The gangster is alive???

Lin's pregnancy is currently six months, luckily his morning sickness has stopped so also his cravings. Lately he eating has become more normal, except for his big apatite, in which he seems to eat more potion of food than usual,

Shan was even making fun of him

"Hey Liam did you noticed that Lin seems to eat a lot now, he is almost like a little piggy"

The two started laughing at Lin who is sitting down on a little rug while munching on a whole basket of peaches

With his mouth full he tried saying, you.. gun..ys.. ak.. makin fun of me...,,it's not me its the baby's fault.

Looking at Lin right now only one word could describe him 'adorable' he is cute with his pup cheeks!!

Oh ok look at me Liam said, holding his phone he took a picture of Lin, one looks like he was surprise, another he was puffing his cheeks and last he had a lot of peaches in his mouth, more like more than he can chew. No one knows what Liam plan to do with those pictures, even though he seems to take a lot lately

The final school exams will start in month, so the two omegas decided to take a break from performing in live shows and concert, they decided to record most of their songs before going on a study leave.

"Hey Lin I want us to record all the songs that you wrote before exams"

Hmm but why Lin asked with a puzzled face, knowing Shan doesn't do anything with out reasons

"Oh I don't know I just feel like we should, that way our fans won't miss us so much" Shan said that smiling as if trying to tease Lin

Ok then I don't mind, besides am really trying to avoid crowds and meetings a lot of people, I don't want any one to know my condition. Lin said that in one breath though looking a little sad while saying that, ah and in a moment his back to his usual self, while scratching the back of his neck as if nervous before saying

"You know I have been trying to avoid going home, and most importantly I don't wanna see my brothers yet, cuz if they find out am gonna be in big trouble" haha it funny how I can imagine the look on there faces, I don't want to see them to be honest, especially Lance he won't like this, despite them being twins but they have different personalities

Shan move close to Lin and then placed a hand on his shoulders

" hey don't worry too much how about we go get you that favorite ramen you like", am so glad a ramen owner opened a small stand close to our house, oh maybe he he knows how much you like ramen ha, Shan tap Lin on the shoulder, he did do anything to make his friend feel better

Time keeps going fast, and Loren has actually been of much help in taking care of Lin, the alpha even assumes the role of a father to Lin's unborn child, he is always together with Lin, during his checkups, or at the studio, they plan that as soon as Lin gives birth they will start a new company that makes art themes clothing, and also to set up a school that will biggest and the best in the whole of X city,

After the check up at the hospital, Loren took Lin to have ice cream

"Uhm Lin!! If you don't mind me asking, what do you plan on naming your baby .... " Loren didn't even get to finish asking when Lin said

"Ayan" that will be his name

Hmm that's a good idea, hey can I be The Godfather then?? Loren looks so excited,

Lin smiled and said; well Of course Loren, you can be my baby's godfather!!

That made Loren very happy, it feels like he has reasons to be serious with his career now, he wants to make an impact

And since then it will seems very usual that Lin and Loren hangs out together a lot, Loren is learning more and more about how to be a better business man, and Lin tries his best to introduce Loren to his trusted acquaintance and friends he knows who are into the business world, with the necessary arrangement, and the paper work done they bought a new site big enough that will act as their company set up, even though the building was old, it was also old and missing a lot of windows, toilets and other important things like doors and a whole furnishings, but it was solid and just the right place they need to renovate.

Since Loren knows a little about interior, Lin decided to get an engineer to work together with Him to bring out their dream company, some parts of the building was demolished and rearranged, everything was coming up nicely, and Loren started was always busy almost not having time to eat together with the rest

with the Exams finally started, it's wasn't easy for Lin, because most of the time he finds himself very tired and sleepy every time even during exams, his body has become very heavy now, he is in his seventh month of his pregnancy and so far the doctor said the baby is very healthy

Today Lin and Shan will be visiting the renovation site where Loren has been working so hard on, its been more than a month, and Loren finally finished with the company renovation with the furnishings, Loren devoted his time and energy to the work that sometimes doesn't even come home, he is trying his hardest best to work harder he is doing it for Lin, no one believed in him like Lin did, so he wanted to prove himself to Lin and everyone else who doubted his capabilities

On their way there, Liam said that he feel like they are being followed but the omegas thought he was just messing with them. After reaching the new company, what they saw took their breath away they were shocked and amazed at what Loren had done to the crapy site that was there a month ago,

"Oh my Loren this place is amazing, you are really good at interior decoration, look at this place, wow Lin sure knows what he was doing when he puts you in charge " Shan just couldn't help but praise the alpha

they ate and drank wine and even making a toast, to the new company, every one enjoyed their wine well except for Lin who didn't drink the-same wine, Shan already thought ahead and brought a fruit wine with zero alcohol, they are celebrating the new establishment and also the end of their university

while everyone was having a great time, Liam excuse himself Out to make a call to his boss, knowing he has an uncomfortable feeling, he was worried that omegas might be in danger,

after reporting to his boss, his boss command-was "protect Lin no matter what, there is a rumor that wangxi is still a life, no one knows how the gangster survived, make sure nothing happens to him no matter what"

Liam was on his guard the entire day, some secret guards were also assigned to guard as undercover, in secret but still nothing happened for two hole weeks,

After a while the paper work for the new company became plenty, so Lin decided to leave that morning for an early walkout before heading to the company, knowing the work load will be to much for Loren, even though they hired a secretary already, but unfortunately the moment Lin left the house he was kidnaped

That morning Shan got a call from his brother so early in the morning; hey Shan I want you to stay at home don't go anywhere, Lin got into an accident but he and was kidnaped,

Wait what how, who did this?????

Brother is he going to be okay,,!!! How could he go out without telling me, does he really want to do everything all by himself this days???

"Don't worry I promise you this time I will bring him back safe,"his brother promised, from the way the alpha was talking he seems pretty shaken, Shan could only hope everything was fine

After that Lu yang ask his men who where tracking Lin,

"Sir he is found in a ware house but, but the gang leader is no where to be found." Seems like he sense us coming

Meanwhile while few hours earlier, wangxi came to see Lin, and the moment he touched the omega, the omega became disgusted and threw up,,( when an omega is marked, other alpha hormones became nauseating)

Haha I knew it the gangster said, even though you are mine now, you still don't want me, and now you are bleeding, to tell the truth is I don't want that baby inside you, so I won't mind if it's gone, because am not sure if that baby is mine but for now I have to go cuz your little lover is on my tail, you will join me soon too, so stay alive !!!

Sadly the squad arrived when Lin was going to be taking out of the hideout, the omega was in bad condition, the last thing he remembered was getting shot in his stomach and him trying to protect his baby, before passing out

the moment Lu yang arrived, the atmosphere change, the alpha was realizing too much pheromones, even scarier than any thing, the moment he saw the omega he knew he was late again, just why....why ...was he late again??? Why does he keep breaking his promise when it comes to Xu Lin, Lu yang was releasing a very uncomfortable amount of his hormones, it was terrifying, he hugged the Omega, who is unconscious and for the first time Lu yang cried, he wept while holding his omega so tightly, he look lifeless in his hands with blood everywhere, just why didn't he ever consider dating this omega, why couldn't he protect him well, what has he been doing all this while, the Alpha felt like he was being punished and yet he felt like he deserved every pain he is feeling