The show

It's been a month now since they release their music video and today is the first live concert that DMASK ( the DMASK is the name of their band) will be performing, it's being a while since they sang on a stage together, and today they look very excited about it and a little nervous to go on, Shan was dress in white trousers and white T-shirt with pink leather jacket, Lin was also dressed in the same way except his jacket is ocean blue just like his eyes, even with out looking at their faces they look very attractive and cute in their outfits

Ok guys you ready!! You are on in three minutes, said their manager, ok then you are on now good luck,

Standing on the lift, their backs leaned against each other while holding their mics, as if drawing support from one another, it brings back memory's of back when they started performing, they had being doing This all on their own, the two against against the world, as the lift starts to move, they hold each other's hands while closing their eyes as the bright stage light shines brightly, it's that same thrilling feeling they get when ever they are on stage the rush of adrenaline through their system, this is exactly how they remember it, the lift stopped when it leveled with the stage, they looked like two beautiful angels on stage,

The music started and they soon started singing to the beat, they sang so beautifully, to the point that most the people cried, it's like listening to your favorite artist that was gone for a long while and then all of a sudden they a back together, it's like having west-life back together, it was amazing, some of their fans couldn't even believe they are actually there for real watching their favorite band back together

During singing The way their fans where shouting and singing together with them made Shan emotional, without knowing he started crying too, Lin hugged him, it happened just as the show was just over. After that they signed a few autograph and took some pictures with fans, then they headed home

But they didn't reach home as Lin fainted as soon as he reached their car, they rushed him to the hospital, in the hospital doctor Wong received an emergency call from Liam.

On reaching the hospital a stretcher was already waiting for them after the entrance, after placing Lin on the stretcher, Liam left Loren and Shan with Lin, and left to pack the car

After Lin was taken to the emergency, doctor Wong followed right but not before telling Shan that Lin will be alright.

After the most longest thirty minutes Shan has ever survived, doctor Wong came and said, "Lin will be fine don't worry, he is just exhausted," has he been over working himself lately??

Ahh yes, Shan replied, but are you sure there is nothing to worry about doc???

Yes please don't worry he will be just fine after resting, Wong then asked the nurse beside him to inform him immediately Lin wakes up

The moment he entered his office his cell started ringing, looking at caller ID he smiled and picked, hello mr Lu, I see you know what happened to your little omega, the other person on the other line seems silent, after a while he finally asked, how is he, is he gonna be okay???

Hmmm he is fine, but you should know that the reason he passed out is because he is not alone anymore, he is PREGNANT

It was silent again from the other side, is he awake yet, how is his condition

Wong replied, he is fine, the baby looks fine he is in his second month now, I was expected this sooner but I guess Each omega is different in his own way, he is strong considering the fact that he is a submissive type.

Ok then please take good care of him, let me know if there is any update. With that the line ended

Doctor Wong was left sighing alone in his office, wondering if the omega will keep the baby or abort it, but silently hoped that the omega will decide to keep the baby

After a while about five hours Lin finally regain consciousness, after a checkup with doctor Wong, Shan gave Lin a congee to eat, luckily Lin ate everything served to him including two peaches that Shan cut for him.

After eating doctor Wong Decided to tell Lin about his medical report, 'ah congratulations Lin you are pregnant' Lin was like struck by lightning, he couldn't say anything, his hands unconsciously touch his tommy as tears rolled down his eyes, he was crying without a sound. Shan hugged Lin's shaking body, not knowing what to say at that moment, so he decided to silently be supportive of his best friend, at that moment all he can do is be supportive and be the shoulder that Lin needs to cry on.

Doctor Wong said, I know it's a shock to you but think about this carefully before you make a decision, I will be waiting for your reply when you are ready come find me anytime

Liam and Loren came back to the room after getting some water and other supplies to the room, except the atmosphere doesn't seems to make you feel comfortable, if Loren knows to keep his mouth shout at moment like this