Do you love me

It's been two days since the gala, and life goes on as usual except for Loren, whose life seems to have gotten more attention from the media, his clothing brand became a hit after the party, not just because Of the big shot around wearing his brand.... but because his clothing seems to have great charm and quality with the elegance charm that comes with the clothes

There has been high demand on seasons clothing, so Loren has to keep up.

While Shan has been taking care of his bar, the business has been good and going so well, every Wednesday night Shan will play music of different instruments, the instruments is chosen by the audience, he was even got a name as the man of many talents, many people come to see him perform every Wednesday night, the feeling is intriguing to everyone present, unknowingly to Shan that there is another bar close to them that seems to have lost most of their customers because of star light club.

shan hired only professionals to work for him, Mika is his foreign manager, whom Shan hired to take care of the bar and restaurant, Mika also has an assistant who majorly managed the bar at night

Shan name the bar "Star light" because he couldn't come up with a name for it, so he named it after one of their favorite song.

It's been a week since star light opened and Shan has be preparing himself for his first ever shooting for "The imperial prince" the series.

Shan has a week to prepare before the shooting starts, so he went out shopping today to get some supplies, since the series shooting will take place at a mountain with no network, the producers want to use natural snow and mountains for the movie making, since the series takes place in a cold place Loren offered to make warm clothes for Shan and Liam, with that taken care of... Shan decided to go out shopping for other supplies....just so... he wanted to make sure he got everything he will ever need

After entering the mall Shan check his grocery list before looking at Liam; hey Liam ...uhm am kinda really hungry .., why don't we grab something to eat before we start, Shan smiled awkwardly before saying; I ... uhm... kinda actually forgot to have my breakfast today..!!

Liam agreed saying ok then, let's go grab something to eat....,,on their to a little food court, they meet a lady whom Shan found oddly familiar.. the lady looked at Shan before saying; oh look whom i found here....! If it isn't the little young master of the Lu family..... I didn't know you could eat anything spicy.... oh how i have always hated the way you act all innocent and cute like they are some saint....

Shan looked confused at the lady; ahhh excuse me.... buh do I know you???? Not like I pay attention to my hatters though...!!

The girl laughed and said; oh Wow I knew it.....all this time you were just acting cute.... haha and to think that you are Gu Guangxi's type, he must really be blind... hmmmm I know you don't remember me..., so I will refresh your memory, am the girl that will be the next mrs Gu.... and he meet in one of your boring dates with him.... remember??? I was his business partner we had lunch with that day and also .... I am also the only one he goes to when he wants do something fun... you know!! She even winked

Liam was about to say something when Shan stopped him; It's ok let her speak, I had no idea my fiancé like to keep toys he played with...!!!

The lady laughed before saying; oh I see you are not going to continue with your so called acting .... you must be really good at it.... hmmm I wanna show you something.... She then brought out a little black seahorse from her bag, look at this ... she said pointing it towards Shan... he gave me this saying that he hates it... well I guess am not the toy you think I was.... just watched it and stay out of my way okay.... I guess little princess Shan like seahorses....but too bad your Prince Charming belongs to me.

Shan was stupefied!!!

Just why will Guangxi throw away a gift that precious...? Does he really hate me that much..??? I guess his reason is justified... I mean they did ask him to marry me out of the blue .... but.. am .. I really that bad... for him to act the way he does... I always thought it's his way of doing things but that I thought about it everything makes sense...!! HE REALLY HATES ME!!!!!!

Though Shan has thought about it before..., but the fact that the Alpha really doesn't wants him makes him realize that... he actually has feelings for the alpha while the alpha has no regards for him!! is he in a one sided relationship????

Shan felt broken inside, he decided to keep those thoughts and feelings inside.....but on the outside he just smirked, and said; oh really... well in that case... he smiled again before saying..... you can have him that's if at all he even wants you. And with that Shan stood up and walked out with Liam following behind.

Inside the car Liam asked where to??? And Shan said military shooting ranch.

It's been a while since he last went there and today he couldn't think of any where to go to than to practice shooting.

Shan pick out to pistol for the counter, he went into the shooting ranch and started to shot.... anyone who sees him at that moment will say he is cute with the way he looks so serious... the sad part is that the little omega looks cute no matter what he is doing.... he happens to have a very nice looks ... guess it comes with the gift of being an omega

Shan is so piss at Guangxi that he Screamed, bastard DID YOU EVER EVEN LOVE ME

Shan kept shooting till he finished all the bullets in both guns... while taking deep breath

Some one beside Shan said in a deep sweet voice; I think that's enough for today don't you think???

Shan turned only to say; General???

The General; why you look so surprised...!! Wow am really glad to have came here today.., who knew I did meet the only man in X city that makes me run wild... the general move close to Shan and kissed the omega's hands with such tender as if holding a treasure

The General; too bad your brother won't even let me court you, I just returned from another country from dealing with military affairs only to hear that you got engaged??? Just why him of all people..!!! Or did you recover all your memories???