"Mii! I am scared!"
"Me too, ron!"
"Shee! Don't talk and keep following him, fumo."
Tiramy, Macron, and Moffle walked silently behind Seiya, at least 2 meters away.
Neither of them had the guts to talk to Seiya. No, let alone speak; they couldn't even come closer to him, afraid of being chopped into tiny pieces.
"Oi, Moffle! You are the leader. Could you do something about him? Ron."
"Yeah, mii. I will leak my pant if I see his face next time. Do something, mii."
Moffle raised his brow and shook his head.
"As a proud soldier of Maple Land, I know my limits."
Seiya was carrying Failnaught, which is the national treasure of Maple Land. Moffle had the right to question Seiya, but it must be Princess Latifa who had given him this weapon.
However, seeing how pissed the young boy looked, Moffle didn't see himself winning against Seiya Kanie. He didn't like Seiya, but he loved his life more.
All three knew that they would be Seiya's next target if either of them pissed Seiya even a little.
His eyes were narrowed and shadowed by his bangs; Seiya was quietly walking in the hallway.
The silence, however, was just the sign of raging magma under the surface.
What does he lack now, even after so much training that he couldn't save Isuzu? He knew that Isuzu might be safe and sound, but she fell protecting him while he could not protect her.
Maybe he didn't consider this dungeon life-threatening and let his guard down.
Whatever the case might be, his weakness was apparent.
While walking, he didn't know when, how, and who activated another trap. Another rock boulder was rolling towards his. Seiya knew that these rock boulders might look harmful… well, they are dangerous, but a veteran soldier could avoid or easily endure the impact.
But Seiya had stopped giving sh*t to them.
He pulled the strings of Failnaught and launched several vacuumed shots, chopping the sturdy boulders into tiny chunks of rocks.
"Scary!!! Mii." Tiramy shuddered with fear. Every time Seiya disassembled a trap, Tiramy was urged to run away from that monster. "Mii? Where is Macron, mii?"
"…must have fallen in an open trap, fumo."
"What?! Shouldn't we stop Seiya, mii?!"
"Do you want to, fumo?"
Tiramy gulped from just the thought of speaking with Seiya.
"Oh, my dear friend, Macron. Whether you are dead or alive, forgive me for not coming for your aid as I value my life more, mii."
Tiramy was more worried about Isuzu than his best friend Macron. If something happened to that girl, Seiya would turn the park upside down.
Just then, all the traps stopped triggering.
As a former pro gamer, Seiya knew that the main force comes personally when the automatic trap doesn't work.
And just like that, the whole maze started to get echoed with sinister howls.
Orcs... That was the only way Seiya could describe them: savage-looking demi-humans with the heads of pigs and the bodies of men. Wearing leather armor and holding clubs and cleavers, they looked as if they'd stepped straight out of an RPG. They glared venomously at Seiya's group, drooling and twitching their pig noses.
"Rawr!!" An orc came forward and smashed its club on Seiya with inhuman speed.
Moffle and Tiramy waited for Seiya to dodge, but to their surprise, the boy didn't intend to move anywhere.
With a string boom, dust blinded everyone, and once it settled, Tiramy and Moffle couldn't believe their eyes.
"I don't think I should be killing you," Seiya said, holding the giant club with his bare right hand and lifting his head. As he looked at the colossal orc, it was not Seiya but the orc who shrieked with fear. "But you will wish if I could."
Seiya then released Failnaught from his left hand, which disappeared in thin air, opened his Mystic Eyes, enhanced his hand to the maximum level, and punched the orc.
The orc flew a few meters across with a painful moan before collapsing with a wall and crashing down to the ground.
Seiya walked towards that orc, ignoring the other orcs, which just witnessed the boy displaying his supernatural strength, and glared directly at the orc.
"I will ask you once." Seiya spoke in an ice-chilling tone, "Where is Isuzu?"
Isuzu Sento opened her eyes and found herself locked behind bars along with the fluffy ram, Macron.
"Ron, you are safe, ron! I am so happy, ron!" Macron jumped to hug Isuzu, but Isuzu kicked Macron away.
"Don't even think about it." She knew what Macron was looking for. Nothing good will ever come with him and his perverted friends.
Though if the person was Seiya, she might have allowed him.
"Ow, ow, I was serious, ron! You won't believe that even Tiramy and Moffle were praying for your safety, ron."
"Er, why is that?" Isuzu was confused.
Macron then explained his experience of how Seiya turned into a monster.
Isuzu was surprised at how much Seiya was worried about her. Does that mean he was concerned about his secretary? Yes, that must be it.
Even though Seiya was obvious about his desire to make a harem, Isuzu didn't consider herself worthy of getting his affection.
She lacks the emotions to answer him
Seiya, too only desired her body. As a secretary and a knight consider Seiya's skill worthy, she doesn't mind even if she has to give up her body to him.
"Oi, are you listening, ron?"
Isuzu snapped back and realized she had been silent for quite some time, and her face was burning red.
"Hehehe! Ara, ara, think our muscle head Isuzu-chan can even act like a maiden in love." Macron grinned and soon found himself embedded on the wall.
Isuzu shook her head and clapped her rosy cheeks to think clearly. Just thinking about spending time with Seiya turned her heart at ease, but it was not time for such.
She pulled a musket and shot the lock on the steel bar.
Isuzu and Macron soon came to a packed room where they found the giant ferret sitting on a computer hair and playing a game.
"Ron, is that you, Dornell?"
"Oh, Macron. It's been a while, nell." The ferret-like creature replied.
His fur was orange, and his face was a pale yellow shade. His eyes appeared to be naturally closed half of the time, and he had a wide :3 mouth. He had a hot pink flower with thin petals and a leaf on his right ear. He was wearing a bold purple vest with yellow accents and rounded ends matching the flower accessory.
"Been a while, my ass, ron! You were missing for ten years! We thought you were dead, ron."
"Meh, I found my comfort here. I wanted to come to the surface, but as you can see, I was too occupied with my interest here, nell." Dornell replied.
Occupied, yeah, he was just lazy and had turned into a shut-in.
Isuzu and Macron could guess from all the anime figures and posters all across the room what this ferret was doing all this time.
"That's not the time, ron! You have to get us to Seiya and others now, ron!"
"Chill paw, all traps as well as those ogres are fakes. Nothing will happen, nell!"
Macron gritted his teeth and grabbed Dornell with his collar.
"Listen up, if you don't take us towards Seiya, I don't know how you have survived till now, but I am positive that this will be your last day!"
"S-Seiya-sama, you have to treat your hand first, mii…." Tiramy gathered all his courage and warned Seiya about his injury.
From constantly using the fanlight, the fingers on both his hands were started to get cuts and were bleeding.
"Ignore it and move your legs faster," Seiya said as he and the two mascots were running towards what appeared to be the center of the maze.
They found a giant red dragon staring at them with his watermelon-sized eyes.
[Why have you disturbed my slumber? Have you all, tiny ones, come here to steal my treasure?]
The dragon spoke with a stern and loud voice. Moffle and Tiramy shrieked with fear, but Seiya remained unfathomed.
The dragon was giant and looked scary, but Seiya did not receive any hostile intention.
"I don't care about your treasure or any of your sh*t! I will ask you just once, where is Isuzu Sento? Bring her here right now!"
The dragon turns silent and soon shrinks into a coward, "R-relax my friend, I don't know who Isuzu Sento is, but I am sure they are safe with Dornell. W-we can play games in the meantime and…."
"Enough is enough! I don't care about your stupid games! I have given you a chance, and you lost it!"
Seiya then lifted Failnaught and pointed it towards the dragon. He then enhanced his fingers to the maximum level and pulled all the strings of the weapon at once. As he poured his magic power into the gun, a raging blue arrow started to form.
He ignored the blood swaying on the stings of Failnaught as he was entirely focused on forging this powerful arrow.
"Eii! Gentleman, please stop! I am innocent!" The dragon pleaded in fear.
"Seiya, stop, fumo!"
"Don't kill that lizard, mii!!"
Moffle and Tiramy also leaped to save the dragon.
"You will now learn your lesson for messing with Seiya freaking Kanie!"
Seiya screamed, and just as he was about to shoot his Noble Phantasm, he heard a voice.
He was there standing the girl he so wanted to see—Isuzu Sento in one piece.
Isuzu arrived on time and called the first person she saw, but before she could take another step, she was embraced by Isuzu.
"Thank goodness, you are safe," Seiya muttered as he nestled his face deep on her nape, joyed seeing his waifu safe.
"Yes." Isuzu blushed and closed her eyes, ignoring the apparent looks of others. She doesn't like being seen like this, but she wanted to remain in his embrace for the moment.