A Date with Guangxi

It's been two weeks since Lin was taken to the hospital, life has been really uneventful for Shan

Just like today, Liam walked into the room only to see Shan drinking red wine, he looked like a zombie than a human, since there exams is over and they are on a month break from there shows Shan seems to have a lot of free time, and with Lin currently in coma Shan looks lonely.

Liam walked to Shan and carried the bottle of wine as if checking the label and wine name

Liam said; you know for a very expensive wine that cost a million of dollars, you are looking like shit, if Lin was here he did make a fuss that you are drinking his favorite wine.... and yet you don't even have... ahah Liam laugh before finishing his sentence; you don't even have a good expression!!!!

Shan raised his head and looked at Liam; what should I do ha, he always gets himself in trouble you know he doesn't care about how am gonna feel when he is not around, he just wants to do everything on his own!!

Liam sighs; hey now don't say that you know Lin cares about you and that's why he won't want to drag you into his problems.... you know I don't blame him.....!!! I feel guilty you know, like it's all my fault, I hope he is ok.

But if I may suggest something, maybe you should be happy, they say people in coma can sense emotion, if you are happy... any time you pay Lin a visit it will help him regain consciousness faster.

Shan you can use this moment to do things you know will make him happy. That way you will have stories to tell him every time you pay him a visit, or you can help set up his company before you start your first movie. I checked with your manager you will start shooting in a month!!

Oh thanks Liam and you are right, how about we take a ride tomorrow!!!

Later that day Gu Guangxi's secretary contacted Shan for another date,

At evening at a very beautiful restaurant, Shan was waiting for Gu but the CEO was thirty minutes late today, while waiting Shan decided to contact Loren, to know how the company opening preparations are going,

Hi Loren; ah how is the preparation coming??? Sorry I wasn't helpful at all but if it's ok with you, come home tonight so I can see how I can help with the company, I also have some good friends to introduce to you I believe they will be of great help,

Loren on the other line only said ; ok thanks I will see at home tonight. I will be hanging up now!!

Beeping sound could be heard and soon after a long sigh, ahhh .....I need to get my head in the game.

Shan was now thinking; Liam was actually right I should do something before Lin wakes up.

After a while the CEO finally arrived, but he wasn't alone, with him was a very beautiful lady, she could either be an alpha or a beta, they walked straight to his table and then

The new lady: oh high am veronica, she said in a very high pitch sassy voice, she was all close and touchy with the alpha

At that moment Shan was wondering if what he heard was wrong, there was a saying that Guangxi doesn't like physical contact, but with this right now that doesn't seem to be the case

Shan decided to answer: hello am Lu Shan, a pleasure to meet you

Guangxi finally said something; oh we just finished a meeting with miss Veronica downstairs so she asked to join us I hope you don't mind???

Shan smile so cutely, oh of course not, please seat but in his mind Shan was like what the F I can't believe he wasted my only to invite some chic to our date, Shan continue to smile while looking at the woman who is clearly flirting with his supposed partner, he just couldn't wait to go home and forget about today.

After their meal, the CEO apologized and said he has to send the lady home so they left first, the moment the two left Liam was immediately right beside Shan; shall we get going now I believe Loren will be waiting for you.

Shan only shake his head in agreement, at that moment Shan was so upset, but the reason even himself couldn't understand, maybe because he actually have feelings for this jerk, but will their relationship ever improve???

Shan couldn't even think of how to make their relationship to become better, but maybe it's for the best.

He turned to Liam and said, let's go I want to contact an old friend who will help put Loren on the bestselling track possible.