Chapter 129: Kengan 1

Seiya rode in the car on route to his debut Kengan match. Far from nervous, he brimmed with excitement, anticipating the chance to engage in battle wholeheartedly. Despite this enthusiasm, only a few months earlier, he had been an ordinary person, never having experienced a genuine fight. This unfamiliarity left him somewhat uneasy.

"By the way, Seiya, I haven't got the full information about this Kengan Association or its matches. What exactly are they?" Aisu, Seiya's aunt and the CEO of his company, inquired as she navigated the car.

"I'm curious too. Despite my online search, I haven't found any clues about how this secretive organization operates," Isuzu Sento, Seiya's secretary, chimed in while typing on her laptop. "Does this organization even have a network?"

"Hmm~! Purr~!" The dark cat nestled in Seiya's arms emitted a deep, resonant purr that always surprised him. Seiya often wondered how Yoruichi managed such a deep voice when she transformed into a cat.

He allowed her to sleep soundly in his arms, gently caressing her with his Magic Hands.

"Well, the information is accessible only on the deep dark web, not on any basic platform. As for Nee-san's question, here's how it goes," Seiya explained, shedding light on the matter.

The Kengan Association in "Kengan Ashura" is a clandestine organization where powerful corporations settle disputes through gladiatorial combat. These corporations hire fighters, known as "Kengan" fighters, to represent them in matches called Kengan matches.

The matches take place in an underground arena and follow certain rules. Each corporation selects a fighter to battle on their behalf, and the matches are usually one-on-one fights. However, there are exceptions where tag teams or multiple fighters represent a single corporation.

The matches are brutal and intense, incorporating various martial arts styles, techniques, and strategies. There's a wide range of fighters with unique abilities, strengths, and backgrounds. The combatants engage in hand-to-hand combat, utilizing their skills, speed, power, and sometimes even special techniques to defeat their opponents.

The outcome of these matches not only determines the resolution of the disputes between the corporations but also impacts their standings and influence within the Association. It's a high-stakes environment where victory means more than just winning; it secures power, prestige, and dominance for the winning corporation.

Overall, the Kengan Association is a stage for fierce battles among skilled fighters representing powerful corporate interests, and the matches are a spectacle of strength, strategy, and raw combat prowess.

If a company or organization isn't a member of the Kengan Association, it has to pay a hefty fees so much that it would become a burden to most of the companies. In Seiya's case, the fees was 100 million yen. (1$=100 JPY)

Upon hearing Seiya's explanation, Aisu and Isuzu exchanged uneasy glances.

"Seiya, I'll be honest with you. I don't like this Kengan thing at all. It seems way too shady," Aisu voiced her concerns.

Seiya shared Aisu's sentiments. At this stage, he had no intention of immersing himself in the underworld. However, the situation with Yoshitake Yoshiro had dragged him into this mess. The Amagi Brilliant Park had no connection with Yoshitake Yoshiro in the anime, making it something beyond Seiya's control.

And besides…

"Well, it was only a matter of time before we got dragged into this mess anyway," Seiya suggested, acknowledging the inevitable entanglement.

Pokémon alone had been a billion-dollar company in Seiya's previous life, and with all the ideas brimming in his mind, it seemed only a matter of time before his company, The Romani Entertainments, would dominate the entertainment industry.

"Yeah, that's true. Considering yesterday's sales, we were bound to get into this mess," Aisu sighed as she drove. The sales from Saturday had been astronomical. The Pokémon game Seiya had launched gained inexplicably high popularity. Not only were the initial copies sold out, but the reserve inventory had also vanished. Anticipating its potential, it clearly indicated a substantial return in the near future.

"But still, such a huge sum of money…" Isuzu muttered, eyeing the briefcase filled with a solid 100 million in cash. While she should have been pleased that Seiya was fighting for hers and Latifa's sake, she couldn't quite forgive him for spending money from his own pocket.

"Relax, Isuzu-chan. This is just an initial investment. It's merely a drop in the bucket compared to the solid gold ahead," Seiya reassured her, meeting Isuzu's gaze through the rearview mirror.

The land Seiya was set to acquire held the potential for millions of dollars in value. With The Romani Entertainment's shares projected to surge in the future, the surrounding park area would likely skyrocket in price—a matter of mere months, not even a year.

The party arrived at the venue. Its exterior gave the impression of an old abandoned building, a clever disguise. Upon entering the premises and traveling a bit farther, the car halted at the entrance. After settling the entrance fees and the Kengan match fees, they proceeded inside. Several cars were already parked near a building.

Exiting the car, Seiya and his companions made their way into the building, reaching the designated meeting point with the other party.

"Hehe! Ready to lose, Seiya Kanie-kun?" Yoshitake Yoshiro asked, sporting a mischievous grin. Despite his effeminate appearance—short shaved light hair, a noticeable widow's peak, large eyes, and noticeably small eyebrows—he projected an air of confidence. He wore frameless spectacles and had a single ring piercing in his left ear, striking a pose with a pinky extended.

Seiya couldn't fathom why such an evil-looking man held the position of CEO in such a large company. Just the sight of him provoked a desire in Seiya to throw a punch his way.

"Yoshiro-san should drop this act; it's a sign of losers," Seiya grinned, unimpressed.

"Why you!" Yoshitake flared with anger but then adjusted his glasses with a huff. "Let's see if you can maintain your arrogance after the match," he retorted before walking away.

"See you at the arena," Rihito, Yoshitake's Kengan fighter, chimed in before departing with his boss.

"Oi, Seiya. Are you gonna be okay?" Aisu asked, concern lacing her words for her nephew.

"Don't worry. I won't be fighting this match," Seiya reassured her.

"Wait, am I the fighter then?" Isuzu questioned. "I have plenty of experience in close combat."

A slight twitch danced on Seiya's lips as he placed his hand on Isuzu's shoulder. "What gives you the idea that I would allow my woman to partake in such barbaric fights?" Seiya smiled.

Isuzu shivered and squeaked, "Well, I..."

"Ahem, we have a designated fighter," Seiya intervened, redirecting his attention to Aisu. "Nee-san, please observe the other officials and learn to maintain composure. Feeling fear is natural, but don't let it show weakness to others."

"I understand," Aisu affirmed with determination.

"And Isuzu, protect Nee-san and be vigilant for any potential threats. After all, we're like greenhorn rabbits in a tiger's den," Seiya advised.

"Understood," Isuzu saluted, her gaze shifting to the other businessmen who had come to witness the match.

Seiya left his companions and entered an empty room for a moment of privacy.

Well, he didn't exactly need to change; he just wanted a moment to admire himself in the mirror. After all, what kind of narcissist would Seiya be if he didn't appreciate his own handsomeness? It served as a confidence boost.

As he started to remove his coat, a pair of arms wrapped around his chest. "Is the new fighter going to be me?" Yoruichi asked, placing a kiss on Seiya's cheek.

"Nope. I don't need a bloodbath," Seiya replied, focused on admiring himself in the mirror. He sensed Yoruichi reaching for his dragon, but he chose to ignore her.

Turning around, he met Yoruichi's gaze. "You need to observe if there's any mage or wizard among the people here," Seiya instructed. Even though the anime Kengan Asura lacked magic elements, this world was different. Seiya was certain there would be many magic users among the higher-ups in the Kengan Association.

"Then who's going to fight?" Yoruichi asked before her eyes widened, and she grinned. "Don't tell me."

"Yup, his name will be John. John Doe."

(AN: for anyone wondering, Seiya has a company called The Romani Entertainment with Pokémon as his business branch. Yoshitake is holding shares of Amagi Entertainment, which controls the Amagi Brilliant Park, for which Seiya is fighting for. I shared this info so that you won't have to navigate old chapters.)