Chapter 9: An Offer of 'Support'

Leon opened his Email and found two new emails. One was from New Star Alliance, and the other was from the Union of Vengence. He opened the first one to take a look.


Dear Starlight,

We saw that you have claims in a couple of systems, but since you didn't get the First Achievement, we can only assume that you have no Defensive Fleets or stations.

It would be troubling if the Union of Vengence were to see you as a threat and attack, or if pirates were to attack and you lost your settlements.

As such, we would like to buy your settlements for 500,000 dollars. Surely the cost to maintain them and to build the support structures and fleets would cripple your character from doing anything else.

We hope for a positive reply.

New Star Alliance


"Basically, they just wanted to threaten me to sell for way below the real value. Fools."


Dear Starlight,

I take it you follow a similar path to me. In case you didn't know, the New Star Alliance are all scum. They kidnap people to hold hostage and kill them for even a minor mistake.

My friend joined them in another life, and he was murdered because they messed up and just wanted to blame him. He was also basically held prisoner, and they used him to force me to help them play pirate in some other guilds area while keeping a layer of separation so they could deny knowledge of my actions.

I am sure you remember, Lee.

Don't trust those bastards.

Demon Lord


Leon blinked at the words of the Demon Lord. He couldn't remember if any of his friends had been pirates before or not, but that didn't matter, they obviously knew him, and even realized who he was in reality too.

"Wait, I didn't start the game last time until a couple of days after it launched. Why did I receive a package on the day of launch?" something he didn't realize had suddenly struck him as odd.

He began to think about everything he could remember before the launch of the game.

"I was living at my apartment...wait, I lived at my parent's house until I moved out to go play the game, that is when I moved into my apartment. How did I end up there early then?"

Leon swallowed loudly, "Demon Lord is someone I knew, and may be the reason I am here, now. I should do some checking to see what I can find out."

He looked up his old Chirper Account and saw that it had been active recently, "Man, Starlight and Demon Lord are awesome. Demon Lord even recruited me, so now I can play for a living."

He recalled the email address he used now and realized it was the one he made after he started playing Eternal Universe. It was like he was set up to be him from the future and to get started more easily.

He felt a chill run down his spine. Was Demon Lord the person who brought him back, or did he know who it was? Maybe he was contacted by the person who did it.

Leon took a deep breath, calming himself.

Even if Demon Lord is the one who helped him come back, it didn't change that he needed to earn money and live his life. It also didn't change the fact that he hated New Star Alliance.

Finally calm, Leon sent Demon Lord a return message.


Demon Lord,

Thanks for the help with then. I am not sure who you are, but if you say you were my friend I will trust it.

Are you the reason I was able to start on day one?



A quick reply came.


Of course!

Demon Lord


A new message from New Star Alliance came shortly after.



As a show of support, we will let you know, Demon Lord has a fleet on the way to attack the Luca System.

We are sending ships to help defend it.

I hope this shows our sincerity.

New Star Alliance


Leon laughed and sent a message to Demon Lord about the new New Star Alliance message. They sent a reply and Leon logged into the game.


You have gained EXP for running a company.

Company assets and employees.

Owner: Starlight

Employees: Yuno, 17 others.

Settlements: Kono Second (Happy), 4 other settlements.

You have gained 2 level, please choose Class(es) to add levels to.

You gained EXP for Managing a planet.

Planets owned: 2 Kono System (Happy), 3 Luca System (Neutral)

You have gained 4 levels, please choose Class(es) to add levels to.

You have reached Level 50 Captain.

You may select a Class Talent from the following.

Captain Talent: Exceptional Leader: When leading others, they gain 22% (CHA%) to all actions.

Savvy Entrepreneur: You gain an Additional 11% (CHA/2%) on sales of rare or specialty goods and materials.


Both options were good, but Exceptional Leader took his pick. He then added the 4 Attribute points he hadn't added to Charisma, increasing the bonus to 26%.

"Maybe if I pick up Merchant, I will get another chance at Savvy. Still, bonuses to actions are way better, and it applies to those in my company, so it was too good to pass up."

He sent out the coded message to the 'Friends' he made through Demon Lord and smiled. He only hoped that they would arrive to kill the 'treacherous scum' who broke the 'peace treaty'.

Leon laughed at the soon-to-be battle.

Half a day later, warp signatures entered the Luca System. They immediately did a full scan of the system and made for the stations while sending a message to Starlight.

"We are from the New Star Alliance. We will be taking control of the defenses of this system for your protection. We have gained intel that pirates will be attacking in a few hours, so we need to get people to man the stations and protect the settlements before they arrive," a man said, acting like he had rights here.

"You are not welcome here. Your presence is against Starlight Imperium's sovereignty. if you continue on your course, you will be seen as pirates and be shot down," Starlight sent his message on open coms.

The captain gave a smug smile, "Very well, we will withdraw to the outer reaches of the system and when you need our help we will come, but know that any death is on your hands."

They then pulled to the outer ring of the system.