignore that level of fluctuation due to being a spell caster. However, the horse on the other hand didn't have any significant mental strength causing it to faint. If it was a smaller animal like a bird or mouse, it would have likely died due to the backlash.

"Miss Charlotte, do you really think you will be able to reach the final test?"

I didn't ask directly because we were on institute grounds and we could be under observation already, but it seems like she understood what I meant as she replied confidently,

"Let us split up for now and register separately. If we both make it, we will meet before the final test."

Saying that she left towards the palace like buildings.

Will she really be able to infiltrate the institute with a false power level?

Rationally thinking, the answer was obviously no. But in these two days I had spent with her clearly showed me that she wasn't an ignorant wishful thinker. In fact, she was rather sharp. She was able to see through most of my deeper motives when I talked to her. Someone like that would definitely not jump into a suicide mission. I hoped she had more than just that artifact to rely on because just that wasn't enough.

"I hope you succeed."

I mumbled to myself.

** ** **

POV Charlotte

"I would like to enrol." I asked the receptionist at the front desk.

Although I had arrived way earlier than required, I still wanted to finish the other tests as soon as possible.

"Do you have a letter of recommendation?"

"I took out an envelope with the Imperial Seal on it."

The receptionist unflinchingly tore the envelope open and took out the certificate inside.

The letter was prepared by the First Prince. Having a recommendation letter made the admission process easier and allowed you to skip some of the tests.

After checking the documents, the receptionist lady turned to me.

"Would you like to start the admission process now, or later?"

"Now." I replied instantly.

"Alright. Please wait a moment. I need to inform the examiners who will be testing you."

While I was waiting for the receptionist Leon appeared at the entrance.

He just glanced at me and then completely ignoring me, walked to the other receptionist waiting at the front desk.

Was he acting like he didn't know me?

While I was wondering about that, the receptionist lady returned and guided me to another room to start the test. As I was leaving, I saw an old man who wasn't here before talking to Leon.

Who was he? An acquaintance?

I threw these thoughts at the back of my head and cleared my mind. What I was going to do right now was the most difficult part for infiltration. If I passed without arousing suspicion more than half of my mission would be completed.

"Please enter. The examiner is waiting inside."




Inside the room was a table with familiar looking devices on it and a person wearing a hood standing next to it.

"First we will test your talent levels. Since you have already embarked on the path of combat arts there is no need to check your magic affinities. Please use the knife on the table and put a few drops of your blood in the bowl of water."

Oh that's it. I saw them long ago when I visited the imperial palace with my father. At the time I was very young, so I was kind of disappointed when I didn't get to check my talent levels with them.

I took the knife and pricked my finger, letting drops of blood flow into the bowl of water.

"That much blood is enough. Minor Healing~"

After stopping me the examiner first cast a spell to close my cut. The he took the bowl and poured its contents into the machine.

A few seconds later a deep crimson glow was emitted from the device.

"Supreme talent. No wonder the First Prince of the Carnel Empire vouched for you."

Seeing that I didn't understand, he continued. "This machine although looks the same as the one nobles use, can separate the talent in levels. It can detect talents up to five levels. If your talent is higher than that there is no way to classify and rank it. You may have just crossed the threshold, or you may be the best prodigy in history, we will never know. Collectively we call this level as supreme talent. In the future, if you survive, it is highly likely you will reach the 8th refinement and become a Combat Grandmaster without consuming any pills."

Combat Grandmaster. Right now, that title was so far away, it wasn't even worth thinking about it. I was still a rather newly advanced Weapon Specialist. Just reaching the next level was already a couple of years away. The time it would take to go all the way to the 8th refinement was too far away. Currently, what I had to focus on my mission. The examiner said it too. I would become that strong only 'if I survive'.

"Since you have great potential and a letter of recommendation directly from the First Prince, we can skip the normal skill tests and go straight to the interview. You will have to come tomorrow for that."

Great. It seemed like the letter and the talent test really made my job easier. I quickly left the room and headed towards the temporary residence that was provided to the examinees. While leaving I didn't see any sign of Leon. Shouldn't he be going into the same room as I did? Or did he go somewhere else? I remembered the face of the old man whom he was talking to. Knowing people in the institute. His background really isn't simple. Well, it seems he is just here to study, so it shouldn't be very problematic for me. I will just avoid meeting him in the institute if there is no business.

** ** **

POV Krauss

*A few moments earlier*

"Good Afternoon. How may I help you?"

"Could you call the Carnel Empire Representative."

"Umm… you need the Carnel Imperial family's emblem if you want to talk to him."

"Here." I said, passing my seal to the receptionist.

After confirming the legitimacy of the seal, the receptionist went to call the representative.

All of the nearby empires had a representative stationed at the academy. A superpower like the Greenwich Institute could never be left unchecked, so placing a limited amount of people to keep an eye on them was a sort of agreement. In return, all the Empires and Kingdoms donated a generous amounts of materials to the Institute every year. It was a win-win situation. The individual empires could cultivate their talents safely, and the academy got rare materials from all over the world.

Soon, the receptionist returned with an old man with grey hair following behind her. As soon as he saw me his eyes lit up.

"Greetings your highness, the Third Prince. I am the Carnel Empire representative Marcus Derulo" He said softly, so that the others couldn't hear it.

Master Marcus was a 7th refinement Combat Master Bard from the Carnel Imperial family. I knew him even back when I was a child. Although he was talented, the lack of Bard combat arts in the Imperial library held him back. This was also the reason he was sent to the Greenwich institute. It was an opportunity for him to make use of the resources here.

The Imperial family was huge. Even the relatives of past concubines were talented people who could be said to be a part of it, and served the Throne. Although they weren't given the name of Carnel, they still were considered as high-ranking nobles. So many of the top-level nobles being related to the Imperial family also helped the power of the empire to be concentrated in the hands of the Emperor rather being decentralized among the nobles.

Since, I had been shut in my palace for years, other than the servants who directly served me, the only ones who recognized my face were my half siblings and the old experts of the Imperial family, who I had met on a few occasions. Master Marcus was one of them.

"Let's go finish the admission process."

Master Marcus nodded and led the way inside.

"Your highness, normally for an Imperial Prince me just submitting a document would be enough, but some of the higher ups of the institute are interested in meeting you. You will have to likely give an interview before being admitted."

This news did surprise me a little. Why would these people care about a mere 'Third' Prince? Although the Carnel Empire was big and influential, this academy received these sorts of students every year.

"Did Renwil have to do this sort of thing?" I asked.

"No, the Second Prince was easily admitted, without any hassle."

We soon arrived at a large oak door.

"Let's go in, he is inside."

I nodded and knocked at the doors.

A few seconds later the doors swung inwards.

"Good afternoon. The Third Prince, Krauss Vortemund Carnel."