Chapter eight: marked

Lu yang looked at the condition of the little omega from the bruises on his body, his swollen red face which is an evidence of the omega's unwillingness, it's obvious that the omega was seriously abused

Lin's eyes and face looks swollen probably from crying so much,and there was a mark on his face which shows that he was hit there.

laying down on the bed motionless, the little omega looked helpless and defenseless against any attack, unlike the jovial, shy and funny omega Lu yang was used to, this omega looks different, but not in a good way

Some thing in side Lu yang stun, it hurts so much, that it felt like a bitter taste in his mouth at that moment, he doesn't know why he feels that way, maybe because Xu Lin was wronged, or the fact that he couldn't protect the little omega who calls him big brother yang, whom is like a little brother to him the alpha just didn't understand why he is feeling that way at that moment

Seeing the omega's body was naked, the CEO reached for a bed-sheet to cover Lin's naked body, at that moment Lu yang didn't even realize, how much hormones he was releasing, because he was angry, the strong hormones make the omega to open his eyes, as if he recognize his scent, in a half conscious state, he opened his eyes, he saw Lu yang looking at him, and he became happy weakly call unto yang saying, brother yang, brother yang, is that you, on realizing that it was indeed his long loved crush, Lin panicked so he started to apologize, am so sorry, I didn't do it, he was seriously crying whilst calling unto Lu yang as if asking for forgiveness from his lover who caught him cheating

The CEO reached his hand to the omega with tenderness in his eyes he placed a finger on his lips and said shhh....., it's ok, you did nothing wrong, I will take you out of here don't worry.

Lu yang brought out a knife and cut the ropes that were used to tie the omega to the bed, just before the CEO could pick the omega from the bed, there was a click sound, it's the sound of a gun ready to fire, the CEO turned in a flash with a gun only to see wangxi also with a gun aiming at him, in a flash the gangster is dead, luckily the CEO handles his gun faster than wangxi.

After about half an hour Lu yang came out with Xu Lin in his arms, the little omega is wrapped in a bedsheets, Immediately The CEO left with of some of his men and headed to the city hospital, while the rest of his men stayed at the crime scene to take care of the mess.

Lin was immediately sent to emergency, the hospital was informed to prepare an operation room before they even got to the hopeful, Luckily among the doctors who are to be on night duty that day, was doctor Wong who specializes in omega patients and who is also happens to a friend of Lu yang back since high school although they ended up studying different majors in university but they still remain friends,

After the operation was over, doctor Wong was out of the operation room, he went to meet Lu yang, they were walking when he asked, what happened to the omega saying the omega was beaten and molested, Lu yang only hang his head low he looked like a guilt and silence was his only reaction, so doctor Wong invited him to his office, he said during full bodycheck I detected that he was rapped, though it wasn't too rough, it might have been bad, there is no physical effects on his body, the injuries are minimal, though he might suffer from anxiety attack, or mentally he might not be stable for a while, I will recommend a therapist if that happens.

And by the way, here take this injection it will help calm your pheromones it's all over the place are you in rut or something, please take it to suppress it, seems like you found your bonded partner, is that omega yours, he is also in heat oh maybe I mistook him for your partner, though to be exact he looked familiar, is he the young omega from the Xu family I mean they looked alike, only one look was enough to make the doctor stop talking, it seems like Lu yang is too serious as always but this time it's different

Wong and yang went to the same school when they were young, so they are very familiar with each other, but Lu yang doesn't seem to be himself today, just this once the doctor feels like his guts is right today.

Lu Shan

It's been two days since the day the incident happened, during this time Shan was experiencing his first heat and today he feels better, the first thing Shan asked Liam when he woke up was how was Lin, did my brother save Lin, is he save now, is he back in his room, I will go talk to him and hear how he is doing.

Liam couldn't say anything with all the questions he was getting from Shan, the little omega is obviously worried about his friend, but how will he tell him that Lin was raped and marked by a criminal, who is now dead

What happened tell me why ain't you saying anything, Liam gently placed the food tray he was carrying on a bed side table, with deep breaths he decided to start with the good news, your brother saved Lin from the fangs gang, but Lin has been unconscious for two days, until last night, he is awake now, Shan was so happy so he said I hope he is ok now we have a lot to do as soon as he leaves the hospital, hmm Liam cleared his throat to grab Shan's attention

Shan turned his head to Liam only to see the beta looked sad and worried for some reason, so he said, hey why the long face, is there something that happened that you are not telling me???

Come on tell me am fine now I can handle it, is it my brother, did something happen to my brother, or is my friend condition serious???? You know what don't tell me am going to the hospital this morning to see him so I will know everything that happened by then,

It was at that moment that Liam grabbed both of Shan's shoulders and said don't say anything, am sorry I just don't know how to tell you that Lin was marked by wangxi and also your brother kill wangxi, he is dead

Silence was all it was for a while, then little audible sobs could be heard from Shan as he use both of his hands to cover his mouth, he was crying and shaking his head looking at Liam hoping this beta will tell him that he was joking or messing around

Liam tried to persuade Shan to eat a little then take his drugs so that he could take him to the hospital, after eating Shan went in to shower and get ready to visit Lin, while Liam arranges some fruits and porridge that will be taken to the hospital